Attachment SES-RWL-20170714-007


DECISION submitted by FCC



This document pretains to SES-RWL-20170714-00756 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


1) 1                              840 NIRTH 40TH                                                                   40°49‘17.0"N             96°39‘44.0"W                     384.1           83
                                  LINCOLN,               LANCASTER, NE 68503

                                  Licensee certifies antenna(s)                                                  comply with gain patterns specified in Section 25.209

Subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, The Communications Satellite Act of 1962, subsequent acts and
treaties, and all present and future regulations made by this Commission, and further subject to the conditions and
requirements set forth in this license, the grantee is authorized to construct, use and operate the radio facilities described
below for radio communications for the term beginning September 10, 2017 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) and ending
September 10, 2032 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) . The required date of completion of construction and commencement of
operation is 00/00/0000. Grantee must file with the Commission a certification upon completion of construction and
commencement ofoperation.

B) Particulars of Operations

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2) 3700.0000—4200.0000                                    H,V            36MOF3F                              Rx                                           2

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Document Created: 2019-05-30 04:28:04
Document Modified: 2019-05-30 04:28:04

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