Attachment 20140826123754.pdf


NAME CHANGE NOTIFICATION submitted by Covington & Burling LLP



This document pretains to SES-RWL-20120112-00123 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


    Covington & BuRLING uup                                                         EVE R. POGORILER

    BEIJING    BRUSSELS   LONDON     NEW YORK                                       1201 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW
    SAN DIEGO    SAN FRANCISCO     SEOUL                                            WASHINGTON, DC 20004—2401
    SHANGHAL    SILICON VALLEY     WASHINGTON                                       T 202.662.5345

                                                   August 22, 2014

By Hand
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                           c
Secretary                                                              AUG 2 2 2014
Federal Communications Commission                             Federal Communicati
                                                                      106      ons Commissy
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                                             Office of the Secretgry_
Washington, DC 20554

        Attn: Jeanette Spriggs
                 International Bureau

                             NOTICE OF LICENSEE NAME CHANGE
                           £070107, E070108, £880070, E£920113, £050366,
                                  £080192, E5822, E5833, E860181

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Post—Newsweek Stations, Florida, Inc., the licensee of the above—referenced earth
stations, hereby notifies the Commission that it has changed its name to Graham Media Group,
Florida, Inc. Thus, it respectfully requests that the Commission update its records to reflect the
change. A copy of the Certificate of Amendment effecting this name change is attached.

        Any questions concerning this matter may be directed to the undersigned.


                                                tut 2. fbgeubu{st
                                                Eve R. Pogoriler
                                                Counselfor Graham Media Group, Florida, Inc.

cec: Mr. Hossein Hashemzadeh

           TO: Amendment Section
                  Division of Corporations

           pocUumENt NumBER: 320843
          The enclosed Arficles ofAmendment and fee are submitted for filing.

           Please return all correspondence concerning this matter to the following:

                                           Jane Marshall

                                                                           Name of Contact Person

                                           POST—NEWSWEEK STATIONS FLORIDA, INC.
                                                                   Firm/ Company
                                           550 W. Lafayette Blvd.

                                           Detroit, MI 48226
                                                                           City/ State and Zip Code

                                               E—mail address: (to be used for future annual report notification)

           For further information concerning this matter, please call:

           Jane Marshall                                                                   313               223—2285
                                                                                    at (                 )
                                  Name of Contact Person                                     Area Code & Daytime Telephone Number

           Enclosed is a check for the following amount made payable to the Florida Department of State:

           C $35 Filing Fee                    ©$43.75 Filing Fee &       1$§43.75 FilingFee &           [$52.50 Filing Fee
                                                 Certificate of Status       Certified Copy                  Certificate of Status
                                                                            (Additional copy is              Certified Copy
                                                                             enclosed)                       (Additional Copy
                                                                                                              is enclosed)

                                      Mailing Address                                            Street Address
                                      Amendment Section                                          Amendment Section
                                      Division of Corporations                                   Division of Corporations
                                      P.O. Box 6327                                              Clifton Building
                                      Tallahassee, FL 32314                                      2661 Executive Center Circle
                                                                                                 Tallahassee, FL 32301

FLOOS — 07/1672013 Wolters Kluwer Online

                                                                        Articles of Amendment
                                                                       Articles of Incorporation

                                  (Name of Corporation as currently filed with the Florida Dept. of State)

                                                 (Document Number of Corporation (if known)

           Pursuant to the provisions of section 607.1006, Florida Statutes, this Florida Profit Corporation adopts the following amendment(s) to
           its Articles of Incorporation:

           A. If amending name, enter the new name of the corporation:
                                                                                                                      The new
           name must be distinguishable and contain the word "corporation," "company," or "incorporated" or the abbreviation
           "Corp.." "Inc.," or Co.," or the designation "Corp," "Inc," or "Co". A professional corporation name must contain the
           word "chartered," "professional association," or the abbreviation "P.4."

           B. Enter new principal office address, if applicable:                          NA
           (Principal office address MUST BE A STREET ADDRESS )

           C. Enter new mailing address, if applicable;                                   N/A
              (Mailing address MAY BE A POST OFFICE BOX)

           D. If amending the registered agent and/or registered office address in Florida, enter the name of the
              new registered agent and/or the new registered office address:

                         Name of New Registered Agent       NA

                                                                           (Florida street address)

                         New Registered Office Address: N/A                                                , Florida
                                                                                (City)                                   (Zip Code)

           New Registered Agent‘s Signature, if changing Registered Agent:
           J hereby accept the appointment as registered agent.         I am familiar with and accept the obligations ofthe position.

                                                        Signature ofNew Registered Agent, ifchanging

                                                                              Page 1 of 4

FLOOS — 0771 6/2013 Wolters Kiuwer Online

           If amending the Officers and/or Directors, enter the title and name of each officer/director being removed and title, name, and
           address of each Officer and/or Director being added:
           (Attach additional sheets, ifnecessary)
           Please note the officer/director title by thefirst letter ofthe office title: —
           P = President; V= Vice President; T= Treasurer; S= Secretary; D= Director; TR= Trustee; C = Chairman or Clerk; CEO = Chief
           Executive Officer; CFO = ChiefFinancial Officer. If an officer/director holds more than one title, list the first letter of each office
           held. President, Treasurer, Director would be PTD.
       .. Changes.shouldbe. notedinthefollowing.manner.——Currently. John—Doe—is— listedas—the—PST—and
                                                                                                    Mike—Jones—is                               .
           a change, Mike Jones leaves the corporation, Sally Smith is named the V and S. These should be noted as John Doe PT as aChange
           Mike Jones, V as Remove, and Sally Smith, SY as an Add.
            XChange                         PT        John Doe

             X Remove                       V         Mike Jones

           _X Add                           SV.       Sally Smith

           Type of Action                   Title             Name                                    Address
           (Check One)
           1) ___ Change                    w                    Elpidio Remberto Medina             550 W. Lafayette Blvd.

                _ Add                                                                                 Pembroke Park, Florida 33023

                ___>_<___ Remove

           2) ___ Change                    VP/Neeg              William Pohovey                     3401 West Hallandale Beach Blyd.

                ..__...__. Add                                                                        Pembroke Park, Florida 33023

                _Z<__ Remove

           3 ) ____ Change                  D

                _____ Add

                _____ Remove

           4) ____ Change                   Lc

                ____ Add

                ____ Remove

           5) ____ Change

                _____ Add

                ____ Remove

           6) ____ Change

                ____ Add


                                                                            Page 2 of 4

FLOODS — 07/16/2013 Wolters Kluwer Onling

          E. If amending or adding additional Articles, enter change(s) here:
             (Attach additional sheets, ifnecessary). (Be specific)

           F. If an amendment provides for an exchange, reclassification, or cancellation ofissued shares,
               provisions for implementing the amendment if not contained in the amendment itself;
                    {ifnot applicable, indicate N/A)

                                                                   Page 3 of 4

FLOOS — 07/16/2013 Wolters Kiuwer Online

            The date of each amendment(s) adoption:                                                                                 , if other than the
            date this document was signed.
                                               July 28, 2014
            Effective date if applicable:
                                                                   more than 90
                                                                              days afler
                                                                                             file date)

           Adoption of Amendment(s)                           (CHECK ONE)

            E8 The amendment(s) was/were adopted by the shareholders. The number of votes cast for the amendment(s)
                 by the shareholders was/were sufficient for approval.

            C] The amendment(s) was/were approved by the shareholders through voting groups. The following statement
                 must be separately providedfor each voting group entitled to vote separately on the amendment(s):

                         "The number of votes cast for the amendment(s) was/were sufficient for approval

                         by                                                                                   /»
                                                              (voting group)

            C The amendment(s) was/were adopted by the board of directors without shareholder action and shareholder
              action was not required.

           C The amendment(s) was/were adopted by the incorporators without shareholder action and shareholder
             action was not required.

                                       Dated SLL{O 2614
                                                      &                        a /'

                                                                                  {fGect — if diréctors or officers have not been
                                            selected by an mcorporator—-T in the hands of a receiver, trustee, or other court
                                            appointed fiduciary by that fiduciary)

                                                                                       John J. Ronayne
                                                                       (Typed or printed name of person signing)


                                                                                  (Title of person signing)

                                                                                 Page 4 of 4
FLOOS — 07/16/2013 Wolters Kluwer Online

                850—617—6381       CA   7714720149;:44:48 AMPAGE              17002      Fax Server



       %                                                                                                        307
       °C                                                                                                       ;g@
       ies                                                                                                          0

       DUC                                                                                                      Doé
       AHQXs       I certify from the records of this office that CGRAHAM MEDIA GROUP,                              C¥
       bUC FLORIDA, INC.,. is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of                            DUC"
           Florida, filed on September 6, 1967.                                                                  (a)

       3                                                                                                        3G
       ?ocg The document number of this corporation is 320843.                                                  ?{é
       a o               .                                                                                      '\v

       % I further certify that said corporation has paid all fees due this office DOC
                   through December 31,   2014,   that its most recent annual report/uniform
        V business report was filed on April 22, 2014 and its status is active.
       Dnc                                                                                                       U
       Dgc I further certify that said corporation has not filed Articles of                                    DXC
           Dissolution.                                             |
           U                                                                                                    2O

           NN3 I further certify that this is an electronically transmitted certificate

                                                                                                         ve e
             CO authorized by Section 15.16, Florida Statutes and authenticated by the

           fls code, 314200015030—071414—320843        —1/1, noted below.


                                                                                                                  U oys 2:
                                                                                                              DnGD nOC
       M Authentication Code: 314300015030—071414—320843                              —1/1


                                                                                                          yers    C¥ C

           O                                        Given under my hand and the                                     U
       Dflc                                          Great Seal of the State of Florida,                         Dflc
                                                    at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the                       s
           U                                                                           2014                     ?{é
       %}é                                          Fourteenth day of July,

       22e                                                                                                      S%e
                                                                          \oDi                                  &

       DOC                                                                   en etner                           7NCG
       DOC                                                                Serretarp of Etate                          e

                             O   OBsU     zs   psOrsUrsO cU   zse   csO     rSOEROEAUEAO       CAAAE   AVEANUVARUY

Document Created: 2019-04-25 02:04:25
Document Modified: 2019-04-25 02:04:25

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