Arqiva Letter.pdf

LETTER submitted by Arqiva, Inc.

Arqiva Letter


This document pretains to SES-RWL-20101007-01270 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                Global Services Office
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                                                                FIRM / AFFILIATE OFFICES
                                                                Abu Dhabi        Moscow
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November 3, 2010                                                Chicago          Orange County
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VIA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY                                         Frankfurt        Rome
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Marlene H. Dortch                                               Hong Kong        San Francisco
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Federal Communications Commission                               Los Angeles      Singapore
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Washington, DC 20554                                            Milan            Washington, D.C.

       Re:     Arqiva, Inc., IBFS File Nos. SES-RWL-20101007-01268 (E000590); SES-
               RWL-20101007-01269 (E000622); SES-RWL-20101007-01270 (E000623)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       On behalf of Arqiva, Inc. (“Arqiva”), we are writing to ensure that the Commission is
aware of certain issues with respect to the above-referenced applications, which were filed on
October 7, 2010 to renew Arqiva’s existing licenses for earth stations E000590, E000622,
and E000623.

        At the time of filing, the International Bureau Filing System (“IBFS”) reported that
Arqiva had outstanding obligations to the Commission, and informed Arqiva that its
applications would be dismissed if those obligations remained unpaid after 30 days. In
actually, these “obligations” consisted of $51,092.50 in regulatory fees erroneously charged
to Arqiva. Nevertheless, in order to facilitate the processing of its renewal applications
Arqiva remitted a check for $51,092.50 to the Commission, subject to the Commission’s
“pay-and-dispute” rules. On October 13, 2010 Arqiva received confirmation that this check
had been negotiated by U.S. Bank, and on October 27, 2010, Arqiva received confirmation
that payment of $51,092.50 had been cleared through its bank.

        Accordingly, the International Bureau should now have a “green light” to process
Arqiva’s renewal applications. However, IBFS continues to report these applications as
“blocked,” and the Red Light Display System continues to report Arqiva as having
outstanding obligations to the Commission. Arqiva understands that these errors have arisen
as a result of the Commission’s efforts to implement new financial systems, and an associated
“blackout” of certain of these systems that was scheduled to last for the first few weeks of
October but actually has lasted considerably longer. See DA 10-1664 (Sep. 14, 2010).

        Arqiva’s numerous attempts to correct the Commission’s electronic records have been
unsuccessful; Commission staff has reported that such corrections are not possible while the
“blackout” remains in effect. That being the case, Arqiva is filing this letter to document its
payment of all outstanding “obligations,” and to urge the Commission to refrain from any
precipitous action with respect to Arqiva’s renewal applications that might otherwise result
from the errors in the Commission’s electronic records discussed herein.

Marlene H. Dortch
November 3, 2010
Page 2

          Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                                /s/ Karen Brinkmann
                                              Karen Brinkmann
                                              Jarrett S. Taubman

                                              Counsel for Arqiva, Inc.

Document Created: 2010-11-03 15:53:58
Document Modified: 2010-11-03 15:53:58

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