Attachment 501(c)

This document pretains to SES-RWL-20100226-00274 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                        -zvl-t.     CBE   hasaas

 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE                                               DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
 P. 0. BOX 2508
                                                  Employer Identification Number:
 Date: MAR 1 9 1897                                       43— 1431613
                        .                         DLN :
 COMMUNITY BROADCASTING INC.                      Contact Person:
 10550 BARKLEY STREET                                 0. A. DOWNING
 OVERLAND PARK . KS 66212                         Contact Tslephone Number :
                                                          (§13) GB84—395§7
                                                  Internal Revenue Code
                                                      Section 5Q01(¢)¢4)
                                              Accounting Period Ending:
                                                  December 31
                                              Form 390 Required:
                                                  Addendum Applies:

Dear Applicant:

       Based on information supplied, and assuming your operations will he as
stated in your application for recognition of exemption, we have determined
vou are exempt from federal income tax under section §5G1¢(a) of the Internal
Revenue Code as an organization described in the section indicsated above.

       Unless specif:cally excepted, vou are liable for taxes under the Fedarat
Insurance Contributions Act (social security taxes) for aach emmlovee to whon
you pay $100 or more during a calendar year.   And, unless excepted, vou arse
also liable for tax under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act for each empioves
io whom you pay $50 or more during a calendar quarter if. during the current
or praceding calendar year, you had one or more emplovyees al anv time in aa:h
of 28 calender wesks or you paid wages of $1,508 or more in anv calendar
quarter.   If you have any questions about excise, employment, or cther Padaral
taxes, pleaese address them to this office.

       If your sources of support, or your purposes , character , or methaod of
operation change, please let us know so we can consider the effect of the                                    +
change on your exempt status.        In the case of an amendment              to vour organica—
tional document or bylaws, please send us a copy of the amended document or
bylaws. «—Also,. vou should inform us of all changes in your name or address.

      In the heading of this letter we have indicated whether you must                    file Form
990 , Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax.                    If Yes is indicated, you
are required to file Form 990 only if vour oross receipts each vear are
normally more than $25,080.  However, if you receive a Form 990 gpackhage in the
mail, olease file the return even if vou do not exceed the gross receipts test.
If you are not required to file, simply attach the latbel provided, checl the
box in the heading io indicate that your annual gross receipts ara normslly
$25,000 or less, and sign the return.

     If a return is required, it must be filed by the                    15th day of the fifth
month after the end of your annual accounting osriod.                     A penalty cf $10 a fMay
is   charged when a return   is   filed   late,    unless     there     is raasonalkle cause      ftor
the delay.   However,   the maximum penalty charged cannot                exceed $5,000 ar S gar—


cent of your goross receigpts   for the year, whichever is less.       This penalty may
also be charged if a return is not complete, so please be sure your return is
complete before vou file it.

     You are not required to file Federal incomge tax returns unless you are
subject to the tax on unrelated business income under section 51t of the Code.
If you are subject    to this tax, vou must    file an   income tax return on Form
990—17. Exempt Orgamizration Business Income Tax Return.         in this letter we are
not determining whether anvy of your prasent      or proposed activities are unre—,
lated trade or business as defined in section §13 of the Code.

     You need an employer identification number even if vou have no emplovees.
If an employer identification number was not entered on yvour apolication,
a number will be assigned to you and you will be advised of it.  Plcease use
that number on all returns you file and in all correspondence with the Internal
Revenue Service.

     Donors may not deduct contributions to vou because vou are not an sraan—
ization described in section 170(c) of the Code. Under section 5113, amy
fundraising solicitation you make must include an express statement (in a
conspicuous and easily recognizable format) that contributlions or gifts io you
sre not deductibl~ as cheritable contributions for Federal income tax surposes.
This provision duc, not apply, however,       if your annual gross receipts are
normally $100,000 or less, or if your solicitations ere made to nmo more than
ten persons during a calendar year.       The law provides penalties    for failure to
conply with this rmequirement, unless faiiure is due to reasonable cause.

     If we have indicated in the heading of this letter that an addendum
applies, the enclosed addendum is an integral part of this letter.

     Because this    letter could help resolve any questions about your sxempt
status, you should keep it in your permanent records.

     We have sent a copy of     this   letiter to your representative as indicated in
vour power of attorney.

     If vyou have any questlions, pleasae contact the person whose neme and
telephone number are shown in the heading of this letter.

                                             Sincerely yours ,

                                       . 39\3 L d
                                                i x
                                             Qistrict Director

                                                                    Letter   948 160/CG)

Document Created: 2010-02-22 16:16:59
Document Modified: 2010-02-22 16:16:59

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