GeoEye -- Point Barr

LETTER submitted by GeoEye License Corp.

Point Barrow Notification Letter


This document pretains to SES-RWL-20090317-00333 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                               555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
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                                                               FIRM / AFFILIATE OFFICES
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November 22, 2010                                              Doha            Paris
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BY ELECTRONIC FILING                                           Hamburg         San Diego
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Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                          Houston         Shanghai
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Secretary                                                      Los Angeles     Singapore
Federal Communications Commission                              Madrid          Tokyo
Office of the Secretary                                        Milan           Washington, D.C.
445 12th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
Attn: Paul Blais

       RE:     GeoEye License Corp., E980376, Point Barrow, Alaska
               IBFS File No. SES-RWL-20090317-00333

Dear Ms. Dortch,

        GeoEye License Corp. f/k/a ORBIMAGE License Corp. (“GeoEye”) currently holds a
license to operate an earth station facility, E980376, at Point Barrow, Alaska (the “Point Barrow
Antenna”). That license permits GeoEye to communicate with the U.S.-licensed GeoEye-1 and
OrbView-3 spacecraft at an elevation angle of not less than three degrees. GeoEye hereby
notifies the Commission of its intent to initiate operations to receive signals from these same
U.S.-licensed spacecraft over the Point Barrow Antenna at an elevation angle of less than three
degrees. These operations will augment GeoEye’s licensed operations, and increase the period
of time during which the Point Barrow Antenna can receive communications from the GeoEye-1
and OrbView-3 spacecraft during each of their respective orbits.

        Section 25.131 of the Commission’s rules makes clear that an operator need not obtain
prior authorization from the Commission in order to receive communications from U.S.-licensed
spacecraft. 47 C.F.R. § 25.131. Accordingly, GeoEye is not seeking prior authorization for its
receive operations with the Point Barrow Antenna at an elevation angle of less than three
degrees. The operation of the Point Barrow Antenna otherwise will remain within licensed
parameters, and GeoEye will not alter its transmit parameters in any way.

        In order to avoid any confusion over the nature of GeoEye’s operations with the Point
Barrow Antenna, GeoEye requests that the Commission update the license to reflect that GeoEye
is conducting receive operations at an elevation angle of less than three degrees. GeoEye
clarifies, though, that it is not seeking interference protection with respect to those receive
operations, and is not requesting that those operations be “registered” under Section 25.131.

       Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions.

November 22, 2010
Page 2

                    Sincerely yours,

                     /s/ John P. Janka

                    John P. Janka
                    Jarrett S. Taubman

                    Counsel for GeoEye License Corp.

Document Created: 2010-11-22 13:30:25
Document Modified: 2010-11-22 13:30:25

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