BET Surrender.5.17.2

LETTER submitted by Black Entertainment Television LLC

BET Surrender Letter May 17.2019


This document pretains to SES-RWL-20050914-01255 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


  WASHINGTON, DC                                                                             ERIN E. Kim

                                             May 17, 2019

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12‘" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

                           Re:   Black Entertainment Television LLC
                                 Surrender of Earth Station Authorizations
                                 Call Signs E950443 and E880629

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       This letter is submitted on behalf of Black Entertainment Television LLC ("BET"), the
licensee of three C—band satellite earth stations under Call Signs E950443 and E880629 at
Washington, D.C., to inform the Commission that these earth stations have ceased operation.
Please accept this letter as confirmation of BET‘s surrender of the authorizations for Call Sign
E950443 (File No. SES—RWL—20050914—01255) and Call Sign E880629 (File No. SES—RWL—
20080327—00365) with immediate effect.

       Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if there are any questions
concerning this matter.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                 5 —L—
                                                Erin E. Kim
                                                Counsel to Black Entertainment Television LLC

co:    Paul Blais, Chief, Systems Analysis Branch, IB

                            2001 L STREET NW, SUITE 400 | WaASHINGTON, DC 20036
                        TEL 202.429.8970 | Fax 202.293.7783 | WWWLERMANSENTER.COM

Document Created: 2019-05-17 09:59:00
Document Modified: 2019-05-17 09:59:00

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