Attachment CarolinaUplink_Surre



Surrender Letter


This document pretains to SES-RWL-20050510-00563 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Carolina Uplink, Inc. (FCC Registration Number 0011486636)
Temporary‐Fixed Satellite Earth Station E950351

Carolina Uplink, Inc. stopped doing business in 2010, due to the economic downturn, and the satellite
truck with the satellite earth station with the E950351 call sign was repossessed by American Bank
(Maryland) in March 2011. Carolina Uplink, Inc. then had no remaining assets, and the corporation was
formally dissolved by the filing of Articles of Dissolution with the Secretary of State for the State of
North Carolina on October 4, 2012; a copy of the Articles of Dissolution are attached. American Bank
made no filings to transfer the FCC license when it repossessed the satellite truck, nor when it sold the
truck, and Carolina Uplink, Inc. recently was advised by the purchaser of the satellite truck that is no
longer in use; therefore, the FCC license E950351 is being surrendered at this time.

                                                                                            |    Date Filed: 10@/2012 4s40:00 PM
                                                                                            |           Elaine F. Marshall
                                                 State of North Carolina                         North Carolina Seerctaryof State
                                           Department of the Secretary of State
               ARTICLES OF DISSOLUTION BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND                                       ©201227700239
                                                BUSINESS CORPORATION
 Pursuant t$5—14—03 ofhe General Statutes of North Carolia,the undersigned corporation heeby submitsthe following Artilesof
 Dissolitionfothe purpose of disoivingthe corporation
 1. The name ofthe corpontion is               mgolins _JPleK, IWC.
 2..—The namestiles, and addresses of the ffcers of the corporaton are:

       Sau» Ritsd, Proid? + Treywort ;                               |(Y fioert_BNE__AARICB M r1,06
       Alim Eyad,     UP 1 Seurrdary,                                 dig—geedl—aleipn {1B freeCh falivtls
 3.   The names and addresses of hedirectorsofthe corporationare                                                              ho9

             Spee        awfe         as         offud
4. The dissolution ofthcorporation was authorized on the       _3 +_ y of OchMy"                a»L
5.    Shareholderapprovalfothe dissolution was obtained as requied by Chapter 55 ofthe North Carolina General Statutes.
6.    These arieleswillbeefective upon flin, uiess a delaed date and/or tmeis specified:___

Thxsmzi‘;&f"dz)ol         G/lf-li"‘/ __.»l3

                                                            _ Canline UPha tvc.
                                                                SAW"              @ueS               ProckP
                                                                    Type o Print Name and Taie

1. Filng fee is $30, This document mustbe fledwith the Secreury of Sute.
(RevndJomary200)                                                                   (Form 209
corrorations prvision                    r0. mox aom                     raurion nc 2reas—ocz2

Document Created: 2015-04-02 13:58:58
Document Modified: 2015-04-02 13:58:58

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