Attachment Letter to Verizon on

Letter to Verizon on

LETTER submitted by Paul Blais

Letter to Verizon on reduced protection zone proposal


This document pretains to SES-RWL-20031021-01443 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                          Federal Communications Commission
                                                  Washington, DC 20554

International Bureau

                                                    August 26, 2011

             Verizon Business

             RTE 120 494 Roxbury Pond Rd.
             Andover, Me 042167

                             Re: Email, Paul Blais, FCC 22 August 2011, attached.

             Dear Messrs. Hoff, Gonzalez, Burrows, and Ms. Kao:

                       The Commission has recently received a request from Canada that indicated it
             would like to deploy terrestrial stations (FS) that operate in the 3650—3700 MHz
             frequency band, within a 150km perimeter of your FSS earth stations, call signs
             E0O00306, E0O00700, KA349, KA386, WA20, and E930190 located in Andover, Me.

             FCC docket 05—56 Report and Order established a 150 km circular protection zone for
             Grandfathered FSS earth stations, such as yours, under a streamlined licensing approach
             for fixed stations. Canada proposes using FCC 05—56 Report and Order, Appendix D
             methodology, to reduce the protection zone for Canadian applicants at your Andover,
             Me, site(s).

                       Our Systems Analysis Branch (SAB) of the Satellite Division, in the International
             Bureau, has reviewed the Canadian proposal in detail and believes that its proposal is
             technically sound, and would decrease frequency coordination demands and expenses on
             your facility(ies). Our review included development of a Microsoft Excel based
             protection calculator that has been forwarded to by the referenced email. The calculator
             calculates protection zones based on the formula described in appendix D of the FCC 05—
             56 Report and Order, and is inclusive of the changes defined in Memorandum Opinion
             and Order FCC 05—184. The tool was used to calculate the proposed new protection zone

about your Andover, Me, earth stations and plot it on "Google earth." A graph of the
protection zone shape and orientation are also plotted on the Excel worksheet , "Visual
Output," in the Excel file forwarded by email and a printout for elevation angle = 5° is
attached.      Overlaid protection zone plots for 5,10,15,20, 35, and 38.5 antenna elevation

angles were also compiled and are provided for your review.

          The Commission seeks Verizon concurrence to reduce the protection zone for
your Andover, Me., site. In view of the fact that deployment of broadband FS systems is
of national interest and is being pursued by Canada, as well. It is beneficial for economies
of both nations to support each other. We would appreciate your cooperation in this

          We request that your response to this proposal be received by this agency within
30 days of the date of this letter. A non—response will be considered as your concurrence
with this proposal. Please forward all of your related correspondence to address(ees), as
listed here.

Postal delivery:          Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                          Federal Communications Commussion
                          445 12"" Street, SW
                          Washington, D. C. 20554
Postal delivery:          Paul E. Blais, Chief, Systems Analysis Branch
                          International Bureau
                          Satellite Division
                          445 12"" Street, SW,
                          Washington, D. C. 20554 ,
E—Mail delivery:          Paul.Blais

       Should you find anything that is incorrect in our calculations or have questions,
please call or email to me at the number below.

       We greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter.

                               | /7        p         7

                              "Paul E. Blais
                               Chief, Systems Analysis Branch
                               Satellite Division

Co:    MCI Communications Services, Inc ,
       Attn: Dan Gonzalez,
       2400 N. Glenville Drive, Dept/Loc 71216/107,
       Richardson, TX 75082

Email: Charlie—;
; ‘‘;mabel—;
Info: ANE—;;Marcus

From: Paul Blais
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 4:31 PM
To: ‘‘
Cc: Frank Peace; ‘ANE—‘; ‘‘
Subject: FW: 3650 — 3700 MHz Terrestrial vs. FSS Coordination


Thank you for returning my call. I heard that your coordinator is Dan Gonzales and that he works
with COMSEARCH to complete coordination and that you would begin the process with Dan.
This request was received through our Strategic Analysis & Negotiations Division here in the
International Bureau and contacts in the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.

The Commission has recently received a request from Canada that indicated it would like to
deploy terrestrial stations that operate in the 3650—3700 MHz frequency band, within the 150km of
your earth stations, call signs E000306, EO00700, KA349, KA386, WA20, and E930190 located in
Andover, ME. FCC 05—56 Report and Order established a 150 km circular protection zone for
Grandfathered earth stations such as yours under a streamlined licensing approach for fixed
earth stations. Canada proposes using FCC 05—56 Report and Order, Appendix D methodology
to reduce the protection zone at your Andover ME site.

The Systems Analysis Branch of the Satellite Division, International Bureau has reviewed the
Canadian proposal in detail and believes that the proposal is technically sound and would
decrease coordination demands and expenses on your facility. Its review included development
of a Microsoft Excel based protection calculator that has been attached to this email and letter.
The calculator calculates protection zones based on the formula described appendix D of the
FCC 05—56 Report and Order and inclusive of the changes defined in Memorandum Opinion and
Order FCC 05—184. The tool was used to calculate and plot the proposed new protection zone
about your Andover, ME earth stations using "Google earth". A graph of the protection zone
shape and orientation is plotted on the Excel worksheet sheet "Visual Output" for elevation angle
= 5°. Overlaid protection zone plots for 5,10,15,20, 35 and 38.5 antenna elevation angles were
also complied and are provided for your review.

The Commission seeks your agreement to reduce your Andover, ME stations. In view of the fact
that deployment of broadband FS systems are of national interest and are being pursued by
Canada as well, it is beneficial for economies of both nations to support each other. We would
appreciate your cooperation in this matter. We request your response to this proposal be emailed
to me and mailed to:

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554
ATTN: Paul Blais Satellite Division, International Bureau

within 30 days of this email or receipt of certified US mail sent to the site address on the current
authorization on file as shown in the attached. No response will be considered as your
agreement to this proposal. Should you find anything incorrect in our calculations or have
questions please call or email to me at the number below.

We greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter.

Paul Blais
Chief, Systems Analysis Branch
International Bureau, FCC

E3 Microsoft Excel   New Grandfathered Earthstation Protection Calculations file 1.xis

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                                                                                   This point of singularity should be in line with the
                                                                                   rest of the circle below it. It was inserted manually
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                                                                                   {elevations of 5,10,15,20,35 and 38.5 degrees so

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Document Created: 2011-08-26 16:50:52
Document Modified: 2011-08-26 16:50:52

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