Attachment SESRWL2003040300424S





This document pretains to SES-RWL-20030403-00424 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                        UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                    RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                                 Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                                  Unofficial Copy

     Name:           COMCAST OF CALIFORNIA/MARYLAND/PENNSYLVANIA/VIRGKEAAignST                                                   E3284
                     VIRGINIA, LLC                                                                           File Number:        SES—RWL—20030403—00424

     Authorization Type:                        Renewal of License
     Non Common Carrier                         Grant Date:       04/09/2003                _Expiration Date:               04/21/2018

     Nature of Service:                     Domestic Fixed Satellite Service
                                                                                                $o /# «eh#/¥— §#
     Class of Station:                      Fixed Earth Stations

    A) Site Location(s)                                                                                              .                        ,         ..
                                                                                                             Elevation            _      Special Provisions
    # Site ID                Address                          Latitude                  Longitude             (Meters)          NAD      —(Refer to Section H)

     1)   1                  670 VINE STREET                  38° 27 7.0" N             78° 51 7.0° W        438.9              83
                             ROCKINGHAM, VA

                             Licensee certifies antenna(s) comply with gain patterns specified in Section 25.209

 Subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, The Communications Satellite Act of 1962, subsequent acts and treaties, and all
 present and future regulations made by this Commission, and ‘further subject to the conditions and requirements set forth in this llcense the grantee is
 authorized to construct, use and operate the radio facilities described below for radio communications for the term beginning Monday, April 21,
 2003 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) and ending Saturday, April 21, 2018 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time). The required date of completion of
construction and commencement of operation is 00/00/0000 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time). Grantee must file with the Commission a certification
upon completion of construction and commencement of operation.

B) Particulars of Operations
                The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands.
                The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmifting frequency bands.
                For the text of these provisionis, refer to Section H.        Max               Max
                                                            Tx/Rx                EIRP           EIRP     Associated Special Provisions            Modulation/
# Frequency                           Polarization Emission Mode                 /Carrier        Density Antenna    (Refer to Section H)          Services

1) 3700.0000 — 4200.0000                  H,V         36MOFSW          R                                 1

2) 3700.0000 — 4200.0000                  H.V        36MOFSW          R                                  2

3) 3700.0000 — 4200.0000                  H,V        36MOFSW          R                                  3

C) Frequency Coordination                                                                                     Max EIRP
                                            Satellite Arc          Elevation              Azimuth              Density
                                            (Deg. Long.)           (Degrees)              (Degrees)            toward
              Frequency                      East West            East West              East West             Horizon               Associated
#             Limits(MHz)                   Limit     Limit      Limit     Limit        Limit    Limit       (dBW/4kHz)              Antenna(s)

1)            3700.0000 — 4200.0000         70.0W—140.0W           44.5 — 13.8           165.9 — 251.1             0.0      1

2)            3700.0000 — 4200.0000         70.0W—140.0W           44.5 — 13.8           165.9 — 251.1             0.0      2

3)            3700.0000 — 4200.0000         70.0W—140.0W           44.5 — 13.8      .    165.9 — 251.1             0.0      3

D) Point of Communications
Che following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C of this Entry:
 ) 1 to Permitted Space Station List

(comcast              ©®                                              One Comcast Center
                                                                      1701 John F Kennedy Boulevard
              ‘                                                       Philadelphia, PA 19103—2838

                                          April 12, 2018

 Federal Communications Commission
 International Bureau ~—— Earth Stations                      —APR 13 2018
 445 12"" Street, SW
 Washington, DC 20554                                        Bureau / Office
 Attention:        International Bureau
                   Satellite & Radio Communication Division
                    Satellite Engineering Branch

                   E5699 —— Comeceast Cable Communications Management, LLC
                   E5830 — Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
                   E5831 —— Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
                   E5456 — Comcast ofPhiladelphia II, LLC
                   WS91 — Comcast of Colorado/Pennsyivania/West Virginia, LLC
                   E3284 — Comecast of CA/MD/PA/VA/West Virginia, LLC
                  _ E5580 — Comcast of Pennsylvania I, LLC
                   E5621 — Comecast of Illinois/Ohio/Oregon, LLC
                   WUS6 — Comcast of CO/FL/MI/NM/PA/Washington, LLC

 Ladies and Grentlemen:

       The above referenced Earth Stations are no longer in operaiion. Comeast Cable
 Communications Management, LLC, via this letter surrenders all rights to these stations.

        If you have any questions concerning the above, please contact me directly.

                                         Sheila Smith
                                         Director, Operations Compliance
                                         (215) 286—7454

        cc: Amanda Johnson, Comsearch
              Don Lindauer
              Chanelle Perry

Document Created: 2018-05-11 16:49:37
Document Modified: 2018-05-11 16:49:37

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