Attachment E5382

This document pretains to SES-RWL-20030213-00184 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                     RECEIVED                                   ORIGINAL
                                      JUN 3 0 2006
                                                             n memmincwvtiircon
                                       Satelite Diision
                                    June 27, 2006

stor cons osoot                                                                  dsue
Kathryn Mediey, Acting Chief
Engineering Branch                           receiven — Foc                             uim
Satellite Division                                                                        ie
International Bureau                               54
Federal Communications Commission                 Jun 2 7 2006
445 12Street, S.W.                             eeplessomntuns
Washington, DC 20024                        * inties:—*
              Re:     TVRO Station ES382
                      Jackson, MS

Dear Ms. Medley:
               On behalfofTime Wamer Entertainment Company, L.P., this will
provide notice that TVRO Station ES382, Jackson, Mississippi, is no longer in
operation and maytherefore be deleted from the Commission‘s records of           Ious
registered receive—only earth stations.
             Should there be any questions concerning this notice, please
communicate with the undersigned.
                                            Very truly yours,

                                           Thee Ald huas
                                            John R. Wilner



Document Created: 2006-06-30 09:07:06
Document Modified: 2006-06-30 09:07:06

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