Attachment Name Change

Name Change

NAME CHANGE NOTIFICATION submitted by Consolidated Cable, Inc.

Name Change


This document pretains to SES-RWL-20020822-01426 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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  Eitimcommnnentationcen                                   APR 10 2007
  Abridoprctc lymne Dovee
  aevinta                                             on oanereaiesmnisen
                                          April 19, 2007   ***
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission                                         0 RI Gl NA L
445 — 12" Street, SW, Room A—325
Washington, DC 20554
       Attn:   Ms. Eleanor Lott,Satellite Division, Intemational Bureau

       Re:     Receive—only Earth Station E3403       mest for Licensee Name Change

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        By this leter, Consolidated Cable, Ic. hereby notifies that the Commission that the
Hicensee name for receive—only earth station E3403 should be changed to Consolidated Cable,
Inc., and that the new FRN that should be associated with this earth station in the Commission‘s
records is FRN 0003747201. Upon consummation on March 30, 2007, of the transfer ofcontrol
transaction for which Commission consent was requested in File No. SES—T/C—20070222—00263,
the licensee of E3403, Curtis Cable TV Company, Inc. (FRN 0003714912), was merged with
and into Consolidated Cable,Inc., a wholly—owned subsidiary of the new parent company
Consolidated Companies, Inc. As a result, Consolidated Cable, Inc. remained as the surviving
corporation after the intra—family merger.
       Accordingly, the name of the licensceofstation E3403 is now Consolidated Cable, Inc.,
which was previously registered in CORES and was assigned FRN.0003747201. Consolidated
Cable,Inc. respectfully requests that the Commission make the changes to the licensee‘s name
and FRN within the Commission‘s records.
       Should there be any questions concerning this matter, please contact the undersigned.
                                                    Very tnlly yours,

                                                    Thomas J. Moorman

                                                    Attorneyfor Applicants
ces    E. Lott (via Hand Delivery)

Document Created: 2007-04-20 13:18:31
Document Modified: 2007-04-20 13:18:31

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