Attachment 096-cancellation-KD6



Surrender Letter


This document pretains to SES-RWL-20010129-00162 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                   LA W OF F IC E S

                                               S CHWARTZ, W OODS & M ILLER
                                                       S U I T E 610, T H E L I O N B U I L D I N G
                                                             1233 20 T H S T R E E T , N.W.
                                                   W ASHINGTON, D . C . 2 0 0 3 6 - 7 3 2 2
                                                                                                        RO B E R T A. WO O D S
                                                                                                                (R e tired )

                                                           T E L E P H O N E 202-833-1700                   TA X CO U N S E L
                                                             F A C S I M I L E 202-833-2351             M A R K B. W E I N B E R G
L A W R E N C E M. M I L L E R
S T E V E N C. S C H A F F E R                     W R I T E R ' S E M A I L :         LO U I S SC H W A R T Z
M A L C O L M G. S T E V E N S O N                         W R I T E R ' S E X T E N S I O N : 213           (1 91 8 - 2 00 4)

                                                             February 7, 2011

              Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
              Federal Communications Commission
              445 12th Street, SW
              Room TW-A325
              Washington, D.C. 20554

                          Re:        Earth Station KD67
                                     New Orleans, Louisiana
                                     FRN: 0003803277

              Dear Ms. Dortch:

                     On behalf of Greater New Orleans Educational Television Foundation, registrant
              of receive-only Earth Station KD67, New Orleans, Louisiana, we hereby request
              cancellation of the registration for this facility. The station is no longer in use.

                          Please address any questions concerning this matter to this office.

                                                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                                       SCHWARTZ, WOODS & MILLER

                                                                                   Lawrence M. Miller


Document Created: 2011-02-07 10:50:16
Document Modified: 2011-02-07 10:50:16

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