Attachment E873639

This document pretains to SES-RWL-19971121-01657 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                             | ReceweD & INBPECTED
             Serving Business hrough Law and Science®
1001 G Stee, NW                                                   JuN     1 2006
Sure 500 wr                         RECEIVED
seams     D. 2001                     SKa%                     FCC 2 MAILROOM
AcMensin                                     0    2006                          Writes Diret Access

   May 31, 2006                     mamneacnt
                                     Satelite Diision
   Vis Overnight Detivery                                                       Stren@khian com
   Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
   Federal Communications Commission
   Office of the Secretary
   9300 East Hampton Drive
   Capitol Heights, Maryland, 20743
   ATIN: International Bureau, Earth Stations

           Re:      Hess Communications Corporation
                    Satellte Earth Station
                    Station Call Signs E872880 and E873630
   Dear Ms. Dortch:

           Transmitted herewith on behalfofour client, Hess Communications Corporation
   (*Hess"),are an original and four copies ofits Notification ofName Change for the Satellite
   Earth Station call signs E872889 and E873639.

           With respect t the Notification ofName Change correspondence,it is important to note
   that Hess has not changed its ownership structure. The name change became effective May 10,
   2006. As mentioned in the ltter, Hess respectfullyrequests that the Federal Communications
   Commission ("Commission‘) issue to it superseding, corrected licenses.
           Itis believed that the Commission will find this Notifieation to be in satisfactory form for
   the intended purposes. Should there be any questions concerning the Notification, however, the
   Commission is respectfully requested to communicate directly with this office.
                                                  alrlok.0   f B           us
                                                   c. D;)uglfih&EiM/

                  Washington, D.C            Brosels      San Francisco          Stanghai

                       AMERADA HESS CORPORATION
                                     1185 Avenve ofthe Americas
                                     New York, New York 10036
                                                                           AECENED & INSPECTED

                                                                               uN      1 2006
May 26, 2006                                                                FCC — MAILROOM

Federal Communications Commission
Interational Bureau, Earth Stations
445 12th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554
                      Re:    Hess Communications Corporation
                             Satellte Earth Station
                             Station Call Signs E872889 and E873639
                             NOTIFICATION OF NAME CHANGE
Dear Sir or Madam:

      The purpose of this letteis o notify the Federal Communications Commission that
Amerada Hess Communications Corporation changed its name to Hess Communications
Corporation (*Hess"), effective May 10, 2006. The ownership structure of Hess has not been
affected bythis name change.

       We respectfully request that the Commission issue a superseding, corrected licenses to
Hess. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please let us know.
                                                      VerJily yours,

                                                     Nicolas P. Brountas
                                                      Deputy General Counsel

ces    C. Douglas Jarrett, Esquire

                Del@aware ...
                      The First State

    1, Earkisr sutte wimpsor, secremaRY oF STaTE OF THE STMTE OP
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copr or ts ceartricare or amenbwent or "auerapa HEss
commnzcarrons corgoratton®, cHaNerNe Irs NaME FROM "AmERADA
HEss commntcartons corporatzon" to "Hess comuNzcartons
corporatton®, rizeD iN Tiis orrice ow TiE rewrH Day oF MMY, A.D.
2006, ar 9:12 o‘crock P.M.
    a eIED copy or Tkrs certrercare kas sEsN FoRWaRDED To THE
wew castz® county recomber or pezns.

                                Favia ind Vinien fereny aten
 o77sore s100                      autientrcarzon: 4737050
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       state of oniavece
     Secretery  of State
  Division of Corporations
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                                      CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT OF
                                     CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF

                         Amerada Hess Communications Corportion, a compontion organized and exising
           under and by virue of the Generl Corporation Law of the Sate ofDelaware (he "Corpontion"),
           poss rereay cexnry:
                          EIRST: That the Bomrd of Directos of the Comontion by unanimous writen
           consent on May 10, 2006, daly adapted a resolution seting forh a proposed amendment to the
           Certiicate of Incorpontion of suid comportion and resolving tht such amendment be preseted to
           the stockholder ofthe Corporation for its approval at a special mesting ofthe stockholder of said
           comonition or by unanimous witen consent of the stockholder. ‘The resolution seting forth the
           proposed amendmncntis as follows:
                        RESOLVED, thit the Crtifieate of Incorportion of the Corporation be
                  amendad by changing thefist Article thereof o that, as amended, said Artclshll
                  l and readas follwe:
                            "I.   The name ofthe Comportionis:
                                  iEss communications corroramion®
                         SECOND:. That threafler, pusuant to resoluion of ts Board of Directos, the
          stockholder ofthe Corporation by tnanimous writen consent in iew of a meeting, adopted such
          amendment o he Certifeate ofIncomporation ofthe Compostion.
                        THIRD: That sid amendment was duly adopted in accordance with th rovisions
          ofSection 242 ofthe Gener! Corporation Law ofth Sute ofDelaware.
                         N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corponation has eaused this ceificat to b signed
          by J. Barclay Collin,its Diretor thereunto duly authorized, and attested by George C. Bany, ts
          Seertery,this 10" day ofMay 2006.

                                                              21‘May Colli’?

                      ree     Bany

Document Created: 2006-06-08 14:35:47
Document Modified: 2006-06-08 14:35:47

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