Attachment E873768

This document pretains to SES-RWL-19970903-01237 for Renewal on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                            Cote, Raywib & Braverman, L.L.P.
                                            amomiers at uw
  rscer nervian                 loro reisnuania avenus. n w., sure 200                  mnissie
  wnre‘s Eruc.                        washnaton, 0 c. 20006—2450                     in Eioh
membnittisn                             Teamon (202) 6500750                         innontt mdns
                                           receos 4520007                                    czow
                                              eeesrsuweo=                                  T
                          MaY 3 0 2005
                      hSaleHlla Division
                                               May 19, 2006              RECE IVED
                                                                         MAY 1 9 on
   via courmer                                                        ssmc T.
   Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                         D:"Z;u:f;r;:;‘:nmwn
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12th Street, S.W., TW~A325
   Washington, D.C. 20554

          Attn: Eleanor M. Lott — Industry Analyst
                International Bureau — Earth Stations
                    Re:     Name Change Notifieation
   Dear Ms. Lott:
                    On behalf OF Comeast Communications, this is to advise the Commission the
   names OF the receive—only earth station registrations on the attached list have changed. There is no
   change in corporate structure or ownership.. Please update the Commission‘s records o reflect this
   name changes.
                    Ifyou have any questions please call Marlene E. Shoemaker or the undersigned.

                                                           $   7
                                                          fiheats [1on«
                                                         Wesley R. Heppler
  ces     PeterFeinberg
          Ruth Billebault


Call Sign    Current Name                 Change Name to
kBso         TCl American Cable           Comeast of
             Holdings, L.P.               Pennsylvania/Washington/West Virginia,
| wz         TC1 American Cable           Comeast of
             Holdings, L.P.               Pennsylvania/Washington/West Virginia,
rseor04      TCI Cablevision of           Comeast of California IX, Inc.         |
             California, Inc.                                                         |
Esa070       TCI Cablevision of           Comeast of California IX, Inc.
             California, Inc.
Es909sé      TCL Cablevision of           Comeast of California IX, Inc.
             California, Inc.
Eoror21      TCl Cablevision of           Comeast of California TX, Inc.
             California, Inc.
kn           TCl Cablevision of           Comeast of California IX, Inc.
             California, Inc.
kuor         TCL Cablevision of           Comeast of California IX, Inc.
             California, Inc.
Kwse         TCL Cablevision of           Comeast of California IX, Inc.
             California, Inc.                      __
kwso         TCL Cablevision of           Comeast of California IX, Inc.
             California, Inc.
kxe7         TCL Cablevision of           Comeast of California TX, Inc.
             California, Inc.
rorosss      TCL Cablevision of           Comeast of
e            Georgia, Inc.                California/Colorado/Florida/Oregon, Inc.
west         TCI Cablevision of           Comenst of
             Georgin, Inc.                California/Colorado/Florida/Oregon, Inc. _|
Eaan         TCl Cablevision ofIdaho,     Comeast of California/Idaho, Inc.
E900072      TCI Cablevision of Idaho,|   Comeast of California/Idaho, Inc.
Foror2s      TCl Cablevision of Idaho,    Comeast of California/Idaho, Inc.
Baso                                      Comeast of Florida 1 Inc.
Eara7ce       TCI Cablevision of          Comeast of Florida 1 Inc.
              Missouri, Inc.                                                      1
kaso        | TCL Cablevision of          Comeast of Florida 1 Inc.
            | MissouriInc.
Kvos          TCI Cablevision of          Comeast of Florida 1 Inc.
              Missouri, Inc.
wis?          TCL Cablevision of          Comeast of Florida 1,Inc.
              Missouri, Inc.


        [ Eazer    TCI Cablevision of              Comeast of Oregon I., Inc.
                   Oregon, Inc.
         Basse     TCl Cablevision of              Comenst of Oregon 11, Inc.
                   Oregon, Inc.
         KBso      TCI Cablevision of              Comeast of Oregon 11,Inc.
                   Oregon, Inc.
         knzz     TCL Cablevision of               Comeast of Oregon 11,Inc.
                  Oregon, Inc.
         Kzss     TCL Cablevision of               Comeast of Oregon 11, Inc.
                  Oregon, Inc.
        E3506     TCI Cablevision of Pasco         Comeast of Ilinois/Indiana
    | E980093     TCl Cablevision of Twin         | Comeastof Twin        s, Inc.
    I              Cities, Inc.         _
    [ uon         TCI Cablevision of Twin          Comeast of Twin        Cities, Inc.
                  Cities, Inc.
        E880886   TCI Cablevision of Utah,         Comeast of Utah 11, Inc.
        koz       TCI Cablevision of Utah,         Comeast of Utah II, Inc.
        esd       TCL Cablevision of Utah,         Comenst of Utah 1Inc.
        Esivs     TCI Cablevision of Utah,         Comeast of Utah II, Inc.
        £900074   TCI Cablevision of Utah,        | Comeast of Utah IJ, Inc.
        E910620   TCl Cablevision of Utah,         Comeast of Utah II, Inc.
        E2M       TCI Cablevision of               Comeast of Washington IV, Inc.
                  Washington, Inc.           L
        Eses?       CI Cablevision of              Comeast of Washington IV, Inc.
                  | Washington, Inc.
        Eaorz     TCL Cablevision of               Comeast of Washington IV, Inc.
                  Washington, Inc.
        E4050     TCL Cablevision of               Comeast of Washington IV, Inc.
                  Washington, Inc.
        rssii8d   TCL Cablevision of               Comeast of Washington IV, Inc.
                  Washington, Inc.
        Fsoogos   TCL Cablevision of               Comeast of Washington IV, Inc;
|                 Washington, Inc.
        £900185   TCI Cablevision of               Comeast of Washington IV, Inc;
                  Washington, Inc.      _______| _
        E91026    TCI Cablevision of             Comeast of Washington TV, Inc
                  Washington, Inc.
        E910360   TCL Cablevision of               Comeast of Washington IV, Inc.
                  Washington, Inc.


    Eos0002   T TCl Cablevision of          Comeast of WashingtonTV, Inc.
               Washington, Inc.
    Fos0004    TCL Cablevision of           ‘Comeast of Washington IV, Inc.
               Washington, Inc
    kipss      TCl Cablevision of           Comeast of Washington IV, Inc.
               Washington, Inc. _         §_
    KHB8       TCl Cablevision of           Comeast of Washington IV, Inc.
               Washington, Inc.
    E860710    TCI Cablevision of           Comeast of Washington IV, Inc.
               Washington, Inc.
    Escoi2     TCL Cablevision of           Comeast of Washington TV, Inc.
    2          Washington, Inc.
    E950079    TCL Cablevision of           Comeast of Washington IV, Inc.
               Washington, Inc.
    Es7o8ed   TCl of Dayton, Inc.          Comeast of Pennsylvania 1 Inc.
    wy2       TCl of Dayton, Inc.          Comeast of Pennsylvania 1 Inc.
    E3223     TCL of East San Fernando     Comeast of East San Fernando Valley, LP
              Valley, L.P.
    Eess1     TCL of East San Fernando     Comeast of East San Fernando Valley, LP
              Valley, LP.
    Essosts   TCL of East San Fernando     Comeast of East San Fernando Valley, LP
              Valley, L.P.
    E2508     TCl of Hawaii, Inc.          Comeast of Pennsylvania 11; Inc.
    E2170     TC1 of Hilinois, Inc.        Comeast of IllinoisTexas, Inc.
    waad      TC1 of Illinois, Inc.        Comeast of Iilinois/Texas, Inc.
    KL41      TCL of Ilinois, Inc.         Comeast of Illinois/Texas, Inc.
    wha       TCl of Hilinois, Inc.        Comeast of Illinois/Texas, Inc.
    KGes      TCL of Indiana, Inc.         Comeast of Utah 1 Inc.
    E3235     TCl of Northern              Comeast of Northern California I1, Inc.
              California, Inc.
    xues      TCL of Northern              Comeast of Northern California 11, Inc.
              California, Inc.
    E2734     TCL of Northern New          Comeast of Colorado/Florida, Inc.
              Jersey, Inc.
    wei       TCl of Northern New          ‘Comeast of Colorado/Florida, Inc.
              Jersey, Inc.
    rasre     TCl of Pennsylvania, Inc.     Comeast of
                                          | California/Pennsylvania/Utal/Washington,
                                          | Ine.
    E2500     TCT of Pennsylvania, Inc.    Comeast of
|                                          California/Pennsylvania/Utal/Washington,
    Brams     TCT of Pennsylvania, Inc.    Comeast of


€2995     _   TCl of Pennsylvania, Inc.        Comenst of
                                             | California/Pennsylvania/Utah/Washington,
B3z           TCT of Pennsylvania, Inc.        Comeast of
                                            | California/Pennsylvania/Utah/Washington,
Bamer         TCT of Pennsylvania, Inc.        Comeast of
Bsore         TCl of Pennsylvania, Inc.        Comeast of
Essor0s       TCT of Pennsylvania, Inc.—|      Comeast of
wusr          TCl of Pennsylvania, Inc.     | Comenst of
                                            | California/Pennsylvania/Utah/Washington,
Barse         TCI TKR of Southern              Comeast of South Florida 11, Inc.
              Florida, Inc.
Eseorss       Westmare Development           Comeast of
              Joint Venture                  California/Connecticut/Michigan


Document Created: 2006-05-31 07:40:07
Document Modified: 2006-05-31 07:40:07

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