Attachment 20140829155928.pdf


SUPPLEMENT submitted by Billy Volek

Freg. Coordination Study


This document pretains to SES-REG-20140822-00670 for Earth Station Registration on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Eleanor Lott

From:                                          Billy Volek <>
Sent:                                          Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:13 PM
To:                                            Eleanor Lott
Subject:                                       RE: Application SES—REG—20140822—00670,
Attachments:                                   Receive—Only Earth StationInterference_Analyis_report_20131223.pdf

Hello Eleanor,

Thanks for your patience on this. Please see the attached frequency coordination.

| just tried to upload this document and the website would not allow me to. Please advise where/how to upload the
document onto the application.


Billy Volek | Operations Engineer
                                                                                                                RECEIVED                                                                                        4
2900 W. 10"" St. | Sioux Falls, SD 57104                                                                            AUG 2 8 2014
(w) 605.978.3593 | (tt) 800.247.1442                                                                                         site Division
                                                                                                                 i@ommational Bureau

From: Eleanor Lott []
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 4:52 PM
To: Billy Volek
Co: Eleanor Lott
Subject: Application SES—REG—20140822—00670,

Hello Mr. Volek,

You filed a Receive Only Earth Station Registration Application stated above on August 22, 2014, this is a C—band and you
must submit a Frequency Coordination attachment Data sheet with your FCC For 312 pursuant with the FCC Rules part
25:131, so therefore your application is unaccepted as filed? Please submit the requested Information for this filing in
order to process your application.

Thank you,

Eleanor Lott

***This message and any attachments are solely for the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, disclosure, copying, use or distribution of the
information included in this message is prohibited —— Please immediately and permanently delete.***

         Receive—Only Earth Station

                            SDN Communications
                                  Sioux Falls, SD

Prepared on Behalf of
    Mega Hertz                             f                   )
 4100 International Plaza     |                +
  Fort Worth, TX 76109             » ®
      800.883.8839                mm                                        .                                   CO MSEARCH
 December 25, 2013 rev1                               A CommScope Company

                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

I.   Introduction

II. Contents of Report

III. Summary of Results, with Conclusions and Recommendations

IV. Operational Parameters and Satellite Data

                                            List of Illustrations

                                           Preliminary Analysis

                                       Receive—Only Earth Station

Figure 4.1—1 Proposed Earth Station Location


Table 4.1—1 Earth Station Parameters

Table 4.1—2 Satellite Arc and Elevation Table

                                                 SECTION 1


                                         Receive/Only Earth Station

This report presents the results of a preliminary interference analysis for a proposed C—band receive/only
earth station site. The site was selected by SDN Communications and is located in Sioux Falls, South

The earth station was analyzed for reception of analog and digital traffic from all domestic satellites located
in the satellite arc from 60 degrees to 143 degrees West Longitude. Operation on all transponders in the
3700 to 4200 MHz frequency band was investigated.

This analysis was performed considering a 4.5 meter antenna. The long term interference objective is —156
dBW/ 1 MHz.

The preliminary analysis is meant to provide an overview of potential interference at this location and to
recommend a course of future action.

                                                   SECTION 2

                                       CONTENTS OF THE REPORT

                                          Receive/Only Earth Station

Section 1 presents the introduction describing the system characteristics including site location, system
name, type reception, satellite arc, frequency band considered, type antenna, and interference objectives.

Section 2 describes the contents of this report.

Section 3 presents the site analysis data sheet. This sheet includes the system location data, site analysis
conclusions, and a summary of the analysis with recommendations.

Table 3.1—1 summarizes the results of the preliminary analysis, with predicted over—the—horizon (O—H)
losses calculated for the various potential interference cases. The columns, reading from left to right,
represent the following data:

       1. Path                 —       Interference source and transmission path.

       2. Band                 —       The frequency band in GHz.

       3. Azimuth              —       Azimuth from the earth station toward the interference
                                       source (bearing measured from True North).

       4. Distance             —       Distance to interference source (kilometers).

       5. LOS Margin           —       Interference margin in dB, on a line—of—sight (LOS) basis,
                                       i.e., additional isolation required to meet objective (no
                                       blockage assumed).

       6. O—H Loss             —       Estimated over—the—horizon loss in dB (predictions consider
                                       antenna height and path length, no detailed terrain data used).

       7. Estimated            —       Considering O—H Loss, difference Margin between LOS
                                       margin and O—H loss in dB (negative values indicate
                                       interference is unlikely).

The cases marked with an asterisk are the cases posing the greatest interference problems.

Table 3.1—2 tabulates all transponders that would be affected by terrestrial stations in the 4 GHz
frequency band. The columns reading from left to right present the following data:

               1. Terrestrial                Interference source and Transmission path.

               2. Band                       The frequency band in GHz.

               3. Azimuth                    Azimuth from the earth station toward the
                                             interference source (bearing measured from True North).

               4. Distance                   Distance to interference source (Kilometers).

               5. Loss Required              The amount of loss in dB, required to reduce the
                  (Long Term)                interference levels to meet the 20% objective.

               6. Loss Required              The amount of loss in dB, required to reduce the
                  (Short Term)               interference levels to meet the .01% objective.

               7. Affected                   The transponders that are affected by the interfering
                   Transponders              source. The transponders are numbered 1 — 24 from left to

Section 4 summarizes the data pertinent to the proposed receive/only earth station.

Table 4.1—1 contains the operational parameters of the proposed earth station.

Table 4.1—2 lists the azimuth and elevation data for the satellite arc, including those satellites within that

Figure 4.1—1 indicates the location of the proposed receive/only earth station. This location should be
verified, and if it is not the desired site, Comsearch should be notified immediately so that the
precise location can be plotted and analyzed.

                                                  SECTION 3

                                PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS DATA SHEET
                                  RECEIVE—ONLY EARTH STATION

. System Name:                                         SDN Communications

. City:                                                Sioux Falls, South Dakota

.   Site Identification:

. Coordinates: Latitude(North DMS):                    43—36—28.0
               Longitude(West DMS):                    96—48—31.0

_ Ground Elevation:                                     1484 Feet

. Preliminary Analysis Conclusions:

       (X)      a. Site is likely to be acceptable based on computer analysis of the terrestrial

       (_   )   b. Detailed analysis required to further identify the potential interference

       (__)     —c. Near—in blockage may be required toward azimuths of potential interference
                    cases as shown in Table 3.1—1.

       (__)     d. Measurements may be required to quantitatively establish the local
                   microwave environment.

       (__)     —e. Alternate site should be considered for an antenna location.

7.   Summary of Results


The preliminary analysis did not identify any potential terrestrial interference conflicts within the
coordination contours of this site.


Based on the results of the preliminary analysis, it is recommended this site be prior coordinated with the
common carriers as the first step toward FCC registration.

It should be noted that this analysis considers the 4 GHz microwave environment and does not include
potential interference from sources outside the 4 GHz band. ( Radar Altimeters, Radar Detectors, Cellular
Phone, ect.)

                                               Table 4.1—1 Earth Station Parameters
                                                       SATELLITE EARTH STATION
                                                     FREQUENCY COORDINATION DATA

Company                                SDN COMMUNICATIONS
Owner Code
Earth Station Name, State                                            SIOUX FALLS, SD
Latitude   (DMS) (NADS3)                                             43 36 28.0 N
Longitude   (DMS)       (NADS3)                                      96 48 31.0 W
Ground Elevation AMSL (ft/m)                                         1483.99 /    452 .32
Antenna Centerline AGL (ft/m)                                           93.00 /     2 .74

Receive Antenna Type:                       FPCC32                   FCC REFERENCE
                                                                     32—251L0G (THETA)
            4.0 GHz Gain           (dBi)    / Diameter    (m)          43.6 /      4 .5
              3    dB   /   15   dB Half     Beamwidth                 0.55     /        1.10

Operating Mode                                                       RECEIVE ONLY
Modulation                                                           DIGITAL
Emission / Receive Band             (MHz)                       36MOF&W /  3700.0000            —   4200.0000

Max.   Permissible Interference Power
             4.0    GHz,     20%    (dBW/1 MHz)                       —156 .0
             4.0    GHz,     0.0100%       (dBW/1 MHz)                —146 .0

Range of Satellite Arc             (Geostationary)
Degrees Longitude                                                     60.0 w / 143.0 W
Azimuth Range (Min/Max)                                                132.7 / 236.5
Corresponding Elevation Angles                                          27.7 /          22.0

Radio Climate                                                             A
Rain Zone                                                                 2

Max.   Great Circle Coordination Distance                 (mi./km)
             4.0    GHz                                                199.1        /   320.4

Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius                   (mi./km)
             4.0    GHz                                                310.7        /   500.1

                                  Table 4.1—2 Satellite Arc and Elevation Table
                        Earth Station Azimuth and Elevation Table

Earth Station Name              SIOUX FALLS,     SD
Owner                           SDN COMMUNICATIONS
Latitude    (DMS)   (NADS83)     43 36 28.0 N
Longitude   (DMS)   (NADS83)     96 48 31.0 W
Ground Elevation (ft/m)             1483.99 /         452.32 Amsl
Antenna Centerline (ft/m)              9.00 /           2.74 Agl
Satellite Arc Range               60.0 W
                                 143.0 W

    Satellite       Azimuth       Elevation           Satellite
    Longitude       (Degrees)      (Degrees)           Name

        60 .0          132 .7          27 .7
        61.0           133 .7          28 .3          AMAZONAS
        62 .0          134 .8          28 .9
        63 .0          135 .8          29 .4
        64 .0          136 .9          30 .0
        65.0           138 .0          30 .5          BRAZILSAT B2
        66 .0          139 .2          31.0
        67.0           140.3           31.5
        68 .0          141 .4          32.0
        69 .0          142 .6          32 .5
        70 .0          143 .8          33 .0          BRAZILSAT B1
        71.0           145 .0          33 .4
        72 .0          146 .2          33 .9          AMC       6
        73 .0          147 .4          34.3
        74 .0          148 .6          34 .7
        75 .0          149.9           35.1
        76 .0          151.1           35.5
        77 .0          152 .4          35.9
        78 .0          153 .7          36.3
        78 .5          154 .4          36 .4          BRAZILSAT B4
        79 .0          155 .0          36 .6
        80 .0          156 .4          36.9
        81 .0          157 .7          37 .2
        82 .0          159 .0          37.5
        83 .0          160 .4          37 .8
        84 .0          161 .8          38 .1          BRAZILSAT B3
        85 .0          163 .1          38.3
        85.1           163.3           38.3           XM    3
        86 .0          164 .5          38 .5
        87 .0          165 .9          38 .7          AMC       3
        88 .0          167.3           38 .9
        89 .0          168 .8          39.1           GALAXY        28
        90 .0          170 .2          39 .2
        91 .0          171.6           39 .4          GALAXY        11
        92 .0          173 .0          39 .5
        93 .0          174.5           39 .6          GALAXY        26
        94 .0          175.9           39 .6
        95 .0          177 .4          39 .7          GALAXY        3C
        96 .0          178 .8          39 .7
        97 .0          180.3           39 .7          GALAXY 25
        98 .0          181 .7          39 .7

                      Earth Station Azimuth and Elevation Table

Earth Station Name            SIOUX   FALLS,   SD
Owner                     SDN COMMUNICATIONS
Latitude   (DMS) (NADS83)  43 36 28.0 N
Longitude (DMS) (NADS83)   96 48 31.0 W
Ground Elevation (ft/m)       1483.99 /   452.32 Amsl
Antenna Centerline (ft/m)        9.00 /      2.74 Agl
Satellite Arc Range         60.0 W
                               143.0 W

    Satellite    Azimuth        Elevation           Satellite
    Longitude    (Degrees)       (Degrees)           Name

       99 .0         183 .2            39 .7        GALAXY 16
       99 .2         183.5             39 .7         SPACEWAY 2
      100 .0         184 .6            39 .6
      101.0          186 .1            39.5         AMC 4
      101.1          186 .2            39.5         DIRECTV 95
      102 .0         187.5             39 .4
      102 .8         188 .6           39.3          SPACEWAY         1
      103 .0         188 .9           39.3          AMC    1
      104 .0         190 .4           39.2
      105 .0         191 .8           39.0          AMC    18
      106.0          193 .2           38 .9
      107.0          194 .6           38 .7
      107.3          195 .0           38 .6         ANIK F1
      107.3          195 .0           38 .6         ANIK FIR
      108 .0         196 .0           38 .5
      109 .0         197 .4           38 .2         WILDBLUE         1
      110 .0         198 .8           38 .0
      111.0          200 .1           37 .7
      111.1          200.3            37 .7         ANIK F2
      112 .0         201 .5           37 .4
      113 .0         202 .8           37 .1         SATMEX 6
      114 .0         204 .2           36 .8
      114.9          205.3            36.5          SOLIDARIDAD
      115.0          205 .5           36 .5         XM 4
      116 .0         206 .8           36 .1
      116 .8         207 .8           35.8          SATMEX 5
      117.0          208 .1           35 .8
      118 .0         209.3            35 .4
      119 .0         210 .6           35.0
      120 .0         211.8            34 .6
      121.0          213 .1           34 .1         GALAXY 23
      121 .0         213 .1           34 .1         ECHOSTAR 9
      122.0          214.3            33 .7
      123 .0         215 .5           33.3          GALAXY      10R
      124.0          216 .7           32 .8
      125.0          217 .8           32.3          GALAXY      14
      126 .0         219 .0           31.8
      127 .0         220 .1           31.3          GALAXY      13
      127 .0         220 .1           31.3          HORIZONS         1
      128 .0         221.3            30 .8
      129.0          222 .4           30.3          GALAXY 27

                         Earth Station Azimuth and Elevation Table

Earth Station Name               SIOUX FALLS,     SD
Owner                            SDN COMMUNICATIONS
Latitude     (DMS)   (NADS83)     43 36 28.0 N
Longitude    (DMS)   (NADS83)     96 48 31.0 W
Ground Elevation      (ft/m)         1483.99 /         452 .32 Amsl
Antenna Centerline (ft/m)               93.00 /          2.74 Agl
Satellite Arc Range                60.0 W
                                  143.0 W

    Satellite        Azimuth        Elevation          Satellite
    Longitude        (Degrees)       (Degrees)           Name

        130 .0          223 .5          29 .8
    °131.0              224 .6          29 .2          AMC 11
        132 .0          225 .6          28 .7
        133 .0          226 .7          28 .1          GALAXY 15
        134 .0          227 .7          27 .5
        135 .0          228 .8          26 .9          AMC 10
        136 .0          229 .8          26.3
        137.0           230 .8          25 .8          AMC   7
        138 .0          231.8           25.1
        139 .0          232 .7          24.5           AMC 8
        140 .0          233 .7          23 .9
        141 .0          234 .6          23.3
        142 .0          235 .6          22 .7
        143 .0          236 .5          22.0

Figure 4.1—1

                  Google earth
               1487 ft   eye   alt   3228 ft

Document Created: 2019-04-21 20:35:58
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 20:35:58

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