Attachment 20170630135346.pdf


DECISION submitted by IB-FCC



This document pretains to SES-REG-20130320-00284 for Earth Station Registration on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                         UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                    RADIO STATION REGISTRATION

 Name: CBS Radio East Inc.                                                                                        Call Sign: E130066
 Authorization Type: Regis                                                                                     File Number: SES—REG—20130320—00284
 Non CommonCarrier                             Grant date:          —05/08/2013       Expiration Date:          03/20/2028     s   .

Nature of Service: Fixed Satellite Service
Class of Station: Fixed EarthStations

A) Site Location(s)

                                                                                                                         Elevation              Special Provisions
#. Site ID                              Address                                Latitude        Longitude                 (Meters)       NAD (Refer to Section H)

    1                     1170    SOLDIERS FIELD ROMD                        42921 182.1"M       71°B!3.5"0                 2.23         83
                          (stupro stoe.)
                                                ,   m oors4
                          Licensee certifies antenna(s) comply with gain patterns specified in Section 25.209

Subject to the provisionsofthe Communications Act of 1934, The Communications Satellite Act of1962, subsequent acts and
treaties, and all present andfuture regulations made by this Commission, and further subject to the conditions and
requirementsset forth in this license, the registrant is registered to operate the radio facilities described belowfor radio
communications for the term beginning March 20, 2013 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) and ending March 20, 2028 (3 AM
Eastern StandardTime) . The required date of commencement of operation is August 7, 2013 (3 AM Eastern StandardTime) .
Registrant mustfile with the Commission acertification upon commencement ofoperation.

B) Particulars of Operations

The General Provision 1010 appliesto all receiving frequency bands
The General Provision1900 applies toall transmitting frequency bands
For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H;
                                                                                   Max       Max EIRP                          Special
              .                                                              EIRP Density                                     Provisions
L            Frequency                 Polarization                   To/Rx /Carrier /Cartier Associated                       (RefCF 10— Modulation/
#                 (MHz)                    Code          Emission       Mode      (dBW)     (@BWAKHZ)          Antenna        Section H)       Services

1) 3700.0000—4200 0000                   my             semoorg         rox                                :                                  Aubro/¥IDE0/DNTA

C) Frequency Coordination Limits

                                                             Satellite Are           Elevation                 Azimuth          Max EIRP
              .              i2                              (Der. Long.)            (Degrees)                 (Degrees) Densitytoward
             FrequeneyLimits                                 :       West          East      West        East        West          HMorizon           Associated
#                   (MHz)                               Li           Limit        Limit      Limit    Limit         Limit      (dBWAKHz)              Antenna(s)

)        3700..0000—4200 . 0000                          74 .0—239 .o#              a1.0—                184.3—254.7                             1

                                                                         (page 1 of 3)                                                               FCC Form488

                                             UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                         RADIO STATION REGISTRATION

Name: CBS Radio East Inc.                                                                     Call Sign: E130066
Authorization Type: Registration                                                           File Number: SES—REG—20130320—00284
Non Common Carrier                     Grant date:   05/08/2013         Expiration Date:   03/20/2028

D) Points of Communications
  The following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C ofthis Entry:

 1) | to Permitted Space Station List

E) Antenna Facilities
                                                                                                        .                            Special
                                                                                                      Site              Max         Provisions
 Site            Antenna                Diameter                                                   Elevation       Antenna Height    (Refer to
  ID                ID         Units     (meters)      Manufacturer              Model number      (Meters)           (Meters)      Section H)

                     1            i         3.7              PRODELIN                  1374        2.29        14 AGL/ 16.29 AMSL
       Max Gains(s):             40.4 dBi e          3.9500 GHz
       Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) =
       Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW)}) =

G) Antenna Structure marking and lighting requirements:
        None unless otherwise specified under Special and General Provisions

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION                  AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
        2200 ——— These facilities shall be used for the reception of only such programming material that the grantee has been
                 authorized to receive and use by the owner of the programming material.

        2456 ——— No protection beyond that afforded in "Deregulation of Domestic Receive—Only Satellite Earth Stations" will be
                 provided for TVRO earth stations. Due to 2 degree orbital spacing, "the potential levels of interference caused by
                 satellite transmissions are already defined and the actual level of any protection desired by an applicant from
                 intersatellite interference for small receiving earth station antennas will be achieved by the choice of receiving
                 antenna performance selected by parties installing newreceive—only earth stations." FCC 86—133 36552.
        2464 ——— The grantee is authorized to add, delete or change channels of program material without further application or
                 notification to the Commission, provided: (a)The carriage of such program material is an authorized pursuant to
                 the Commission‘s rules, regulations and policies governing the terrestrial system (s) used to distribute this
                 material to the end subscribers, and (b) that such earth station operations are consistent with the technical
                 parameters specified in the registration.
        2465 ——— This provision relates to potential interference from terrestrial microwave stations. "Operation of the receive—only
                 earth station shall be in accordance with the frequency coordination exhibit completed for this station. "

        5216 ——— All operations shall be on a non—common carrier basis.

                                                         ( page 2 of 3 )                                                  FCC Form 488

                                         UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                    RADIO STATION REGISTRATION

Name: CBS Radio East Inc.                                                               Call Sign: E130066
AuthorizationType: Registration                                                      File Number: SES—REG—20130320—00284
Non Common Carrier                Grant date:    05/08/2013       Expiration Date:    03/20/2028

    B) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the additional conditions specified below:

              This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representation that the statements contained in the application are
              true and that the undertakings described will be carried out in good faith.

              This authorizationshall not be construed in any manner as a finding by the Commission on the question of
              marking or lighting of the antenna system should future conditions require. The grantee expressly agrees to
              install such marking or lighting as the Commission mayrequire under the provisions of Section 303(q) of the
              Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 303(q).

              Neither this authorization nor the right granted bythis authorizationshall be assigned or otherwise transferred to
              anyperson, firm, companyor corporation without the written consent of the Commission. This authorization is
              subject to the right of use or control by the government of the United States conferred by Section 706 ofthe
              Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 706. Operation ofthis station is governed byPart 25 of the Commission‘s
              Rules. 47 C.F.R. Part 25.

              This authorization shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate this stationnor any right in the use of the
              designated frequencies beyond the termof this license, nor in anyother manner thanauthorized herein.

              This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representationthat the station is in compliancewith environmental
              requirements set forthin Section 1.1307 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 1.1307.

              This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representation that the stationis in compliance with the Federal
              Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements as set forth in Section 17.4 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R.§

              The following condition applies when this authorization permits constructionofor modifies the construction
              permit of a radio station.

              This authorization shall be automaticallyforfeited if the station is not ready for operation by the required date of
              completion ofconstruction unless anapplication for modification ofauthorization to request additional time to
              complete construction is filed by that date, together with a showing that failure to complete construction by the
              required date was due to factors not under control of the grantee.

              Licensees are required to pay annual regulatory fees related to this authorization. The requirement to
              collect annual regulatoryfees fromregulatees is contained in Public Law103—66, "The Omnibus Budget
              Reconciliation Act of 1993." These regulatoryfees, which are likelyto change each fiscal year, are used
              to offset costs associated with the Commission‘s enforcement, public service, international and policyand
              rulemaking activities. The Commission issues a Report and Order cach vcar, sctlulg the newregulatory
              fee rates, Receive onlyearth stations are exempt from paymen         in

                                                     (page 3 of 3)                                                 FCC Form 488

Document Created: 2017-06-30 13:53:59
Document Modified: 2017-06-30 13:53:59

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