Letter of Support.do


Request Final Approval of Google Fiber


This document pretains to SES-REG-20111216-01461 for Earth Station Registration on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                            February 28, 2012

Honorable Julius Genachowski

Federal Communications Commission

445 12th Street SW

Washington D.C. 20554

To the FCC:

Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the matter of Google Fiber’s application for building a

high-speed broadband network and possibly launching a paid TV service. I appreciate having my views

on this matter read and considered by the International Bureau’s Satellite Division. I support the above

referenced application as I believe it could result in real competition from Google Inc., to the duopoly

cable and phone companies in the fixed broadband market. Google Fiber has the potential to be a

massive disruptor to these companies with respect to their business models. Google believes in a more

open web and would not institute arbitrary usage based billing and Internet Overcharging Schemes on

users of its Internet Service.

That being said I know Google Fiber when launched later this year in Kansas City will be in trial

compared to established providers and despite whatever Google Inc.,’s expansion plans might be they

likely will not deploy everywhere in the country. Nevertheless, this is a great opportunity to inject more

competition into the broadband and TV market even as Verizon SpectrumCo lessens it (12-4). Please

submit final approval ASAP having determined whether to do so conditionally or unconditionally.

Mr. Maneesh Pangasa

Document Created: 2012-02-28 16:36:16
Document Modified: 2012-02-28 16:36:16

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