Attachment Completion of Constr

Completion of Constr

LETTER submitted by DowLohnes PLLC

Completion of Constr


This document pretains to SES-REG-20080311-00276 for Earth Station Registration on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


5\ DOWLOhneS                                                              >                                        J. Christopher Redding
                                                                                                      D 202.776.2776     E

                                                         August 28, 2008

                   VIA HAND DELIVERY                                               F’LED/A(,(L’IPTED
                   Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                       AUC
                   Federal Communications Commission                           _       C 2 8 2008
                   Office of the S ecretary
                                                                               Federal gommziicationg Commission
                   445 12th Street, S.W.                                              flceof the Secretary
                   Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                          R ECE'VED

                   Attention:     Media Bureau                                                                         SEP 0 3 2008
                                  Engineering Division
                                                                                                                    Satellite Division
                                  Re:      CoxCom,                                                                 International Bureau
                                           Receive—Only Earth Station E080061
                                           Henderson, Nevada
                                           FCC File No.: SES—REG—20080311—00276

                   Ladies and Gentlemen:

                           On behalf of CoxCom, Inc. there is transmitted herewith in triplicate a Notice of
                   Completion of Construction in connection with the above—referenced Receive—Only Earth
                   Station. Should any questions arise regarding this matter, please contact Allyson Mejia at
                   (202) 776—2901 or the undersigned.



Dow Lohnes PLLC                                     WasHnincton, DC | AtLanta, GA                       1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 800
Attorneys at Law                                                                                        Washington, DC 20036—6802                                                                                       T 202.776.2000    F 202.776.2222

                                                                                                   Cox Communications, Inc.
                                                                                                   1400 Lake Hearn Drive, N.E.
                                                                                                   Atlanta, Georgia 30319
                                         FILED/AccEPTEp                                            (404) $43—5000
                                                 :’s(_;b 2 8 2008

                                       Federal Communicas                     2o
                                              Office or[)L'*)E‘\S"zgfefgrr]y?lnlSSIO[;

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary                                                                            c°
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                             COMMUNLE ATIONS

Attention:     International Bureau
               Satellite Division
                        Re:    CoxCom, Inc.
                               Receive—Only Earth Station E080061                                          SEP 0 3 2008
                               Henderson, Nevada
                               ECC File No. SES—REG—20080311—00276                                        Sateilte Diision
                                                                                                        International Bureau


Ladies and Gentlemen:

        Pursuant to Section 25.133(d) of the Commission‘s rules, we hereby provide notification
that the construction authorized by the above—referenced earth station registration has been
completed and the station is fully operational in accordance with its authorized parameters.

       Should any questions arise in connection with this matter, please contact our FCC
counsel, J. Christopher Redding, Esq., at (202) 776—2776.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                  CoxCom, Inc.

                                                  Signature: ..           Sbult          '   (L   blai

                                                  Printed Name: Mark S. Williams

                                                  Title: Vice President

Dated: August 22, 2008

Document Created: 2019-04-23 19:42:29
Document Modified: 2019-04-23 19:42:29

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