Attachment WMHT Surrenders E050

WMHT Surrenders E050


Surrender Letter


This document pretains to SES-REG-20050201-00121 for Earth Station Registration on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


051972008WOX 935. FaX 518 880 3500 maT                                                                   Moou/dd!
                                                                            WMHT Educational Telecommuni¢cations
 Wl l '                  PU B L1 Co        T YVe R A DP o                   4 Global View    Troy    NY 12180—8368
                                                                            Tel $18.080,3400 Fax $18,80,3409

          Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
          Federal Communications Commission
          Office of the Secretary
          445 12"" Street, SW
          Washington, D.C. 20554

                 Re:    E050025 —— Surrender of License
                        Attention: International Bureau

          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                 WMHT Educational Telecommunications hereby requests that the
          registration for the following domestic fixed satellite earth station be cancelled:

                 Call Sign:     E050025
                 Location:      Schenectady, New York
                 File No.:      SES—RWL—20050201—00121
                 Expiration:    02/01/2020

                 This earth station is no longer in service and will not be restored to
          service. Therefore, we wish to surmender the license.

                 { hereby certify that I am an employee of the licensee and am authorized
          to surrender this license.

                 Robert Altman
                 President and CEO

05/19/2008 NOX 9535 FAX 518 880 3509 TT                       i                                             Moos/o0
                                                                            WMHT Educational Telecommunications
 WI I l                     PU BR LIC      TY e R A D4 0                    4 Glabal View Troy NY 12180—8368
                       I                                                    Tel 518.880.3400   Fax 518,080.3409

          Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
          Federal Communications Commission
          Office of the Secretary
          445 12"" Street, SW
          Washington, D.C. 20554

                 Re:       E880642 — Surrender of License
                           Attention: International Bureau

          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                 WMHT Educational Telecommunications hereby requests that the
          registration for the following domestic fixed satellite earth station be cancelled:

                 Call Sign:      E880642
                 Location:       Schenectady, New York
                 File No.:       SES—RWL—19980506—00536
                 Expiration:     06/10/2008

                 This earth station is no longerin service and will not be restored to
          service. Therefore, we wish to surrender the license.

                 I hereby certify that ! am an employee of the licensee and am authorized
          to surrender this ficense.

                 Robert Altman
                 President and CEO

Document Created: 2008-05-19 10:03:42
Document Modified: 2008-05-19 10:03:42

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