Name change MyIBFS C

LETTER submitted by California State University, Long Beach Research Foundation

Notification of Licensee Name Change


This document pretains to SES-REG-20040213-00218 for Earth Station Registration on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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        Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
        Federal Communications Commission
        Washington, DC 20554

                           Attention: Satellite Division, Interpational Burau

        Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    This is to report a change of the name of the licensee of a receive—only C—band domestic
       fixed satellite earth station.

                    Old name:      California State University, Long Beach Foundation
                    New name:      California State University, Long Beach Research Foundation

                    Call Sign E040082 SES—REG—20040213—00218 Grant of Authority 03/31/2004
                    FRN: 0010349496

              This is only a name change. There has been no change in the legal entity involved, no
       assignment oflicense, and no transfer of control. The Taxpayer Identification Number remains
       unchanged. The FRN data file has been updated and now reads:

                    0010349496 California State University, Long Beach Research Foundation

                    If there are any questions about this notification, please contact the undersigned.

                                                           Very   truly yours,

                                                           Beter Tannenwald
                                                           Counsel for California State University,
                                                             Long Beach Research Foundation

Document Created: 2019-04-23 15:11:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-23 15:11:11

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