Attachment Freq. Coord

This document pretains to SES-REG-20040205-00184 for Earth Station Registration on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


From: Edwards, Gary []
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 4:24 PM
To: Sophie Arrington
Subject: RE: WNMU - Marquette


I'm not quite sure what happened with that application. It usually will not let
you complete and validate the filing unless all of the data is there, so there
must have been a glitch. Since I can't open that page again on IBFS, I can
provide you with the data to those questions:

Form    312, Sched.B - Frequency Coordination
E51:    Sat. Orbital Type: Geostationary
E52:    Lower Freq. Limit: 3700 MHz
E53:    Upper Freq. Limit: 4200 MHz
E54:    Range of Sat. Arc Eastern Limit: 60 deg. West
E55:    Range of Sat. Arc Western Limit: 143 deg. West
E56:    Earth Station Azimuth Angle Eastern Limit: 144.5 degrees
E57:    Antenna Elevation Angle Eastern Limit: 30.1 degrees
E58:    Earth Station Azimuth Angle Western Limit: 243.6 degrees
E59:    Antenna Elevation Angle Western Limit: 14.4 degrees
E60:    Max EIRP toward Horizon: N/A

Please let me know if this format is not acceptable.

We appreciate all of your help on this one.

Gary Edwards
703 726-5662

-----Original Message-----
From: Sophie Arrington []
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 3:04 PM
To: Edwards, Gary
Subject: RE: WNMU - Marquette


I didn't make myself clear in what was needed. I have the attachment of the
Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report. What is needed is a
completed FCC Form 312 - Schedule B (Technical and Operational Description)
FREQUENCY COORD PAGE. This page was left blank in the application. This
information must be a part of the application. If the applicant could e-mail me
this page with the information filled out, or I could fax you a copy of the page
that needs to be completed so I can continue to process this application.


-----Original Message-----
From: Edwards, Gary []
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 1:18 PM
To: Sophie Arrington
Subject: WNMU - Marquette


Attached please find the Coordination Final Report.

Please let me know if you need anything else on this one.

We appreciate your help.

703 726-5662


Document Created: 2004-02-11 06:27:51
Document Modified: 2004-02-11 06:27:51

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