Attachment Name Change Letter

Name Change Letter

NAME CHANGE NOTIFICATION submitted by elley Drye & Warren LLP

Name Change Letter


This document pretains to SES-REG-20000522-00860 for Earth Station Registration on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                            KELLEY DRYE & WARREN uicr
                                                     A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP

                                            WASHINGTON HARBOUR, SUITE 400
  NEW    YORK,     NY                                                                                                        F A C S IM TLE

   CHICAGO,        IL                               3050KSTREET7 NW                                                       (202)   3 42—8 451

  STAMFORD,         CT                        WASH‘NGTON’ D.C.               20007_5108                        

 P ARSIPPANY,           NJ

                                                         (202) 342—8400
BRUSSELS,      BELGIUVM                                                                                                  RANDALL W. SIFERS

                                                                                                                     DIRECT LINE: (202) 342—8601

  A;:;IBA;E:,O|F;:>CxiS                                                                     F]LED/ACCEP‘FE{}

                                                                                                 SEP 2 5 2009
                                                                                          Federal(g:;mmumcanons Commission
                                                                                                   ice of the Secreta
                                                    September 25, 2009                                           "

                                                                                                                  OCT 0 1 2008
  Marlene H. Dortch‘ Secretary hss                                                                               Satellite Division
  Federal Communications Commussion                                                               .            international Bureau
  445 12th Street, SW
  Washington, De 20554

                             Re:    Notice of Name Changes of Entities Holding Earth Station Registrations:
                                    PrairieWave Telecommunications, Inc., Call Sign: EO70117
                                    Graceba Total Communications, Inc., Call Signs: E970192, E0O0O0255, and

  Dear Ms. Dortch:

                             Knology, Inc., through its attorneys, hereby notifies the Commission of the name
  changes, described below, of its wholly—owned subsidiaries.

                 Graceba Total Communications, Inc., which holds an earth station registration
  designated by call sign EO70117, changed its name to Knology Total Communications, Inc.,
  effective June 16, 2008.

                             PrairieWave Telecommunications, Inc., which holds earth station registrations
  designated by call signs: E970192, EO00255, and EQO00260, changed its name to Knology of the
  Plains, Inc., effective March 10, 2008.

                            KELLEY DRYE & WARREN uir

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
September 25, 2009
Page Two

              Please contact the undersigned with any questions.-

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                  Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

                                                  Randall i/Jafec
                                                  Randall W. Sifers
                                                  Counsel to Knology, Inc.

ce:    International Bureau, Satellite Division

Document Created: 2019-04-23 16:20:13
Document Modified: 2019-04-23 16:20:13

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