Attachment Lansing

This document pretains to SES-REG-19990618-01625 for Earth Station Registration on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


December 1, 2017
¥ix IBES Padings and Comments
Chief, Iternationa! Burens
Federal Communications Commission
445 12# Sneeu, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
REABA NetLLC (FRN: 0014—1424—18) Section 63.19 Notice ofDiscontimuance and
Surrender ofSection 214 Authorization
ABA NetLLC (CABA Net")respectfily flesthis noticeafiscontinuance afinterntional
long isince service and surender of Section 214 Authorization ABA Net, a none
dominant cavir, was granted internationl Section 214 Authorization n [B File No. EC
Costomer Notlee of Discontinaence was sent tcustomers on November 3, 2017 via emall
and simublancouty posted on the Face Book page, a copy of which is attached hereto.
Separitely,a Section 6.71 discontiouance aplication for ABA Net is being fled with the
FCC for te discominuance ofdomestislong distance service.
Due to unforesecn cireumstances ABA Net d to closedown the provision afintemational
Jong distance serviceas ofNovember3, 2017. I is ABA Nex‘s objective to minimize any
incomvenience to its cusromers, ABA Net offered assistnce via a eall center ffom
November 3 to November 24, 2017, to assis ts customen® tansiionto another provider
if they 5o elected. As ofthe dare af this Alng, there have been no customer issues or
complaints filed with ABA Net regurding the discontinuance ofservice
1 addional information is required or there are questions concerning this mattr, please
contct Joyse Gailey at727—822—8310 or emil or Emins Causevic
at (301) 603—9016 or emailat eming.cousevicfiabanetue

ChicfExeeutive Officer
Customer Noties atschment
es     JoyceGuiley (viscmail)
                    200 Reseush vt Sute 210, Recite, d 20660
                        Tok n 0t eos—o000,ras c 01 e5007


                      cusromen nonice vin ewait on novemsen3, 2017
              Te notice wassimultaneoustyposted on the A8A Net, LC Focebook page
Dear valued customer,
\Weregret to inform you thit ABA Net LLC will be discontinuing allresidental long distance
Services under is brand. We are sorry for y inconvenience this may have caused you.
Good news: we have found you a replacement, a quality provider oitermational and domestic
Toug ditence, to provide specialrates and asvitanceto our curtomes. They have great
promotional and regular rtes t Bosnia, Mscedonia and many other countres. You can sign up
and ston tilking right awayt
To earall oask questions,call 301—603—9016 and we will sign you up!
ABA Net LLC is pleased to have had the opportunity o serve you, and remains commited to
malking your long distance service mansition as smooth as possible.
Sixcerely your,

The Feders! Communications Commission (‘FCC‘) permits customers to object to
diseontinuance ofther serviceby a telecommunications provider. As provided in he FCC‘s rule
@1 Cm ol
 "The FCC will normally mithorizthis proposed discontinuance ofservice unloss t i shown
ihat customers would be unible to eceive service or a reasonable substimte from another
carier 0: that the public convenience and necessty is otherwise adversely affested.If you
wish to object you should file yoar comments as soon as possible, but no late than 15 days
afte the Commission releases publicneticeof the proposed discontinuance. You may fle
your comments electronically trough the FCC‘s Elsctonic Comment Fling System usingthe
docket number estbtished in the Comminsion‘s public notice for thisproceeding, or you may
address them to the Federal Communications Commission, Wireine Comperition Bureas,
Comperiion Policy Division, Washington, DC 20554, and include in your comments a
referencto the §6371 Applcation of AN PI Business LLC. Comments should include specific
information sboutthe impact ofthis proposed discontintance upon you, including any imabilty
to acquize ressonsble substitre service*

Document Created: 2019-04-06 14:12:46
Document Modified: 2019-04-06 14:12:46

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