Attachment Limited_Waiver_Req[1

This document pretains to SES-MSC-20131101-01139 for Miscellaneous on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



       O3b Limited (“O3b”) hereby requests a limited waiver of the Commission’s
requirements, to the extent needed and on the terms described below, to conduct tests
and demonstrations with earth stations on vessels (“ESVs”) on two foreign-flagged ships
operated by Royal Caribbean – the Allure of the Seas and the Oasis of the Seas – before
commercial operations begin. O3b asks that the waiver cover the six-month period
commencing on December 1, 2013; expedited processing of this filing is respectfully

       O3b has filed an application requesting a license to operate up to one hundred
2.2m and one hundred 1.2m ESVs on U.S.-flagged ships.1 The ESVs will communicate
with O3b’s non-geostationary orbit (“NGSO”) Fixed-Satellite Service (“FSS”) system. 2

         For statutory reasons, the Commission does not license ESVs that transmit from
foreign-flagged ships.3 The Commission requires, however, that ESVs on foreign-flagged
ships not cause harmful interference to FCC-licensed radio stations when the foreign-
flagged ships are located in US waters. 4 In keeping with this requirement, O3b
demonstrated in the O3b ESV License Application that its ESVs on foreign-flagged ships,
like its ESVs on U.S.-flagged ships, will protect other FCC-licensed stations. 5

        Prior to initiating commercial ESV service, O3b intends to engage in tests and
demonstrations of its ESVs (the “Tests”) on the Allure of the Seas and the Oasis of the
Seas, which are foreign-flagged; each ship will have three ESVs. O3b holds licenses from
the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority of the Bahamas to operate the ESVs
on these two ships.

        For a portion of the time that the Tests are conducted, the Allure of the Seas and
the Oasis of the Seas will be located in U.S. waters. O3b is not seeking an FCC license or
special temporary authorization for the Tests because, as discussed above, the
Commission does not issue such authorizations for ESVs that are located on foreign-

  See File No. SES-LIC-20130528-00455 (the “O3b ESV License Application”). As used in this filing, the term
“ships” includes all types of vessels that ESVs are permitted to serve.
  In September 2012, the Commission granted O3b a license to operate one of the gateways for this
system in Haleiwa, Hawaii. See FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952 (granted September 25, 2012). In
June 2013, the Commission granted O3b a license to operate a second gateway, which is located in
Vernon, Texas. See FCC File No. SES-LIC-20130124-00089 (granted June 20, 2013).
  “Section 306 of the Communications Act provides that the Commission does not have the authority to
license radio stations, such as ESVs, on vessels registered by foreign administrations (foreign-registered
vessels).” In the Matter of Procedures to Govern the Use of Satellite Earth Stations on Board Vessels in the
5925-6425 MHz/3700-4200 MHz Bands and 14.0-14.5 GHz/11.7-12.2 GHz Bands, 20 FCC Rcd 674, ¶ 122
(2004) (footnote omitted)(“ESV R&O”).
  Id., ¶¶ 122-126.
  O3b ESV License Application, Narrative, Sections II.E and II.F.


flagged ships. O3b, however, arguably requires a waiver of certain Commission
requirements in order to conduct the Tests in U.S. territorial waters. Out of an
abundance of caution, O3b hereby requests these waivers.

        The waivers concern the Commission’s allocation for the frequencies on which
O3b’s Tests will be conducted. During the Tests, O3b’s ESVs will transmit on frequencies
in the 28.6-29.1 GHz band and will receive on frequencies in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band.
The Commission’s Table of Allocations and Ka-band frequency plan provide that the
28.6-29.1 and 18.8-19.3 GHz bands may be used by NGSO FSS systems such as O3b’s
system on a primary basis. 6 The Table of Allocations and Ka-band frequency plan,
however, make no provision for using NGSO FSS systems to communicate with earth
stations on mobile platforms such as ships. To the extent necessary, therefore, O3b
requests a waiver of the Table of Allocations and the Ka-band frequency plan so that
O3b’s NGSO FSS system may communicate with its ESVs on the Allure of the Seas and
the Oasis of the Seas during the Tests. O3b acknowledges that grant of this waiver will
be without prejudice to Commission action on the O3b ESV License Application.7

       O3b’s waiver request is supported by good cause. The Commission has
recognized the many benefits associated with ESVs. Making ESVs available, it has found,
“advances the Commission’s goals and objectives for market-driven deployment of
broadband technologies,” which “are becoming a fundamental component of modern
communications.” 8 The Commission also determined that the “maritime market for
broadband via satellite-based communications continues to expand,” and that ESVs
make it possible to “deploy increasingly innovative broadband services … to businesses
and consumers on the high seas, coastlines, and inland waterways.” 9

         Grant of O3b’s waiver request will advance these important objectives by
facilitating Tests that will enable O3b to evaluate equipment performance and customer
acceptability and that, if successful, will lead to an expansion of the supply of maritime
broadband services. The Tests are a precursor to commercial ESV operations in which
O3b will offer faster connectivity at lower cost and with reduced latency. O3b’s
maritime services will also increase downward pressure on prices and foster innovation,

  In the Matter of Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1, 2, 21, and 25 of the Commission's Rules to Redesignate
the 27.5-29.5 GHz Frequency Band, to Reallocate the 29.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Band, to Establish Rules
and Policies for Local Multipoint Distribution Service and for Fixed Satellite Services, 11 FCC Rcd. 19005,
¶¶59-62 and 79 (1996). See also In the Matter of Redesignation of the 17.7-19.7 GHz Frequency Band,
Blanket Licensing of Satellite Earth Stations in the 17.7-20.2 GHz and 27.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Bands, and
the Allocation of Additional Spectrum in the 17.3-17.8 GHz and 24.75-25.25 GHz Frequency Bands for
Broadcast Satellite-Service Use, 15 FCC Rcd 13430, ¶ 28 (2000).
  This waiver request has been associated in IBFS with the file number for the O3b ESV License Application
so that there would be a mechanism for submitting the waiver request electronically. The waiver request,
however, is independent of the O3b ESV License Application, and O3b respectfully requests that the two
filings be processed separately.
  ESV R&O, 20 FCC Rcd 674, ¶ 4 (2004).


all of which will redound to the benefit of maritime consumers and shipboard crew
welfare. By any reasonable measure, therefore, grant of O3b’s waiver request is in the
public interest.
        O3b’s waiver request, moreover, presents no interference concerns. The
technical characteristics of O3b’s ESV operations will be identical to the technical
characteristics, which O3b hereby incorporates by reference, 10 of the operations
proposed in the O3b ESV License Application. O3b demonstrated in the O3b ESV License
Application that that these technical characteristics protect satellite and terrestrial
services. Satellite and terrestrial services, therefore, will be protected during the Tests.

        Avoidance of interference to GSO FSS systems. 11 As shown in the O3b ESV
License Application, there always will be an off-axis discrimination of more than 2.6°
between GSO orbits and O3b’s NGSO orbit as viewed from O3b’s ESV terminals. In
addition, the uplink and downlink power density levels of O3b’s ESVs will be within the
limits specified in Section 25.138 of the rules for blanket licensing of GSO FSS earth
stations. These factors ensure that GSO FSS systems will be adequately protected.

         Avoidance of interference to or from Fixed Service (i.e., terrestrial) stations. 12

       28 GHz band (ESV uplink frequencies). There is no allocation in the Commission’s
Ka-band Band Plan for Fixed Service stations operating in the 28.6-29.1 GHz band in the
United States.13

        18 GHz band (ESV downlink frequencies). Fixed Service stations in the United
States operating in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band are no longer co-primary with FSS users in
this band. 14 Nevertheless, O3b agrees to accept any interference that its ESVs, during
the Tests, may receive from U.S.-based 18.8-19.3 GHz band Fixed Service stations, and
O3b will protect the 18.8-19.3 GHz band fixed service stations by complying with the
space station PFD limits specified in Section 25.208 of the rules. 15

   See generally O3b ESV License Application, FCC Form 312 (Schedule B) and Narrative, Attachment A.
   See O3b ESV License Application, Narrative, Section II.F.1.
   See O3b ESV License Application, Narrative, Section II.F.2.
   See In the Matter of Verizon Washington D.C., Application for Renewal of License for Common Carrier
Fixed Point to Point Microwave Station KGC79, 26 FCC Rcd 13511, 13516 (WTB 2011).
   See 47 C.F.R. § 101.85(b)(2).
   During the Tests, O3b also will abide by the commitments it made in the O3b ESV License Application
that: (i) there will be a pointing error of less than 0.2° between the orbital location of the target satellite
and the axis of the main lobe of each ESV antenna; and (ii) emissions from each ESV will cease
automatically within 100 milliseconds if the angle between the orbital location of the target satellite and
the axis of the main lobe of the ESV antenna exceeds 0.5°, and transmissions will not resume until the
angle is less than 0.2°. See O3b ESV License Application, Narrative, Section II.H. These commitments give
the Commission added assurance that O3b’s ESV operations can co-exist with other services during the



     Accordingly, and for good cause shown, O3b’s request for a limited waiver of the
Commission’s requirements, to the extent required, during the six-month period
commencing on December 1, 2013, should be granted.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       O3b Limited

                                       By:     /s/Joslyn Read
                                                Joslyn Read
                                               Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
                                               for O3b Limited
                                               900 17th Street NW, Suite 300
                                               Washington DC 20006

November 1, 2013

  Joseph A. Godles
  1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.
  Washington, DC 20036
  (202) 429-4900

Document Created: 2013-11-21 15:06:24
Document Modified: 2013-11-21 15:06:24

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