Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-MOD-INTR2019-03129 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                       Before the
                                  Washington, DC 20554

    In the Matter of

    Application of Alaska Communications           )     Call Sign: E170205
    Internet LLC to Modify its C-Band Very         )
    Small Aperture Terminal Network License        )     File No. SES-MOD-_____________

                        VSAT Network License Modification Application

          Pursuant to Section 25.117 of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission (the

“FCC” or “Commission”), 47 C.F.R. § 25.117, Alaska Communications Internet LLC (“Alaska

Communications Internet”) files this application (the “Application”) to modify its C-band very

small aperture terminal (“VSAT”) network license, Call Sign E170205 (the “License”),1 by

adding fifteen (15) additional earth station sites (the “Sites”) that will support delivery of

critically needed voice and broadband services to customers in remote and inaccessible areas of

Alaska that are unserved or underserved by terrestrial telecommunications transport networks.

These customers include rural incumbent local exchange carriers (“RLECs”) serving some of

Alaska’s smallest communities, rural health care providers delivering critical telemedicine

services, and commercial companies providing critical employment and economic opportunities

in and around Native Alaskan villages.

          As with the sites previously authorized under the License, Alaska Communications

Internet seeks to perform these new operations in portions of the C-band at fixed locations in

Alaska while communicating with the EUTELSAT 115WB satellite located at the 114.9° W.L.

orbital position. Alaska Communications Internet has previously obtained or requested Special

Temporary Authority to provide service at these additional Sites.

     See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-LIC-20171116-01257, Call Sign E170205, and
     subsequent modification and amendment applications.

                                                                             Alaska Communications Internet
                                                                  Modification of License, Call Sign E170205
                                                                                                Aug. 28, 2019


         Alaska Communications Internet is an affiliate of Alaska Communications Systems Group,

Inc. (“Alaska Communications”), a publicly-traded company that, through its subsidiaries, provides

essential broadband and voice-over-Internet Protocol (“VoIP”) services to enterprise, business,

educational, health care, and residential customers throughout the state of Alaska. Taken together,

its four incumbent local exchange carrier affiliates2 provide wireline voice telecommunications and

broadband-enabled services to customers in Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau, as well as

approximately 50 rural and remote Native Alaskan villages and other Bush communities.3

         The License authorizes Alaska Communications Internet to operate a network of C-band

satellite earth stations used to serve diverse users in remote locations in Alaska. Specifically, from

the gateway hub in Anchorage, Alaska, the network currently serves the Alaska Native population

of St. Paul Island and the Tanadgusix Corporation (“TDX”), an Alaska Native corporation created

pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (“ANCSA”). In addition, the C-band VSAT

network provides broadband connectivity to each of the individual schools and the District Office

of the Kuspuk School District with support from the Commission’s Schools and Libraries

Universal Service Support Mechanism (“E-rate”);4 local fishing and seafood processing businesses

    The incumbent local exchange carrier (“ILEC”) subsidiaries of Alaska Communications are: ACS of
    Anchorage, LLC; ACS of Fairbanks, LLC; ACS of Alaska, LLC; and ACS of the Northland, LLC. See
    also ACS Long Distance, Inc., File Nos. ITC-214-19960612-00248, ITC-T/C-20050822-00382, ITC-
    T/C-20040414-00190 (International Section 214 authorization).
    Unlike Alaska’s three largest population centers, and the surrounding rural communities, Alaska bush
    communities are isolated geographically from infrastructure resources commonly available elsewhere in
    the state, and the nation as a whole. Most bush communities cannot be accessed by road and are not
    connected to the state’s power grid. To reach these communities, people, as well as goods and services,
    must arrive by plane, barge, snow machine, all-terrain vehicle, or other off-road transportation means.
    Communications services in these communities generally must rely on satellite or terrestrial point-to-
    point microwave transport links to Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau.
    See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-MOD-20180626-0142, Call Sign E170205
    (granted Aug. 5, 2019) (“Kuspuk Modification Application”).


                                                                            Alaska Communications Internet
                                                                 Modification of License, Call Sign E170205
                                                                                               Aug. 28, 2019

co-owned by the Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation (“BBEDC”),5 and a test site

located at the Alaska Communications headquarters in Anchorage, Alaska.6

         The Sites covered by this Application are those for which Alaska Communications

Internet has previously requested or obtained special temporary authority to serve under the

License. Specifically, this Application seeks regular licensed authority to serve a seafood

processing plant operated by Silver Bay Seafood, LLC at False Pass, Alaska;7 additional coastal

seafood processing plants operated by Trident Seafoods Corporation; a remote mining operation

in Iliamna, Alaska operated by Pebble Limited Partnership;8 and the insular Arch Priest Nicholas

Kompkoff Health Clinic supported by the Commission’s Rural Health Care (“RHC”) Universal

Service Support Mechanism and operated by Chugachmiut, Inc., an Alaska Native non-profit

agency that serves the seven Alaska Native tribes in the state’s Chugach Region;9 as well as to

provide critically-needed middle mile backhaul service needed to maintain voice and broadband

communications services for customers of OTZ Telephone Cooperative, a small Alaskan RLEC

serving small, primarily Alaska Native communities in northwest Alaska.10

     The BBEDC ( is a not-for-profit company whose mission is to promote
     economic growth and opportunities for residents of BBEDC’s member communities through
     sustainable use of the Bering Sea resources. See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File Nos.
     SES-MOD-2018-0413-00352 and SES-AMD-2018-0427-00401 (granted June 25, 2018 (Excursion
     Inlet, Alitak, Naknek sites).
     See Kuspuk Modification Application.
     See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File Nos. SES-STA-20190211-00110 and SES-STA-
     20190418-00526, Call Sign E170205 (“Silver Bay STA”).
     See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File Nos. SES-STA-20190515-00602 and SES-STA-
     20190724-00973, Call Sign E170205 (“Trident/Pebble STA”).
     See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-STA-20190712-00914, Call Sign E170205
     (“Chenega STA”).
     See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-STA-20190809-01040, Call Sign E170205
     (filed Aug. 9, 2019) (“OTZ STA”) (pending). OTZ is a member-owned cooperative serving remote
     Tribal villages in the Alaska bush. All OTZ Board members are Inupiat Eskimo and the majority of
     OTZ staff are Alaska native, see


                                                                            Alaska Communications Internet
                                                                 Modification of License, Call Sign E170205
                                                                                               Aug. 28, 2019


         This Application seeks authority to modify the License, as discussed below.

         A.      New Site Locations and Terminals

         Alaska Communications Internet seeks to add the following fifteen Sites to the License,

and proposes to operate a C-band satellite earth station at each Site that will communicate via the

EUTELSAT 115WB satellite with the Alaska Communications Internet network hub:

         The Chugachmiut Site:
         •    Chugachmiut Chenega Bay Health Clinic
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1241 (2.4-meter)11
              (geographic coordinates: 60° 3’ 56.27” N, 148° 1’ 1.61” W)
         The OTZ Sites:
         •    OTZ Kotzebue Headquarters
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1241 (2.4-meter)
              (geographic coordinates: 66° 51’ 29.59” N, 162° 36’ 50.44” W)
         •    OTZ Noatak Village Office
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1241 (2.4-meter)
              (geographic coordinates: 67° 34’ 17.03” N, 162° 58’ 14.52” W)
         •    OTZ Ambler Village Office
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1241 (2.4-meter)
              (geographic coordinates: 67° 05’ 11.48” N, 157° 51’ 40.65” W)
         •    OTZ Noorvik Village Office
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1241 (2.4-meter)
              (geographic coordinates: 66°49’ 59.35” N, 161° 02’ 44.78” W)
         •    OTZ Kiana Village Office
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1241 (2.4-meter)
              (geographic coordinates: 66° 58’ 24.33” N, 160° 25’ 49.27” W)

     The General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1241 is a previously approved and technically identical variant
     of the Model 1244. Alaska Communications Internet will operate these earth stations at maximum
     EIRP spectral density (“ESD”) levels lower than those previously authorized by the Commission. See
     Approved Non-Routine Earth Station Antennas,


                                                                              Alaska Communications Internet
                                                                   Modification of License, Call Sign E170205
                                                                                                 Aug. 28, 2019

          •   OTZ Deering Village Office
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1241 (2.4-meter)
              (geographic coordinates: 66° 04’ 32.74” N, 162° 43’ 21.99” W)
          •   OTZ Buckland Village Office
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1241 (2.4-meter)
              (geographic coordinates: 65° 58’ 41.98” N, 161° 07’ 29.50” W)
          •   OTZ Selawik Village Office
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1241 (2.4-meter)
              (geographic coordinates: 66° 36’ 24.35” N, 160° 00’ 52.65” W)
          •   OTZ Kivalina Village Office
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1241 (2.4-meter)
              (geographic coordinates: 67° 43’ 34.87” N, 164° 32’ 15.84” W)
          The Trident Seafoods Sites:
          •   Trident Seafoods North Naknek
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1251 (2.4-meter)12
              (geographic coordinates: 58° 43’ 41.4” N, 157° 0’ 26.2” W)
          •   Trident Seafoods Akutan
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1251 (2.4-meter)
              (geographic coordinates: 54° 7’ 59.3” N, 165° 47’ 22.1” W)
          •   Trident Seafoods Sand Point
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1251 (2.4-meter)
              (geographic coordinates: 55° 20’ 10.9” N, 160° 30’ 8.3” W)
          The Silver Bay Seafood Site:
          •   Silver Bay Seafood False Pass
              General Dynamics Prodelin Model 2385 (3.8-meter)13
              (geographic coordinates: 54° 51’ 54.00” N, 163° 24’ 42.20” W)

     The General Dynamics Prodelin Antenna Model 1251 is also a technically identical variant of the
     Model 1244 and Model 1241. Alaska Communications Internet will operate these earth stations at
     maximum EIRP spectral density (“ESD”) levels lower than those previously authorized by the
     Commission. See Approved Non-Routine Earth Station Antennas,
     The General Dynamics Prodelin 2385 is, in all material respects, electrically identical to the Prodelin
     1383, a model that the Commission has licensed for two other sites in the License, and which appears
     on the Commission’s Approved Non-Routine Earth Station Antennas List (“Non-Routine Antenna
     List”). See Approved Non-Routine Earth Station Antennas,
     routine-earth-station-antennas. The Prodelin 2385 includes a stronger, reinforced support structure
     than that supplied with the Prodelin 1383, which is necessary to withstand the high winds and
     inclement weather that the Silver Bay Seafood site on Unimak Island frequently experiences.


                                                                               Alaska Communications Internet
                                                                    Modification of License, Call Sign E170205
                                                                                                  Aug. 28, 2019

          The Pebble Site:
          •   Pebble Partnership Iliamna
          •   General Dynamics Prodelin Model 1241 (2.4-meter)
              (geographic coordinates: 59° 45’ 26.0” N, 154° 54’ 22.8” W)

          Except for the Silver Bay Seafood Site, each will use a 2.4-meter General Dynamics

Prodelin VSAT earth station that is electrically identical to one appears on the Commission’s

Non-Routine Antenna List and has been previously authorized for similar fixed C-band

operations, including for other sites appearing in this License.14 Although these 2.4m earth

stations do not comply with the gain mask in Section 25.209 of the Commission’s rules, Alaska

Communications Internet demonstrates in the attached Form 312, Schedule B that it will operate

the terminals at maximum EIRP spectral density (“ESD”) levels below those previously

authorized by the Commission and in compliance with the ESD mask set forth in Section

25.218(d) of the Commission’s rules.15

          At the Silver Bay Seafood Site, Alaska Communications Internet will utilize a 3.8-meter

General Dynamics Prodelin Model 2385 earth station that is electrically identical in all material

respects to the Prodelin Model 1383. As with the other sites, although the Prodelin 2385 earth

station (like the Prodelin 1383) does not comply with the gain mask in Section 25.209 of the

Commission’s rules, Alaska Communications Internet demonstrates in the attached Schedule B

that it will operate this earth station in compliance with the ESD mask set forth in Section

     See, e.g., Harris Corporation, File No. SES-LIC-20060302-00342, Call Sign E060075.
     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.218(d). Each site will utilize an iDirect modem, which assigns individual time slots
     for each earth station’s transmissions, and thus there is no potential for aggregation of transmissions
     that would exceed the off-axis ESD levels provided in this application.


                                                                             Alaska Communications Internet
                                                                  Modification of License, Call Sign E170205
                                                                                                Aug. 28, 2019

25.218(d) of the Commission’s rules,16 and below the maximum ESD levels previously approved

by the Commission.17

          At each Site, the earth station will be mounted on the roof of an existing building, such as

a telephone central office or on a previously-installed pole in an area inaccessible to the general

public. In each case, the planned location is not among any “districts, sites, buildings, structures

or objects, significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering or culture, that

are listed, or are eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places,”18 and thus falls

within the exemptions of Section 1.1306(a)-(b) and Note 1 to that rule.19 Accordingly, no

environmental assessment is required as part of this application because each proposed site is

categorically exempt under Section 1.1306 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.1306.

          B.      Frequency Coordination

          Alaska Communications Internet engaged Micronet Communications, Inc. (“Micronet”)

to perform frequency coordination in support of this STA request, which has now been

completed for all Sites. Pursuant to Sections 25.115(c)(2)(ii) and 25.203 of the Commission’s

rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.115(c)(2)(ii) and 25.203, Micronet has conducted a coordination analysis

     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.218(d). Each site will utilize an iDirect modem, which assigns individual time
     slots for each earth station’s transmissions, and thus there is no potential for aggregation of
     transmissions that would exceed the off-axis ESD levels provided in this application.
     See Alaska Communications Internet, LLC, SES-LIC-20171116-01257, Call Sign E170205 (Dimond
     D and St. Paul Island sites); RCN License Subsidiary, Inc., SES-LIC-20050114-00077, Call Sign
     E050016 (Max EIRP density 45.4 dBW/4kHz); Intelsat LLC, File No. SES-LIC-20110627-00745,
     Call Sign E110100 (Max EIRP density 31.9 dBW/4kHz); Public Broadcasting of Colorado, Inc., SES-
     MOD-20060608-00951, Call Sign E030163 (Max EIRP density 43.2 dBW/4kHz); Harris Corporation,
     File No. SES-LIC-20060302-00342, Call Sign E060075.
     47 C.F.R. § 1.1307(a)(4).
     See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1306, Note 1 (“The provisions of §1.1307(a) requiring the preparation of EAs do not
     encompass the mounting of antenna(s) and associated equipment (such as wiring, cabling, cabinets, or
     backup-power), on or in an existing building, or on an antenna tower or other man-made structure,
     unless §1.1307(a)(4) is applicable.”).


                                                                             Alaska Communications Internet
                                                                  Modification of License, Call Sign E170205
                                                                                                Aug. 28, 2019

on behalf of Alaska Communications Internet that considers all existing, proposed, and prior

coordinated microwave facilities within the contours of the proposed earth stations at the various

sites covered by this Application.

          As demonstrated in the attached frequency coordination reports, as coordinated and

limited,20 there is no potential for interference into other users of the C-band spectrum sought

herein by Alaska Communications Internet. Moreover, Micronet received no objections in

response to its Prior Coordination Notices, and Alaska Communications Internet currently

operates its network with no reported cases of interference. Alaska Communications Internet

will coordinate any additional hub or remote operations prior to bringing them into use as part of

the C-band VSAT network.

          C.      Waiver of the Temporary Filing Freeze

          Alaska Communications Internet acknowledges the current freeze on applications to

license new earth stations in the 3.7-4.2 GHz band. In an attachment to this Application, Alaska

Communications Internet requests a waiver of that freeze.

          D.      Public Interest

          Grant of this application will strongly serve the public interest by allowing Alaska

Communications Internet to provide reliable broadband services to multiple rural and remote

Alaskan Bush communities that are unserved or underserved by terrestrial telecommunications

networks. The Sites encompass a rural healthcare clinic; local exchange central offices and

headquarters of the OTZ Telephone Cooperative, which provides vital voice, mobile, and

broadband services in numerous Native Alaskan villages in northwestern Alaska; seafood

     To prevent interference to nearby terrestrial microwave operations, Alaska Communications Internet
      has limited its transmit operations to the 5925-6108.10 MHz and 6301.19-6360.14 MHz bands at the
      OTZ Kotzebue Headquarters Site.


                                                                         Alaska Communications Internet
                                                              Modification of License, Call Sign E170205
                                                                                            Aug. 28, 2019

processing facilities that provide much-needed economic opportunity in isolated Aleutian and

other coastal communities; and a mining concern in the remote interior of the state that will, in

addition to creating direct and indirect employment and other economic opportunities, contribute

to the nation’s resource security.

         The earth stations proposed in this Application represent another step toward fulfilling

the Commission’s vision of universal availability of broadband. As the Commission reiterated

earlier this month:

         Broadband access is critical to economic opportunity, job creation, education and civic
         engagement. That is why closing the digital divide is the Commission’s top priority. For
         communities throughout our nation to thrive and prosper, their residents must have the
         option to obtain high-speed Internet access.21

By improving educational and economic opportunities and healthcare services, supporting civic

involvement, and strengthening the cultural and social fabric of the nation, these earth stations

will help close the digital divide and enhance the wellbeing of the communities they serve.

         In the case of the Chugachmiut site, the requested earth station will enable broadband

connectivity to support critically needed telehealth and telemedicine services for patients in the

insular community of Chenega Bay. Without these services, the community would lack local

access to the panoply of quality healthcare services available in Anchorage and beyond, and

patients would be forced to travel to Anchorage, Seattle, or other cities in the lower 48 states for

specialized (and even many relatively basic) medical services. In addition to the considerable

cost, the impact of such a journey can compound the health concerns, or even imperil the lives,

of patients that are already unwell.

     Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, WC Docket No. 19-126, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 19-77
     (rel. Aug. 2, 2019), at ¶ 1.


                                                                          Alaska Communications Internet
                                                               Modification of License, Call Sign E170205
                                                                                             Aug. 28, 2019

       In the case of the OTZ Sites, a grant of this Application will strongly serve the public

interest by allowing Alaska Communications Internet to support OTZ’s transition from its legacy

middle mile connectivity, which currently relies on an aging satellite space station that is already

beyond the end of its useful life, to Alaska Communications Internet’s more modern backhaul

infrastructure. This, in turn, will ensure no lapse in critical broadband and other communications

services to residents, local businesses, schools, libraries, health care providers, and others in nine

Alaska Bush villages that rely on OTZ for their basic connectivity needs. A grant of this

Application will contribute greatly to the regional well-being of the Northwest Arctic Borough of

Alaska by bridging the digital divide and helping to improve access to the information resources,

knowledge materials, and opportunities made available by broadband connectivity.

       In the case of the Silver Bay Seafood, Trident Seafoods, and Pebble Sites, a grant of this

Application will enhance economic opportunities and foster connectedness for the workforce

living at or near these sites. The proposed satellite earth stations will not only provide critical

connectivity to support the business needs of the customer, but it will also support the needs of

the workers themselves. At many of these sites, the community of year-round residents is too

small to provide the necessary workforce, and seasonal workers live for months in company-

provided quarters, relying on satellite broadband to remain connected to distant family and


       Moreover, because remote areas of Alaska are unique in their need for C-band satellite

broadband connectivity and unlikely to need new allocations of spectrum to support 5G

deployment contemplated by the Commission, it will best serve the public interest to authorize

additional earth stations in the Alaska Bush forthwith.


                                                                       Alaska Communications Internet
                                                            Modification of License, Call Sign E170205
                                                                                          Aug. 28, 2019


       For the foregoing reasons, Alaska Communications Internet requests that the Commission

grant this Application to modify the License, E170205, to add the fifteen (15) Sites described

herein to its existing VSAT network serving rural and remote Bush communities in Alaska.


Document Created: 1250-08-31 00:00:00
Document Modified: 1250-08-31 00:00:00

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