Attachment ExplanatoryStatement

This document pretains to SES-MOD-INTR2019-01815 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                                        May 2019


        The application to which this statement is attached is not subject to the freeze on C-band
downlink band applications (3700 to 4200 MHz) that was announced on April 19, 2018. The
FCC Public Notice announcing the freeze made clear that “modifications to correct location or
other data required in the earth station file” were exempt from the freeze. See FCC Public
Notice, “Temporary Freeze on Applications for New or Modified Fixed Satellite Service Earth
Stations and Fixed Microwave Stations in the 3.7-4.2 GHz Band,” DA 18-398, GN Docket Nos.
17-183, 18-122, slip op. at 3 (released April 19, 2018). The stated exception would definitively
extend to data such as the geographic coordinates, street address, correct emissions designator
and updated contact information. In the attached application, only the information required to
report the necessary updates and corrections is provided; all other information contained in the
current authorization remains the same.

         This application also includes information concerning additional antennas located at the
site. It is not as plain whether this updated information falls squarely within the stated exception
for “correct” information. In this instance, however, there is good cause for either accepting this
additional corrected information under the stated exception or, alternatively, for waiving the
freeze for good cause shown and accepting the updated information at this time.

        First, the “modification” of the registration does not arise from any affirmative change in
operations but is simply an effort to correct the underlying authorization to include receive-only
antennas that have been operational at this site for many years. During the filing window, the
site was identified as one where an FCC receive-only registration already existed and therefore
did not require an entirely new filing to register and protect the site.

        Second, consistent with its modification of or refiling for other previously-registered
receive-only sites during the 2018 filing window, Sinclair believes that it is important for the
Commission’s IBFS database to include complete information on the scope of receive-only use
at each such location. There is a substantial operational difference between a site that has just
one receive-only antenna pointed at a single satellite and a site that has multiple receive-only
antennas pointed at different elevation angles at satellites ranging across the visible geostationary
arc. Notably, the updated information provided here does not expand the footprint of the site,
but simply provides full information regarding the nature of the operations. Accordingly, the
public interest will be served by accurately including this information in the registration for each
affected site so that the broad scope of current use can be taken into consideration both in the
Commission’s ongoing C-band rulemaking proceeding and in any future coordination or band
clearing efforts undertaken pursuant to rules adopted in that proceeding. Accordingly, to the
extent required, the Bureau should waive the freeze to accept this updated information.

Document Created: 2019-05-23 15:53:05
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 15:53:05

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