Attachment Ex 1 - Lic Mark Up

This document pretains to SES-MOD-INTR2019-01382 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



In Section A) Site Location(s) — Remove — Site ID 2) Hub (4.5m)

In Section B) Particulars of Operations — Remove—Lines 115), 116), 117) & 118)

In Section C) Frequency Coordination — Remove — Lines 3) & 4)

In Section D) Point of Communications — Remove —Lines 3) & 4)

In Section E) Antenna Facilities — Remove — Site ID Hub (4.5m)

                                                UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                              RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                        Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                         Unofficial Copy

Name:       COMSAT,INC.                                                                                   Call Sign:        1930320
                                                                                                      File Number:          SES—RWL—20180619—01609

Authorization Type:                     Renewal of License
Common Carrier                          Grant Date:              10/02/2018         Expiration Date:                   08/06/2033

Nature of Service:                  Earth Stations an—board Vessels

Class of Station:                   Earth Stations on—board

A) Site Location(s)                                                                                     o                           a   B       e
                                                                                                       Elevation                    Special Provisions
# Site ID            Address                          Latitude                  Longitude              (Meters)            NAD      (Referto Section H)

t) REMOTE~E ESV 350 (15 m anteninas)                                                                                       NA

                     Licensee certifies antennals) complywith ain patterns specified in Section 25 209

3)— REMOTE—1 ESV 250 (1 0 m antennas)                                                                                      NA

                     Licensee certifies antennats) do not comply with Section 25 209.     Please refer to Section E
                     for special conditions placed upon antennas at this site

4) REMOTE—2 ESV 250 (1.0 m antennas)                                                                                       NA

                     Licenses certifiesantenna(s) do not comply with Section 25 209 Please refer to Section E
                     for special conditions placed upon antennas at this site

5) REMOTE—3 ESV 50 (12 in antennas)                                                                                        NA

                     Licensee certifics antenna(s) comply with gain pattems specified in Section 25 209

6) REMOTE—5 ESV 500(1 O5M antennas)                                                                                        NA

                     Licensee certifies antenna(s) comply with gain patterns specified in Section 2
                                       *               4

Subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, The Communications Satellite Act of 1962, subsequent acts and treaties. and all
present and future regulations made by this Commission, and further subject to the conditions and requirements set forthin this license, the grantee is
authorized to construct, use and operate the radio facifities described below for radio communications for the term beginning. Monday, August 06,
2018 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) and ending Saturday, August 06, 2033 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time). The required date of completion of
construction and commencement of operationis 00/00/0000 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time). Grantee must file with the Commission a certification
upon completion of construction and commencement of operation

B) Particulars of Operations
         The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands
         The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmitting frequency bands
         For the text ofthese provisions, refer to Section H             Maux           Max
                                                     Ta/Rx                EIRP          EIRP    Associated Special Provisions               Modulation/
# Frequency                    Polarization Emission Mode                /Carrier       Density Antenna    (Refer to Section H}             Services

1) 14000 0000 — 14500 0000           HV         4KSGIW           T      34 40           23 90       ESV—4003A                   SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK
Page 1                                                                                                                          MODULATION

                                         UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                       RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                   Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
         &W                                                   Unpfficial Copy

Name:       COMSAT, INC,       /‘/D                    C             AV/I/ &;@gn 9{3‘)30320 fifq/
                                                                           File Number: SES—RWL—20180619—01609

Authorization Type:
                              &frtr£. 52— 49
                                   Renewal of License
Common Carrier                     Grant Date:         10/02/2018    Expiration Date:         08/06/2033

2) 14000.0000 — 14500 0000    MV        S3BKGIW        T     4520      23.90     ESV—1003A           SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

3) 14000.0000 — 14500,0000    MV        B9K6GIW        T     3740      2390      ESV—1003A           SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

4) 14000 0000 — 14500.0000    my        227RGTW        Too   4150      2390      ESV—1003A           TDMTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

5) 14000 0000 — 14500,0000    MV       340RGTW_        To    4320      23.90     ~ESV—1003A          TDMTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

6) 14000 0000 — 14500.0000    LV        37BKG7W        T     4360      23.90     ESV—4003A           TDMTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

7) 14000 0000 — 14500.0000    HV       454KGTW         T     44 50     2390      ESV—1003A           TDM TDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

8) 14000 0000 — 14500 0000    LV        9OBKGTW        T     45 80     2220      ESV—4003A           TDMTDMA USING OPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

9) 14000 0000 — 14500 0000    HV        IM4OGTW        T     45 80     20 30     ESV—1003A           DVBMFTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

10) 14000.0000 — 14500 0000   HV        316KGTW        T     42 80     23.90     ESV—4003A           DVB MFTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

11) 14000 0000 — 14500 0000   MV        6OTKGTW        T     4570      2390      ESV—1003A           DVB/MFTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

12) 11450 0000 — 12200 0000   V         B9K6GIW        R                         ESV—1003A           SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

13) 11450 0000 — 12200 0000   HV        44K8GIW        R                         ESV—1003A           SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

14) L1450 0000 — 12200 0008   HY        TUKGIW     >   R         P     3        ./ESV-W(J!A          SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

15) 11450 0000 — 12200 0000   MV        ISIKGTW        R                         ESV—1003A           TDM/TDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

16) 11450.0000 — 12200 0000   my        s4MOGTW        _R                        ESV—1003A           TDMTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

17) 11450 0008 — 12200 0000   HV        2M60GTW        R                         ESV—1003A           DVB/METDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

18) 11450 0000 — 12200 0000   HV        SHMOGTW        R                         ESV—1003A           DVBMETDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

19) 10950.0000 — 11200 0000   Hy        w1KEGIW        oR                        ESV—1003A           SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

20) 10950 0000 — 11200 0000   HV        TUKGIW         R                         ESV—1003A           SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

21) 10950 0000 — 11200 0000   HV        B9K6G IW       R                         ESV—1003A           SCPC USING QPSK AND BPSK

22) 10950 0000 — 11200 0000   HV        SMOGTW         R                         ESV—1003A           TDM/TDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

23) 10950.0000 — 11208 0000   my        1S1KG7W        _R                        ESV—1003A           TDM/TDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

24) 10950 0000 — 11200 0000   HV        2M60GTW        R                         ESV—1003A           DVBMFTDMA USING QPSK
                                                                                                     AND BPSK MODULATION

Page 2

                                             UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                          RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                       Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                         Unofficial Copy

Name:      COMSAT, INC                                                                                Call Sign:        1930320
                                                                                                  File Number:          SES—RWL—20180619—01609

Authorization Type:                    Renewal of License
Common Carrier                         Grant Date:       10/02/2018             Expiration Date:                   08/06/2033
108) 11450 0000 — 12200 0000     HV            13IRGIW        R                                ESV—V1O                    DIGITALTRAFFIC USING
                                                                                                                          QPSK AND BPSK

109) 10950 0000 — 11200 0000     ILV           S9K6GIW        R                                ESV—VHO                    DIGITAL TRAFFIC USING
                                                                                                                          QPSK AND BPSK

110, 10950 0000 — 11200 0004     MV            7ITRGW         R                                ESV—VI :1.IJ               DIGHTALTRAFFIC USING
                                                                                                                          QPSK AND BPSK

1£1) 10950 0000 — 11200 0000     ILV           SAMIGTW        R                                ESV—VHO                    DIGITAL TRAEFIC USING
                                                                                                                          QPSK AND BPSK

L12) 10950 0000 — 11200.0000     .V            HKBGIW         R                                ESV—V10                    DIGITAL TRAFFIC USING
                                                                                                                          QPSK AND BPSK

113) 10950 0000 — 11200 0000     ILY           2M600G7W       R                                ESV—V110                   DIGITAL TRAFFIC USING
                                                                                                                          QPSK AND BPSK

L14) 10950.0000 — 11200 0000     HV            15IRGTW        R                                ESV—V110                   DIGITAL TRAFFIC USING
                                                                                                                          QPSK AND BPSK


C) Frequency Coordination                                                                            Max EIRP
                                   Satellite Are           Elevation           Azimuth                 Density
                                   (Deg. Long.)            (Degrees)           (Degrees)               toward
       Frequency                    East West             East West           East West                Horizon            Associated
#      Limits(MHz)                 Limit        Limit     Limit   Limit      Limit:   Limit         (dBW/AkHz)            Anterina(s)

1)     11450 0000 — 12200 0000     60.0W—143 DW            20 0—42 0          164 0 — 260. 0                         ESV—6006

2)     10950 0000 — 11200 0000     60. 0W— 143 OW          20 0 +420          164 0 — 260 0                          ESV—6006

                                           f                      s                                                                 De/e
5)     14000 0000 — 14500 0000     60 OW—143 OW            20 0 — 42 0        164 0 — 260 0                          ESV—1003A

61     11450 0000 — 12200 0000     60 OW—143 OW            20 0—42 0          164 0 — 260 0                          ESV—1003A

7      10950 0000 — 11200 0000     60 OW—143 OW            20 0—420           164 0 — 260 0                          ESV—1003A

8)     14000 0000 — 14500 0000     60 OW—143 OW            200 —42 0          164 0 — 260 0                          ESV—1006

9      11450 0000 — 12200 0000     60 OW—143 OW            200 — 420          164 0 — 260 0                          ESV—1006

10)    10950.0000 — 11200 0000     60 OW—143 OW            200—420            164 0 — 260.0                          ESV—1006

11)    14000 0000 — 14500 0000     60 OW—143 OW            20.0— 42 0         164 0 — 260 0                          ESV—1998T

12)    11450.0000 — 12200 0000     60 OW—143 OW            20 0—420           164 0 — 260 0                          ESV—1998T

                                               UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                             RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                        Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                            Unofficial Copy

Name:        COMSAT, INC.                                                                                Call Sign:          E930320
                                                                                                     File Number:            SES—RWL—20180619—01609

Authorization Type:                     Renewal of License
Common Carrier                          Grant Date:                10/02/2018      Expiration Date:                   08/06/2033

13)      10950,0000 — 112000000       60.0W/—143 OW           20 0 — 42 0          164.0— 260 0                         ESV—1996T

14)      14000 0000 — 14500 0000      60.0W/—143 OW           20.0 — 420           164.0 — 260.0                        ESV—VI10

15)      11450 0000 — 12200 0000      60.0W—143 OW            20.0 — 420           164 0 — 260 0                        ESV—VI10

16)      10950 0000 — 11200 0000      60 OW— 143 OW           200 — 420            164.0 — 260 0                        ESV—VL10

D) Point of Communications
The following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C of this Entry
1) REMOTE~I ESVto EUTELSAT 117 WA (82873) @ 116.8 W.L.. (France licensed)

2) REMOTE—4 ESVto Permitted Space Station List

5) REMOTE—1 ESVto EUTELSAT 117 WA (§2873) @ 116 8 W.L. (France licensed)

6) REMOTE—1 ESV to Permitted Space Station List

7) REMOTE—2 ESVto EUTELSAT 117 WA (82873) @ 116 8 W L. (France licensed)

8) REMOTE—2 ESVto Permitted Space Station List

9) REMOTE—3 ESVto EUTELSAT 117 WA (§2873) @116.8 W 1.. (France licensed)

10) REMOTE—3 ESV to Permitted Space Station List

11) REMOTE—5 ESV to Permitted Space Station List

E) Antenna Facilites                                                                                                   Max
Site                   Antenna                         Diameter                              Model        Site         Height    Special Provisions
ID                     ID                     Units    (Meters)       Manufacturer          Number      Elevation     (Meters)   (Refer to Section II)

REMOTE—L ESV           ESV—4003A             250             10     SEATEL                4003A
Max Gains(s) 40 1 dBi @     11.9500 GHz     41 8 dBu@        142500 Gz
Maximum total imput power at anterna flange(Watts) = 25
Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all cartiers (dBW)45 8

REMOTE—2 ESV           ESV—1006              250             10     SEATEL                4006
Max Gains(s) 40 1 dBi @—    119500 GHz      41.8 481@—       142500 GHz        ‘
Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Waits) = 3. 6
Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all camers {dBW)}47 4

REMOTE—3 ESV           ESV—1996T             50              12—    SEATEL                4996T
Max Gains(s) 416 dBi @ 119500 GHz.—         425 dBi @.       142500 GHz
Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) = 7. L
Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW)51.1

Page 8

                                               UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                             RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                          Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                           Unofficial Copy

Name:       COMSAT, INC.                                                                               Call Sign:             E930320
                                                                                                   File Number:               SES—RWL—20180619—01609

Authorization Type:                    Renewal of License
Common Carrier                         Grant Date:       10/02/2018              Expiration Date:                     08/06/2033
REMOTE1 ESV           ESV—6006              350            LS      SEATEL              6006
Max Gains(s) 42 5 dBi @.   12.0000 GHz—    435 dBi@       142000 GHz

Maximum total input power at antenna flange(Watts) =7 13
Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW)52.0

REMOTE—S ESV          ESV—VHIO              500            1.05    INTELLIAN           Vi1O
Max Gains(s) 39.6 dBi @    122000 GHz      417 481@       142500 Oz
Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) = 6 97
Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW)49.83

                                                                                                                                            D&’/fi +2

F) Remote Control
REMOTE—1 ESV        7676 PINEGROVEROAD                                            Call Sign:
                    SANTA PAULA, VENTURA. CA, 93060

REMOTE—1 ESV        7676 PINEGROVEROAD                                            Call Sign:
                    SANTA PAULA, VENTURA, CA, 93060

REMOTE—2 ESV        7676 PINEGROVEROAD                                            Call Sign:
                    SANTA PAULA, VENTURA, CA, 93060

REMOTE—3 ESV        7676 PINEGROVEROAD                                            Call Sign:
                    SANTA PAULA, VENTURA, CA, 93060

REMOTE—S ESV        7676 PINEGROVEROAD                                            Call Sign:             £930320
                    SANTA PAULA, VENTURA, CA, 93060

G) Antenna Structure marking and lighting requirements:
   None untess otherwise specified under Special and General Provisions

H) Special and General Provisions

     A) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general conditions

                4            Licensee must ensure that a current listing of the name, title, mailing address, email address, and telephone number of
                             the responsible point of contact are on file at the FCC Anychanges must be filed electronically in the International
                             Bureau Filing Sy stem (IBFS) in the "Other Filings® tab within 10 days of the change

                $            Licensee must notify the Commission when this earth station is no longer operational or when it has not been used to
                             provide anyservice during any 6—month operation

                6            Licensee must comply with the license modification and notification requirements of 47 CFR § 25 118 to change the
                             coordinates of its authorized earth station

Poge 9

                                           UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                       RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                 Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
          erese                                                   Unofficial

Name:     “"-“"':‘\"leC     /V0                  C#A—/‘/Z?E?SE" 015% —20180619—01609

Authorization Type:
                                  Pame——lu4f] ..
                                 Renewal of License
Common Carrier                   Grant Date:              10/‘02/2018       Expiration Date:                    08/06/2033

H) Special and General Provisions

             108      Subject to Rule Making ‘This Iicense is subject to the ouicome of any future rule making concerning ESV operations
                      Grant of this authorization shall not prejudice the outcome of any rulemaking

            249       This license is granted authonty to provide services for both Larth Stations on—board Vessels (ESV ) and VSAT

            257       Licensee is authorized to use the conventional Ku—band frequenciesonly 14 0—14 5 GHz and 11.7—12 2 G1z to
                      communicate with AT.SAT as a point of communication

            90013     The licensee shall not operate in the band 14.0—14 2 GHz within 125 km of the NASA TDRSS facilities on Guam
                      (located at latitude 13©3655" N. longitude 144°51‘22" E:) or White Sands: New Mexico (Located at latitude 32°20 59° N,
                      longitude 106—3631" W. and latitude 32°3240° N. longitude 106(3648" W), or any future TDRSS facility NTIA
                      notifies to the FCC. unless and until the Iicensee enters into an agreement with NASA that NTIA has approved The
                      licensee must conform its aperations to the terms of any coordination agreement with the NASA and must file a copy of
                      the agreement with the Commission within 30 days of execution

            90014     The heensee shall not operate in the band 14 47—14 50 GHz within (a) 45 km of the radto observatory on St Croix
                      VirginIslands (located at latitude 1746 N, longitude 6435 W). (b) 125 km of the radio observalory on Mauna Kea,
                      Hawai (Tocated at latitude 1948 N, Tongitude 155728 W), and (c) 90 km of the Arecibo Observatoryon Puerto Rico
                      (located at latitude 1872046 W, longitude 66°451 1 N) unless and until the licensee enters into an agreement with the
                      National Science Foundation that has been approved byNTIA The licensee must conform its operations to the terms of
                      any coordination agreement with the National Science Foundation and must file a copy of the agreement with the
                      Commission within 30 days of execution

            90308     Changes to previously authorized transmitting facilities, operations and devices regulated by the Commission that may
                      have significant env ironmental impact, and are not excluded by‘ §1.1306, require the preparation ofan Environmental
                      Assessment (EA) by the Iicenses: (See 47 CF—R. §§1 1307, 11308 and 1.1311)

            90399     The Licensee shall, at al} times, take all necessary measures to ensure that operation of this (these) authonized earth
                      station(s) does not create potential exposure of humans to radiofrequency radation in excess of the FCC exposure limits
                      defined in 47 CFR §§. 1—1307(b) and 1 1310 Physical measures must be taken to ensure compliance with limits for
                      bioth occupational‘controlled expasure and for general population uncontrolled exposurc, as defined in these rule
                      sections. Compliance can be accomplished in most cases byappropriate restrictions. such as fencing Requirements for
                      testrictions can be determined by predictions based on calculations, modeling. or by field measurements The FCC‘s
                      OHT Bulletin 65 (available on—line at www fee gov oet fsafety ) provides information on predicting exposure levels and
                      on methods for ensuring compliance, including the use of wamning and alerting signs and protective equipment for

            $0405     Operations with PERMITTED LIST satellite must comply with §25 212 levels and operations above this levels must
                      coordinate with satelfite operators prior to operations

            900407    The Permitted Space Station List (Permitted List) is a hist of all gmstmnrma space stations providing fixed—satellite
                      service pursuantto a Commission license or grant of U 5. market access The Permitted List currently includes the
                      following frequency bands per §25 103 and §25 115tkic1

                          3600—4200 MHz (space—to—Rarth)
                          5850—6725 MLz (Earth—to—space)
                          10 95—11 2 GHz (space—to—Earth)
                          11 45—12 2 GHz (space—to—Earth)
                          13 75—14 5 GHz (Earth—to—space)
                          18 3—18 8 GHz (space—to—Earth)
                          19 7—20 2 GHz (space—to—Earth)
                          2475—25 25 GHz (Earth—to—space)
                          28 35—28 6 GHz (Earth—to—space)
                          29 25—30 0 GH(Earth—to—space)
                      Earth stations with "Pesmuited List" designated as a point of communication mnf access anyspace station on the
                      Permitted List, provided the operations comply with the apphicable "routine" uplink and downlink limits, are within the
                      specific frequency bands authorized in the earth station license, have completed coordination with terrestrial stations
                      pursuant to §25 203, and otherwise comply with all terms and conditions of both the earth station license and the space
                      station grant

Puge 10

Document Created: 2018-12-13 13:59:57
Document Modified: 2018-12-13 13:59:57

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