Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-MOD-INTR2018-10458 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                        Before the
                                   Washington, DC 20554

    In the Matter of                                  )
    Application of UltiSat, Inc. To Modify its        )   Call Sign E181298
    Existing Ku-band ESAA License To Add              )   File No. ___________________
    a New Terminal                                    )


          By this application, UltiSat, Inc. (“UltiSat”) seeks modification of its existing Ku-band

earth stations aboard aircraft (“ESAA”) blanket license, Call Sign E181298,1 by adding authority

to operate up to 250 SkyTech Model BB30Ku terminals (the “BB30”) to provide intelligence,

surveillance, and reconnaissance (“ISR”) services supporting United States Government

(“USG”) security operations. UltiSat seeks to operate the subject terminal in Ku-band

frequencies – the 14.0-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.45-11.7 GHz and

11.7-12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth) bands – to deliver mission-critical ISR support for USG

customers. Pursuant to Section 25.117(c) of the Commission’s rules,2 UltiSat provides in the

FCC Form 312 Schedule B and Technical Appendix information pertaining to the proposed

operation of the new terminal.

          Grant of the requested modification would be consistent with Section 25.227 of the

Commission’s rules,3 governing ESAA operations and would serve the public interest by

enhancing competition in the in-flight connectivity market and extending U.S. leadership in

satellite-based mobility services.

    See UltiSat, Inc., Radio Station Authorization, File No. SES-LIC-20180726-02089, Call Sign E181298
    (November 21, 2018) (“ESAA Blanket License”).
    47 C.F.R. § 25.117(c).
    47 C.F.R. § 25.227.


          UltiSat, an existing FCC licensee that provides diverse satellite services for government

and commercial customers, has received blanket license authority to operate the SkyTech Model

BB45Ku (“BB45”) terminal in the Ku-band with U.S.-licensed satellites and non-U.S. licensed

satellites on the Commission’s Permitted Space Station List (“Permitted List”).4 UltiSat has

previously operated the BB30, a smaller ESAA terminal that is similar in design and operates

within the same technical envelope as the BB45, pursuant to the Commission’s experimental

licensing rules.5 There have been no reported cases of interference as a result of BB30

operations. The commercial operations proposed herein are essentially identical to those

previously approved by the Commission.

          UltiSat provides the FCC Form 312 Schedule B and Technical Appendix for information

relating to the proposed ESAA operations. As demonstrated in these materials, UltiSat will

operate the BB30 terminal consistent with Section 25.227 of the Commission’s rules6 and other

Commission rules and policies. Grant of this modification application will allow UltiSat to

provide long-term support for important USG national security missions and other in-flight

connectivity customers.

    See supra n.1.
  See UltiSat Inc., File No. 1930-EX-ST-2018, Call Sign WN9XQQ; see also UltiSat Inc., File No. 0201-
EX-ST-2018, Call Sign WM9XHN and Section 5.77 Letter to Anthony Serafini, Addition of New
Antenna Type for Experimental Testing and Demonstration (dated June 5, 2018). UltiSat incorporates by
reference the technical information previously submitted to the Commission regarding the BB30 terminal.
    See 47 C.F.R. § 25.227.



           A.      BB30 Terminal Operations

           The BB30 terminal is an airborne stabilized antenna system that provides high-quality

broadband satellite communications for aeronautical applications and is designed to operate in

Ku-band frequencies to provide mission-critical delivery of voice, video, and data

communications. The antenna is mechanically steerable and is intended for tail or fuselage-

mounting. UltiSat seeks to operate the BB30 ESAA terminal on certain U.S.-registered aircraft

for ISR and similar national security applications. Addition of the BB30 to the ESAA Blanket

License will allow UltiSat to pursue full commercial integration of this terminal into multiple

aircraft and to support long-term services for U.S. government national security, border

protection and related operations.

           At all times, UltiSat will operate the BB30 terminal within the off-axis EIRP spectral

density (“ESD”) limits set forth in Section 25.227 of the Commission’s rules.7 These off-axis

ESD levels are consistent with the Commission’s two-degree spacing policy and protect co-

frequency satellite operations from harmful interference.8 The BB30 terminal has a pointing

accuracy of 0.2º,9 ceases transmissions within 100 milliseconds if the angle between the orbital

location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESAA antenna exceeds 0.5°,

and transmission will not resume until such angle is less than or equal to 0.2°.10

           UltiSat has already operated the BB30 terminal pursuant to Commission authority

    47 C.F.R. § 25.227(a)(1).
 In the Technical Appendix, UltiSat provides off-axis ESD plots demonstrating compliance with the ESD
mask in Section 25.227(a)(1) of the Commission’s rules.
    47 C.F.R. § 25.227(a)(1)(ii)(A).
     47 C.F.R. § 25.227(a)(1)(iii)(A).


without any reported interference and in compliance with the ESAA rules embodied in Section

25.227.11 UltiSat incorporates the technical information previously presented to the Commission

by reference, including the network control functionality associated with the UltiSat network that

supported initial grant of the ESAA Blanket License.12 The Technical Appendix and Form 312

Schedule B provide additional exhibits and information documenting the characteristics of the

BB30 terminal, providing a radiofrequency radiation hazard assessment, and demonstrating that

the BB30 terminal will operate in compliance with the Commission’s ESAA rules and policies.13

          B.      Permitted List Authority

          UltiSat seeks authority to operate the BB30 terminal with U.S.-licensed satellites and

non-U.S. licensed satellites on the Permitted List. Permitted List authority is appropriate here

because UltiSat will operate the ESAA terminal at all times within the relevant off-axis ESD

limits in Section 25.227(a)(1) of the Commission’s rules14 and the frequencies available for

Permitted List operations.15 Off-axis EIRP spectral density plots have been included in the

attached Technical Appendix.16

          C.      Ground Segment

          UltiSat will use only approved gateway earth stations to communicate with the Ku-band

FSS satellites that support its ESAA system. Because UltiSat seeks Permitted List authority and

     See supra n.5.
  See supra n.1. Pursuant to Section 25.117(c), which requires information that changes as a result of the
proposed modification to be submitted to the Commission, this application focuses on the operational
characteristics of the BB30 terminal.
  UltiSat respectfully reserves the right to supplement this ESAA application with additional compliance
information deemed necessary by the Commission.
     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.227(a)(1).
     See 47 C.F.R. §25.115(k)(1).
     See 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.115(g)(1) and 25.227(a)(12); see also Technical Appendix.


a range of gateways may be utilized to communicate with each of these satellites, UltiSat is not

including a definitive list of satellites and gateway earth stations in this application.

        At this time, UltiSat only seeks to utilize gateway earth stations located in the United

States, will maintain control of all transmissions through its network operations center, and will

cease transmissions immediately upon notice of harmful interference. The UltiSat 24/7 point of

contact with control over the ESAA network is:

                UltiSat Network Operations Center
                Attn: Tim Wiegand
                708 Quince Orchard Rd., Suite 120
                Gaithersburg, MD, 20878, USA
                + (Office)
                +1 240.949.6011 (Skype)


        In this modification application, including this narrative, FCC Form 312, Technical

Appendix and related information, UltiSat has demonstrated the BB30 terminal will operate in

compliance with Section 25.227 of the Commission’s rules governing ESAA operations.

Additionally, UltiSat has operated the BB30 terminal through without interference pursuant to

other Commission authority for many months.

        UltiSat seeks to add the BB30 terminal to its ESAA Blanket License to support critical

USG national security and safety operations. UltiSat’s proposed operations will serve the public

interest by permitting long-term support for U.S. national security missions. In addition, grant of

the requested modification will permit UltiSat and its government partners to fully transition

their operations to regular commercial authority, and allow integration of UltiSat’s service and

equipment with long-term government missions.



       For the foregoing reasons, UltiSat requests that the Commission grant this modification

application to add the BB30 terminal to its ESAA Blanket License as described herein.


                                    Technical Certification

       I, David Bryant, hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for

the preparation of the technical information contained in the ESAA blanket license modification

application of UltiSat Inc. and the accompanying Technical Appendix, that I am familiar with

Part 25 of the Commission’s Rules (47 C.F.R. Part 25), and that I have either prepared or

reviewed the technical information submitted in this application and found it to be complete and

accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                             By:        s/ David Bryant      a

                                                     David Bryant
                                                     UltiSat Inc.

December 9, 2018

Document Created: 2018-12-09 17:19:25
Document Modified: 2018-12-09 17:19:25

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