Attachment Narrative Statement

This document pretains to SES-MOD-INTR2018-00287 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                         Before the
                             Federal Communications Commission
                                    Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                   )
Kymeta Corporation Application for Blanket         )   File No. SES-MOD-________-_____
License to Operate 5,000 Ku-Band                   )   File No. SES-LIC-20170223-00195
Transmit/Receive Vehicle Mounted Earth             )   Call Sign: E170070
Stations (VMESs”), 1,000 Ku-Band                   )
Transmit/Receive Earth Stations on Vessels         )
(“ESVs”) and 5,000 Ku-Band                         )
Transmit/Receive Fixed Earth Stations              )

                             REVISED APPLICATION FOR
                          MODIFICATION OF BLANKET LICENSE

       Pursuant to Section 25.117 of the Commission’s Rules, Kymeta Corporation (“Kymeta”)

files this revised application for modification of its blanket license to seek authority to operate at

a maximum of 16 watts input power to the flange of the antenna. On August 24, 2017, the

Commission granted Kymeta a blanket license to operate 5,000 Ku-band transmit/receive vehicle

mounted earth stations (“VMES”), 1,000 Ku-band transmit/receive earth stations on vessels

(“ESV”) and 5,000 Ku-band transmit/receive fixed earth stations operating in the Fixed Satellite

Service. The Commission granted Kymeta authority to operate with a maximum of 8 watts

input power.

       This application for modification seeks authority to operate at a maximum of 16 watts

input power to the flange of the antenna, and makes several corresponding changes on FCC

Form 312 as follows:

        E38: Total input power at antenna flange = 16.0 watts (maximum)

        E40: Total EIRP for all carriers (dBW) = 45.04 dBW (maximum)

Kymeta Corporation
Revised Application for Modification of Blanket License
Page 2

         E48: Maximum EIRP per carrier (dBW): 45.04 dBW

         E49: Maximum EIRP Density per carrier (dBW/4 kHz): 19.0

         Kymeta’s terminal complies with the off-axis EIRP power spectral density (“PSD”)

standards (the “off-axis mask”) set forth in Sections 25.222(a)(1)(i) for ESVs, 25.226(a)(1)(i) for

VMESs, and 25.218(f) for fixed earth stations. Therefore, compliance with Section 25.209 is not

required. Exhibits A and B to the Technical Appendix to the original application (filed in

February 2017) consist of comprehensive tables and a series of measured antenna patterns

demonstrating compliance with the off-axis mask. Those measurements were calculated based

on an input power of 25 watts (corresponding to 47 dBW). Kymeta did not prepare a new

analysis or re-submit these Exhibits with the modification application because the input power

requested in this modification application is 16 watts (corresponding to 45.04 dBW), which is

less than the input power used to calculate the original antenna patterns. 1 The terminal

automatically controls input power to maintain compliance with the off-axis mask.

         Kymeta submits as Exhibit A an RF Safety Analysis for operations at 16 watts input


         The remote control for the earth stations will be located at Kymeta’s headquarters, 12277

134th Court, Redmond, WA 98052, telephone 855-KALONET.

 In its initial filing for blanket earth station authorization, Kymeta proposed a maximum input power of 25 watts.
Subsequently, Kymeta amended its application to reduce the maximum input power to 8 watts. Because Kymeta
complied with the off-axis mask with an input power of 25 watts, Kymeta did not submit an amended study for
operations at 8 watts.

Kymeta Corporation
Revised Application for Modification of Blanket License
Page 3

         Please contact the undersigned if additional information is needed.

                                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                                          Robert S. Koppel
                                                          Lukas, LaFuria, Gutierrez & Sachs, LLP
                                                          8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1200
                                                          Tysons, VA 22102
                                                          Counsel to Kymeta Corporation

January 30, 2018

Kymeta Corporation
Revised Application for Modification of Blanket License
Page 4

                                    TECHNICAL CERTIFICATION

         I, Ryan A. Stevenson, hereby certify that I am:

    •    the technically qualified person responsible for the preparation of the technical

         information contained in this Revised Application for Modification;

    •    that I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission’s Rules; and

    •    that I have either prepared or reviewed the technical information submitted in the

         Amendment and found it to be complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and


                                                          Signed: /s/ Ryan A. Stevenson
                                                          Dated: January 30, 2018

                                                          Ryan A. Stevenson
                                                          Vice President and Chief Scientist
                                                          Kymeta Corporation

Document Created: 2018-01-30 16:32:03
Document Modified: 2018-01-30 16:32:03

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