Attachment Compliance Showing

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20191016-01322 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


     Exhibit A – Antenna Patterns, EIRP Compliance and Concept of Operation

                     Middletown, RI C-band V11 Terminal Operation

1.      Introduction

KVH would like to operate their C-band V11 earth station satellite terminal at their main
facility in Middletown, RI. The operation would be performed under controlled
circumstances at the KVH lab (with visibility to the GSO satellite arc) and in the adjacent
parking lot area. The operation would allow KVH to test and validate enhancements to
the product. The operation will also validate manufacturing procedures, which includes
over-the-air testing before product ship.

The 24x7 Point of Contact for the KVH testing is Marc Edwards, KVH Program
Manager, cell telephone number: 401-835-8488.

2.      Description of ESV Terminal

The C-band ESV terminal is a highly efficient and affordable terminal for use with
KVH’s global ESV network. The ESV terminal operates in C-band fixed-satellite service
(FSS) frequencies, 5.925-6.425 GHz for transmit and 3.7-4.2 GHz for receive. The
antenna is a 1 meter parabolic reflector with a rear-fed sub-reflector feed assembly
design. The terminal will automatically search for and acquire the designated satellite and
maintain precise pointing via automatic control of the azimuth, elevation and polarization
angles. The RF equipment is integrated into the base of the terminal and includes a 22
watt SSPA. The data rates transmitted from the terminal will vary from 32 kbits/s to 512
kbits/s. The ESVs will transmit using CRMA spreading1 over, at least, a 10 MHz channel

 CRMA, or Code Reuse Multiple Access, is a ViaSat proprietary spread spectrum technique, similar to
CDMA, used in the ArcLight system.


3.     Technical Operating Parameters

The operational parameters of the C-band ESV are shown in the table below:

        Company                                                       KVH
                                                                  Middletown, RI
        Site Name, State                                              Site 1
        Latitude (NAD83) North                                    41.52138889
        Longitude (NAD83) West                                    71.29138889
        Elevation AMSL (ft/m)                                       111/33.83
        Antenna Parameters
        Antenna Diameter (m)                                             1
        Antenna Centerline (ft/m)                                     5/1.52
        Antenna Elevation Angles East/West(deg)                     23.16/10.8
        Range of Satellite Orbital Long. East/West(deg W)             25/135
        Range of Azimuths from North (deg) East/West               122.4/251.9
        Parameters at Center Freq (GHz)                             6.18 (TX)
        Antenna Gain, Main Beam (dBi)                                  34.5
        15 DB Half Beamwidth (deg)                                     2.95
        3 DB Half Beamwidth (deg)                                      1.50
        Interference Analysis Parameters
        6 GHz Max Interference Power Long Term (dBW/4kHz) (20%)        -154
        6 GHz Max Interference Power Short Term (dBW/4kHz)
        (.0025%)                                                       -131
        Transmission Parameters
        Information Rate (kbits/s)                                  32 to 512
        FEC Rate                                                       1/3
        Modulation                                                DSSS GMSK
        Spreading Factor                                                13
        Noise bandwidth (MHz) (minimum)                                9.98
        Threshold Eb/No (dB)                                            2.2
        Max Transmitter Power (dBW/4KHz)                              -21.5
        Max EIRP Main Beam (dBW/4KHz)                                  46.9
        Modulation / Emission Designator (Rx/Tx)                   9M98G7D
        Frequency Range (MHz)                                       Transmit
        HPA Size (W)                                                    22
        Output Circuit Losses, including radome loss (dB)                1

               Table 1 – C-Band ESV Middletown, RI Operating Parameters


4.     C-band Frequency Coordination

The C-band Frequency Coordination Final report is included as Exhibit 2 to this

5.     C-band ESV Antenna Pattern and Off-Axis EIRP Analysis

The data rates transmitted from the terminal will vary from 32 kbits/s to 512 kbits/s.
Additionally, the ESVs will transmit using CRMA spreading over at least a 10 MHz
channel bandwidth. The small diameter C-band ESV antenna does not meet the FCC
25.209 antenna pattern, see antenna gain patterns in Figures 1 and 2. The worst case
exceedance is 11.3 dB at 5.6 degrees (as well as 11.7dB at 56 degree). KVH will
compensate for this exceedance by operating at a very lower RF power density. The
worst case RF power density is -21.5 dBW/4kHz. This is 18.8 dB below FCC RF level
specified in FCC Rule §25.212. KVH certifies that the off-axis EIRP levels will not
exceed the limits specified in FCC Rules Section §25.218, as well as levels set for C-
band ESVs in Section §25.221 of the Commission’s rules. The co-pol off-axis EIRP
spectral density levels of the KVH ESV terminal are shown in Figures 3 and 4 below.
Note that a calculated worst case aggregate EIRP would occur when N=5 users for a 10
MHz channel. Table 3 below summarizes the channel power and off-axis EIRP

 Table 2 - Worst Case Power Density 9.98 MHz Channel Calculations
 Power a feed Flange                                                17.46    W
 Power a feed Flange                                                12.42    dBW
 Channel; Bandwidth                                              9.98E+00    MHz
 RF Power Density at Flange                                         -21.6    dBW/4 kHz
 RF Power Density at Flange                                          2.4     dBW/ MHz
 Maximum Horizon EIRP Density (10.1° Elevation Angle)                8.41    dBW/MHz*
 Maximum Horizon EIRP                                               18.40    dBW*
 At Angle                                                           10.80    deg
 Maximum Number Simultaneous Users N                                  5
 Worst Case Antenna Gain Exceedance                                -11.70    dB
                                                     At Angle       56.19    deg.
 For Antenna Pattern                                           6.425 GHz E
 EIRP Exceedance Limited by Pattern                            6.425 GHz E
                                                     At Angle       56.19
 Worst Case Gain Exceedance between -7 and +7 degrees              -11.33    dB
 at angle                                                           -5.47    degree
 * Resolution 902 sets C-band Limits at 20.8 dBW maximum horizon EIRP and 17 dBW/MHz
 maximum EIRP density


Figure 1 – C-Band ESV Antenna Pattern vs 25.209 mask , +/- 180 degrees

 Figure 2– C-band ESV Antenna Pattern vs 25.209 mask , +/- 10 degrees


Figure 3 – C-band ESV Antenna EIRP vs 25.221 mask , +/- 180 degrees

Figure 4 – C-band ESV Antenna EIRP vs 25.221 mask , +/- 10 degrees


Table                                                                         FCC        FCC
 3–                                                                          §25.221   §25.221
 Off                                                      Off                 EIRP       EIRP              6.138   6.425
Axis     5.85    6.138   6.425   5.85   6.138             Axis                GSO      Elevation    5.85   GHz     GHz      5.85   6.138   6.425
Angle    GHz     GHz     GHz     GHz    GHz     6.425    Angle      FCC      Mask, N   Mask, N     GHz H     H       H     GHz E   GHz E   GHz E   Meets
(deg)     H        H       H      E       E     GHz E   (degree)   §25.209     =5         =5       EIRP    EIRP    EIRP    EIRP    EIRP    EIRP    Mask
-175.8   -27.1   -26.3   -32.8   27.0   -22.1   -24.7   -175.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -48.7   -47.9   -54.3   -48.6   -43.7   -46.2    Y
-169.8   -29.5   -26.5   -27.0   27.5   -23.7   -18.8   -169.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -51.1   -48.1   -48.5   -49.1   -45.3   -40.4    Y
-163.8   -30.0   -28.6   -36.9   46.8   -18.0   -16.9   -163.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -51.6   -50.2   -58.4   -68.4   -39.5   -38.5    Y
-157.8   -31.5   -54.1   -31.0   22.4   -17.9   -21.3   -157.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -53.0   -75.7   -52.6   -44.0   -39.5   -42.8    Y
-151.8   -35.6   -38.8   -31.2   27.6   -24.1   -22.8   -151.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -57.2   -60.3   -52.8   -49.2   -45.6   -44.4    Y
-145.8   -40.5   -28.7   -37.6   26.7   -22.0   -19.5   -145.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -62.0   -50.2   -59.2   -48.3   -43.6   -41.0    Y
-139.8   -33.6   -28.0   -28.3   32.2   -18.3   -19.7   -139.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -55.1   -49.5   -49.9   -53.7   -39.9   -41.2    Y
-133.8   -36.4   -33.4   -30.5   21.5   -18.6   -18.8   -133.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -57.9   -55.0   -52.1   -43.0   -40.1   -40.4    Y
-127.8   -29.9   -31.7   -33.3   22.6   -17.5   -18.3   -127.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -51.4   -53.2   -54.9   -44.1   -39.0   -39.8    Y
-121.8   -29.9   -23.8   -26.0   18.3   -19.2   -18.7   -121.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -51.5   -45.4   -47.6   -39.8   -40.7   -40.2    Y
-115.8   -32.6   -23.6   -24.1   17.5   -14.5   -14.2   -115.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -54.2   -45.1   -45.7   -39.1   -36.0   -35.8    Y
-109.8   -28.8   -22.9   -21.8   14.4   -11.3   -11.9   -109.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -50.4   -44.5   -43.3   -36.0   -32.9   -33.5    Y
-103.8   -26.5   -16.7   -18.1   10.7   -8.4     -8.6   -103.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -48.0   -38.3   -39.6   -32.3   -30.0   -30.2    Y
 -97.8   -20.6   -15.0   -14.8   11.3    -8.6    -6.2    -97.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -42.1   -36.6   -36.4   -32.8   -30.2   -27.8    Y
 -91.8   -11.6   -13.4   -11.8   -7.9   -14.6    -7.5    -91.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -33.2   -35.0   -33.4   -29.5   -36.2   -29.0    Y
 -85.8    -8.1   -12.1   -13.8   -4.7    -7.1   -18.8    -85.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -29.7   -33.6   -35.4   -26.2   -28.6   -40.4    Y
 -79.8   -10.7   -12.7   -20.2   -0.8    -3.6    -8.3    -79.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -32.3   -34.3   -41.8   -22.3   -25.2   -29.8    Y
 -73.8   -13.0   -20.6   -32.1   -1.2    -7.6    -0.9    -73.8      -10.0     -19.7      -19.7     -34.5   -42.2   -53.6   -22.8   -29.2   -22.4    Y


-67.8    -7.7   -22.6   -11.3   -5.5    -2.1   0.0    -67.8   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -29.2   -44.1   -32.8   -27.0   -23.6   -21.6   Y
-61.8   -16.4   -25.8   -11.7   -0.6    -3.4   -1.5   -61.8   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -38.0   -47.4   -33.2   -22.1   -24.9   -23.1   Y
-55.8   -10.9   -14.8    -8.3   -2.7    -9.7   1.2    -55.8   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -32.4   -36.4   -29.9   -24.2   -31.3   -20.3   Y
-49.8   -16.0   -11.6   -16.5   -9.4    1.1    -3.4   -49.8   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -37.6   -33.2   -38.0   -31.0   -20.4   -24.9   Y
-43.8   -26.3   -15.2   -21.9   -5.2    -3.4   -4.2   -43.8    -9.0   -18.7   -18.7   -47.8   -36.8   -43.4   -26.7   -24.9   -25.7   Y
-37.8   -16.3    -7.9   -11.9   -2.9    -7.3   -3.6   -37.8    -7.4   -17.1   -17.1   -37.8   -29.5   -33.4   -24.4   -28.9   -25.2   Y
-31.8   -10.4    -3.5    -5.3   -6.5    -2.5   -4.6   -31.8    -5.6   -15.3   -15.3   -32.0   -25.1   -26.9   -28.0   -24.1   -26.2   Y
-25.8    -9.0   -12.6   -13.6   -1.9    -5.2   -0.6   -25.8    -3.3   -13.0   -13.0   -30.6   -34.2   -35.1   -23.5   -26.7   -22.2   Y
-19.8    -6.7    -7.7   -17.5   -2.9   -13.2   -1.4   -19.8    -0.4   -10.1   -10.1   -28.3   -29.3   -39.1   -24.5   -34.8   -23.0   Y
-13.8    -7.8   -12.9    0.0     4.9   -10.2   0.7    -13.8     3.5    -6.2    -6.2   -29.4   -34.4   -21.5   -16.7   -31.8   -20.8   Y
 -9.9    -9.6    0.0     -2.3    4.1    4.7    -7.5    -9.9     7.1    -2.5    -2.5   -31.1   -21.6   -23.9   -17.4   -16.9   -29.1   Y
-10.0    -9.1    -1.1    -3.1    3.8    4.5    -6.0   -10.0     7.0    -2.7    -2.7   -30.7   -22.6   -24.6   -17.8   -17.0   -27.6   Y
 -9.9    -9.6    0.0     -2.3    4.1    4.7    -7.5    -9.9     7.1    -2.5    -2.5   -31.1   -21.6   -23.9   -17.4   -16.9   -29.1   Y
 -9.8    -9.6    0.9     -1.8    4.4    4.8    -7.8    -9.8     7.3    -2.4    -2.4   -31.2   -20.7   -23.3   -17.1   -16.8   -29.3   Y
 -9.7    -9.7    1.7     -1.2    4.7    4.8    -6.6    -9.7     7.4    -2.3    -2.3   -31.2   -19.9   -22.8   -16.9   -16.8   -28.2   Y
 -9.6    -9.4    2.4     -0.7    4.9    4.8    -4.6    -9.6     7.5    -2.2    -2.2   -31.0   -19.2   -22.2   -16.7   -16.8   -26.2   Y
 -9.5    -9.3    3.0     -0.2    5.1    4.7    -2.4    -9.5     7.6    -2.1    -2.1   -30.8   -18.5   -21.8   -16.5   -16.8   -24.0   Y
 -9.4    -9.0    3.5     0.2     5.3    4.5    -0.6    -9.4     7.7    -2.0    -2.0   -30.6   -18.0   -21.4   -16.2   -17.0   -22.1   Y
 -9.3    -8.4    4.0     0.5     5.6    4.4    1.1     -9.3     7.8    -1.9    -1.9   -29.9   -17.5   -21.0   -16.0   -17.2   -20.4   Y
 -9.2    -8.1    4.4     0.9     5.8    4.1    2.6     -9.2     8.0    -1.7    -1.7   -29.6   -17.1   -20.7   -15.7   -17.4   -18.9   Y
 -9.1    -7.8    4.8     1.1     6.1    3.9    3.8     -9.1     8.0    -1.7    -1.6   -29.3   -16.8   -20.4   -15.5   -17.6   -17.7   Y
 -9.0    -7.5    5.0     1.3     6.4    3.7    4.9     -9.0     8.0    -1.7    -1.5   -29.1   -16.5   -20.2   -15.1   -17.9   -16.6   Y
 -8.9    -7.4    5.3     1.5     6.8    3.5    5.9     -8.9     8.0    -1.7    -1.4   -28.9   -16.3   -20.0   -14.8   -18.0   -15.6   Y
 -8.8    -7.3    5.4     1.7     7.2    3.4    6.8     -8.8     8.0    -1.7    -1.3   -28.8   -16.1   -19.9   -14.3   -18.1   -14.7   Y
 -8.7    -7.3    5.5     1.8     7.7    3.4    7.6     -8.7     8.0    -1.7    -1.1   -28.8   -16.0   -19.8   -13.9   -18.2   -13.9   Y
 -8.6    -7.3    5.5     1.8     8.2    3.5    8.4     -8.6     8.0    -1.7    -1.0   -28.9   -16.0   -19.8   -13.4   -18.1   -13.2   Y
 -8.5    -7.3    5.5     1.8     8.7    3.7    9.1     -8.5     8.0    -1.7    -0.9   -28.8   -16.1   -19.8   -12.8   -17.8   -12.5   Y
 -8.4    -6.8    5.4     1.7     9.3    4.0    9.7     -8.4     8.0    -1.7    -0.8   -28.3   -16.2   -19.9   -12.3   -17.5   -11.8   Y
 -8.3    -5.9    5.2     1.5     9.9    4.5    10.4    -8.3     8.0    -1.7    -0.6   -27.4   -16.4   -20.0   -11.7   -17.0   -11.2   Y
 -8.2    -4.6    4.9     1.3    10.5    5.0    10.9    -8.2     8.0    -1.7    -0.5   -26.2   -16.7   -20.3   -11.1   -16.5   -10.6   Y
 -8.1    -3.1    4.4     1.0    11.1    5.6    11.5    -8.1     8.0    -1.7    -0.4   -24.7   -17.1   -20.6   -10.4   -15.9   -10.0   Y
 -8.0    -1.5    3.8     0.5    11.7    6.2    12.0    -8.0     8.0    -1.7    -0.2   -23.0   -17.7   -21.0    -9.9   -15.3    -9.5   Y


-7.9    0.2   3.1    0.0    12.3   6.8    12.6   -7.9    8.0   -1.7   -0.1   -21.4   -18.5   -21.6   -9.3   -14.7   -9.0   Y
-7.8    1.7   2.1    -0.7   12.9   7.5    13.1   -7.8    8.0   -1.7    0.0   -19.9   -19.5   -22.2   -8.6   -14.1   -8.5   Y
-7.7    3.1   0.9    -1.5   13.5   8.1    13.6   -7.7    8.0   -1.7    0.2   -18.4   -20.7   -23.0   -8.0   -13.5   -8.0   Y
-7.6    4.5   -0.7   -2.5   14.1   8.6    14.1   -7.6    8.0   -1.7    0.3   -17.1   -22.2   -24.0   -7.5   -12.9   -7.5   Y
-7.5    5.7   -2.5   -3.4   14.7   9.2    14.5   -7.5    8.0   -1.7    0.5   -15.9   -24.0   -25.0   -6.9   -12.3   -7.0   Y
-7.4    6.8   -3.7   -4.2   15.2   9.8    15.0   -7.4    8.0   -1.7    0.6   -14.7   -25.2   -25.7   -6.3   -11.8   -6.5   Y
-7.3    7.9   -3.1   -4.2   15.7   10.3   15.5   -7.3    8.0   -1.7    0.8   -13.6   -24.6   -25.7   -5.8   -11.3   -6.1   Y
-7.2    8.9   -0.9   -3.2   16.3   10.8   15.9   -7.2    8.0   -1.7    0.9   -12.7   -22.4   -24.7   -5.3   -10.8   -5.6   Y
-7.1    9.8   1.7    -1.5   16.8   11.3   16.4   -7.1    8.0   -1.7    1.1   -11.7   -19.9   -23.1   -4.8   -10.2   -5.2   Y
-7.0   10.6   4.1    0.5    17.2   11.8   16.8   -7.0    7.9   -1.8    1.2   -11.0   -17.4   -21.1   -4.3    -9.7   -4.7   Y
-6.9   11.4   6.2    2.5    17.7   12.3   17.2   -6.9    8.1   -1.6    1.4   -10.2   -15.3   -19.1   -3.8    -9.2   -4.3   Y
-6.8   12.1   8.0    4.2    18.2   12.8   17.7   -6.8    8.2   -1.5    1.5    -9.5   -13.6   -17.3   -3.4    -8.7   -3.9   Y
-6.7   12.8   9.6    5.9    18.6   13.4   18.1   -6.7    8.4   -1.3    1.7    -8.8   -12.0   -15.7   -3.0    -8.2   -3.5   Y
-6.6   13.4   11.0   7.4    19.0   13.9   18.5   -6.6    8.6   -1.1    1.9    -8.2   -10.6   -14.2   -2.6    -7.7   -3.1   Y
-6.5   14.0   12.2   8.7    19.4   14.4   18.9   -6.5    8.7   -1.0    2.0    -7.6    -9.3   -12.8   -2.2    -7.2   -2.7   Y
-6.4   14.5   13.3   9.9    19.7   14.9   19.2   -6.4    8.9   -0.8    2.2    -7.1    -8.2   -11.6   -1.8    -6.7   -2.3   Y
-6.3   14.9   14.4   11.1   20.0   15.5   19.6   -6.3    9.1   -0.6    2.4    -6.6    -7.2   -10.5   -1.5    -6.1   -1.9   Y
-6.2   15.4   15.4   12.2   20.3   16.0   19.9   -6.2    9.2   -0.4    2.6    -6.2    -6.2    -9.4   -1.2    -5.6   -1.6   Y
-6.1   15.8   16.2   13.1   20.6   16.5   20.3   -6.1    9.4   -0.3    2.7    -5.7    -5.4    -8.5   -1.0    -5.1   -1.3   Y
-6.0   16.2   17.0   13.9   20.8   17.0   20.6   -6.0    9.6   -0.1    2.9    -5.4    -4.6    -7.6   -0.7    -4.6   -1.0   Y
-5.9   16.5   17.7   14.7   21.0   17.5   20.9   -5.9    9.8    0.1    3.1    -5.1    -3.9    -6.8   -0.5    -4.1   -0.7   Y
-5.8   16.8   18.3   15.4   21.2   17.9   21.2   -5.8   10.0    0.3    3.3    -4.8    -3.2    -6.1   -0.3    -3.6   -0.4   Y
-5.7   17.0   18.9   16.1   21.4   18.4   21.4   -5.7   10.2    0.5    3.5    -4.5    -2.7    -5.5   -0.2    -3.1   -0.1   Y
-5.6   17.2   19.4   16.7   21.5   18.8   21.7   -5.6   10.4    0.7    3.7    -4.3    -2.2    -4.9    0.0    -2.7   0.1    Y
-5.5   17.4   19.8   17.1   21.6   19.2   21.9   -5.5   10.6    0.9    3.9    -4.2    -1.7    -4.4    0.0    -2.4   0.3    Y
-5.4   17.5   20.2   17.6   21.6   19.5   22.1   -5.4   10.8    1.1    4.1    -4.1    -1.3    -4.0    0.1    -2.0   0.5    Y
-5.3   17.5   20.5   18.0   21.7   19.8   22.2   -5.3   11.0    1.3    4.3    -4.0    -1.0    -3.6    0.1    -1.8   0.7    Y
-5.2   17.5   20.8   18.3   21.7   20.0   22.4   -5.2   11.2    1.5    4.5    -4.0    -0.7    -3.3    0.1    -1.5   0.8    Y
-5.1   17.4   21.0   18.5   21.6   20.2   22.5   -5.1   11.4    1.7    4.7    -4.1    -0.5    -3.0    0.1    -1.3   0.9    Y
-5.0   17.3   21.2   18.8   21.5   20.4   22.6   -5.0   11.6    1.9    4.9    -4.2    -0.4    -2.8    0.0    -1.2   1.0    Y
-4.9   17.1   21.3   18.9   21.4   20.5   22.6   -4.9   11.8    2.1    5.1    -4.5    -0.3    -2.6   -0.2    -1.1   1.1    Y
-4.8   16.8   21.3   19.0   21.2   20.5   22.6   -4.8   12.0    2.3    5.3    -4.8    -0.2    -2.6   -0.4    -1.1   1.1    Y


-4.7   16.4   21.3   19.0   20.9   20.5   22.6   -4.7   12.3    2.6    5.6    -5.1    -0.3   -2.5    -0.6    -1.1    1.1    Y
-4.6   15.9   21.1   19.0   20.6   20.4   22.6   -4.6   12.5    2.8    5.8    -5.6    -0.4   -2.6    -0.9    -1.2    1.0    Y
-4.5   15.3   21.0   18.9   20.2   20.2   22.5   -4.5   12.7    3.1    6.1    -6.3    -0.6   -2.7    -1.3    -1.4    0.9    Y
-4.4   14.5   20.7   18.7   19.7   19.9   22.3   -4.4   13.0    3.3    6.3    -7.1    -0.9   -2.8    -1.8    -1.7    0.8    Y
-4.3   13.5   20.3   18.5   19.2   19.5   22.1   -4.3   13.2    3.5    6.5    -8.1    -1.2   -3.1    -2.4    -2.1    0.6    Y
-4.2   12.2   19.9   18.2   18.5   19.0   21.9   -4.2   13.5    3.8    6.8    -9.3    -1.7   -3.4    -3.1    -2.5    0.3    Y
-4.1   10.6   19.3   17.8   17.7   18.4   21.5   -4.1   13.8    4.1    7.1   -10.9    -2.3   -3.8    -3.9    -3.1    0.0    Y
-4.0    8.7   18.6   17.3   16.6   17.7   21.2   -4.0   14.0    4.3    7.3   -12.8    -3.0   -4.3    -4.9    -3.9    -0.4   Y
-3.9    6.6   17.7   16.7   15.4   16.7   20.7   -3.9   14.3    4.6    7.6   -15.0    -3.9   -4.8    -6.2    -4.8    -0.9   Y
-3.8    5.4   16.6   16.1   13.9   15.5   20.0   -3.8   14.6    4.9    7.9   -16.2    -5.0   -5.5    -7.7    -6.1    -1.5   Y
-3.7    6.7   15.3   15.4   12.0   13.8   19.2   -3.7   14.9    5.2    8.2   -14.9    -6.2   -6.1    -9.5    -7.8    -2.3   Y
-3.6    9.4   13.8   14.8   10.0   11.7   18.3   -3.6   15.2    5.5    8.5   -12.1    -7.8   -6.7   -11.6    -9.8    -3.2   Y
-3.5   12.0   12.0   14.5    8.2   8.6    17.2   -3.5   15.5    5.8    8.8    -9.6    -9.5   -7.1   -13.4   -12.9    -4.4   Y
-3.4   14.3   10.6   14.5    8.3   4.7    15.8   -3.4   15.8    6.1    9.1    -7.3   -10.9   -7.1   -13.2   -16.9    -5.7   Y
-3.3   16.3   10.4   15.0   10.4   3.3    14.1   -3.3   16.1    6.4    9.4    -5.3   -11.2   -6.5   -11.1   -18.2    -7.5   Y
-3.2   18.1   11.8   16.0   13.1   7.7    12.3   -3.2   16.5    6.8    9.8    -3.5    -9.7   -5.5    -8.5   -13.8    -9.2   Y
-3.1   19.5   14.0   17.3   15.4   11.9   11.1   -3.1   16.8    7.1   10.1    -2.1    -7.6   -4.3    -6.2    -9.6   -10.4   Y
-3.0   20.8   16.1   18.6   17.4   14.9   11.5   -3.0   17.1    7.4   10.4    -0.8    -5.4   -2.9    -4.2    -6.6   -10.0   Y
-2.9   22.0   18.1   20.0   19.1   17.3   13.4   -2.9   17.6    7.9           0.4     -3.5   -1.6    -2.5    -4.2    -8.1   Y
-2.8   23.0   19.7   21.3   20.5   19.3   15.7   -2.8   17.9    8.2           1.5     -1.8   -0.3    -1.0    -2.3    -5.8   Y
-2.7   24.0   21.3   22.6   21.9   21.0   17.9   -2.7   18.3    8.6           2.4     -0.2    1.0     0.4    -0.6    -3.6   Y
-2.6   24.9   22.6   23.6   23.1   22.4   19.8   -2.6   18.8    9.1           3.3      1.1    2.1     1.5     0.8    -1.8   Y
-2.5   25.7   23.8   24.7   24.0   23.6   21.4   -2.5   19.2    9.5           4.2      2.2    3.1     2.5     2.1    -0.1   Y
-2.4   26.4   24.9   25.6   25.0   24.7   22.8   -2.4   19.6    9.9           4.9      3.3    4.1     3.4     3.2    1.3    Y
-2.3   27.1   25.9   26.6   25.8   25.7   24.1   -2.3   20.1   10.4           5.6      4.3    5.0     4.3     4.1    2.5    Y
-2.2   27.8   26.8   27.4   26.6   26.6   25.3   -2.2   20.6   10.9           6.2      5.2    5.8     5.1     5.1    3.7    Y
-2.1   28.3   27.6   28.1   27.3   27.5   26.3   -2.1   21.1   11.4           6.8      6.1    6.6     5.8     5.9    4.8    Y
-2.0   28.9   28.4   28.8   28.0   28.2   27.2   -2.0   21.6   11.9           7.3      6.8    7.3     6.4     6.7    5.7    Y
-1.9   29.4   29.1   29.5   28.6   28.9   28.0   -1.9   22.2   12.5           7.8      7.5    7.9     7.0     7.4    6.5    Y
-1.8   29.9   29.7   30.1   29.1   29.6   28.8   -1.8   22.8   13.1           8.3      8.2    8.5     7.6     8.0    7.3    Y
-1.7   30.3   30.3   30.6   29.6   30.1   29.5   -1.7   23.4   13.7           8.8      8.7    9.0     8.1     8.6    8.0    Y
-1.6   30.7   30.8   31.1   30.1   30.7   30.1   -1.6   24.1   14.4           9.2      9.3    9.6     8.6     9.1    8.6    Y


-1.5   31.1   31.3   31.6   30.5   31.2   30.7   -1.5   24.6   14.9   9.5     9.8   10.0    9.0    9.6   9.2    Y
-1.4   31.4   31.8   32.0   30.9   31.6   31.2   -1.4                 9.9    10.3   10.4    9.4   10.1   9.7    Y
-1.3   31.8   32.2   32.4   31.2   32.0   31.7   -1.3                 10.2   10.7   10.8    9.7   10.5   10.2   Y
-1.2   32.1   32.6   32.8   31.6   32.4   32.1   -1.2                 10.5   11.1   11.2   10.0   10.9   10.6   Y
-1.1   32.3   33.0   33.1   31.9   32.8   32.6   -1.1                 10.7   11.4   11.5   10.3   11.2   11.0   Y
-1.0   32.5   33.3   33.4   32.1   33.1   32.9   -1.0                 11.0   11.8   11.8   10.6   11.5   11.3   Y
-0.9   32.7   33.6   33.7   32.3   33.4   33.2   -0.9                 11.2   12.0   12.1   10.8   11.8   11.7   Y
-0.8   32.9   33.8   33.9   32.6   33.6   33.5   -0.8                 11.4   12.3   12.3   11.0   12.1   12.0   Y
-0.7   33.1   34.0   34.1   32.7   33.9   33.8   -0.7                 11.5   12.5   12.6   11.2   12.3   12.2   Y
-0.6   33.2   34.2   34.3   32.9   34.1   34.0   -0.6                 11.7   12.7   12.7   11.3   12.5   12.4   Y
-0.5   33.3   34.4   34.4   33.0   34.2   34.1   -0.5                 11.8   12.8   12.9   11.5   12.7   12.6   Y
-0.4   33.4   34.5   34.6   33.1   34.4   34.3   -0.4                 11.9   13.0   13.0   11.6   12.8   12.7   Y
-0.3   33.5   34.6   34.7   33.2   34.5   34.4   -0.3                 12.0   13.1   13.1   11.6   12.9   12.9   Y
-0.2   33.5   34.7   34.7   33.2   34.6   34.5   -0.2                 12.0   13.1   13.2   11.7   13.0   12.9   Y
-0.1   33.6   34.7   34.8   33.2   34.6   34.5   -0.1                 12.0   13.2   13.2   11.7   13.1   13.0   Y
 0.0   33.6   34.7   34.8   33.2   34.6   34.6    0.0                 12.0   13.2   13.3   11.7   13.1   13.0   Y
 0.1   33.6   34.7   34.8   33.2   34.6   34.6    0.1                 12.0   13.1   13.2   11.7   13.1   13.0   Y
 0.2   33.5   34.6   34.7   33.2   34.6   34.5    0.2                 12.0   13.1   13.2   11.6   13.1   13.0   Y
 0.3   33.5   34.6   34.7   33.1   34.5   34.5    0.3                 11.9   13.0   13.1   11.6   13.0   12.9   Y
 0.4   33.4   34.5   34.6   33.0   34.5   34.4    0.4                 11.8   12.9   13.0   11.5   12.9   12.8   Y
 0.5   33.3   34.3   34.4   32.9   34.4   34.3    0.5                 11.7   12.8   12.9   11.3   12.8   12.7   Y
 0.6   33.2   34.2   34.3   32.7   34.2   34.1    0.6                 11.6   12.6   12.7   11.2   12.7   12.6   Y
 0.7   33.0   34.0   34.1   32.6   34.1   34.0    0.7                 11.5   12.4   12.5   11.0   12.5   12.4   Y
 0.8   32.8   33.8   33.8   32.4   33.8   33.8    0.8                 11.3   12.2   12.3   10.8   12.3   12.2   Y
 0.9   32.6   33.5   33.6   32.1   33.6   33.5    0.9                 11.1   12.0   12.0   10.6   12.1   12.0   Y
 1.0   32.4   33.3   33.3   31.9   33.3   33.3    1.0                 10.9   11.7   11.8   10.3   11.8   11.7   Y
 1.1   32.2   33.0   33.0   31.6   33.0   32.9    1.1                 10.6   11.4   11.4   10.1   11.5   11.4   Y
 1.2   31.9   32.6   32.6   31.3   32.7   32.6    1.2                 10.4   11.1   11.1    9.7   11.2   11.1   Y
 1.3   31.6   32.3   32.3   31.0   32.3   32.2    1.3                 10.1   10.7   10.7    9.4   10.8   10.7   Y
 1.4   31.3   31.9   31.9   30.6   31.9   31.8    1.4                 9.8    10.3   10.3    9.0   10.4   10.3   Y
 1.5   31.0   31.5   31.4   30.1   31.5   31.4    1.5   24.6   14.9   9.4     9.9    9.8    8.6    9.9   9.8    Y
 1.6   30.6   31.0   30.9   29.7   31.0   30.9    1.6   23.7   14.0   9.0     9.4    9.4    8.1    9.4   9.3    Y


1.7   30.2   30.5   30.4   29.2   30.4   30.3   1.7   23.0   13.4           8.6     8.9    8.8     7.6     8.9    8.8    Y
1.8   29.7   29.9   29.8   28.6   29.9   29.8   1.8   22.4   12.7           8.2     8.4    8.3     7.1     8.3    8.2    Y
1.9   29.3   29.3   29.2   28.1   29.2   29.1   1.9   21.9   12.2           7.7     7.8    7.7     6.5     7.7    7.5    Y
2.0   28.7   28.7   28.5   27.4   28.6   28.4   2.0   21.3   11.6           7.2     7.1    7.0     5.9     7.0    6.9    Y
2.1   28.2   28.0   27.8   26.7   27.8   27.6   2.1   20.8   11.1           6.6     6.4    6.3     5.2     6.2    6.0    Y
2.2   27.6   27.2   27.0   26.0   27.0   26.8   2.2   20.3   10.6           6.0     5.6    5.5     4.4     5.5    5.2    Y
2.3   26.9   26.3   26.2   25.1   26.1   25.8   2.3   19.8   10.1           5.4     4.8    4.7     3.6     4.5    4.2    Y
2.4   26.3   25.4   25.3   24.2   25.1   24.7   2.4   19.4    9.7           4.7     3.8    3.7     2.7     3.6    3.2    Y
2.5   25.5   24.4   24.3   23.3   24.0   23.6   2.5   18.9    9.2           3.9     2.8    2.8     1.7     2.5    2.0    Y
2.6   24.7   23.3   23.3   22.1   22.8   22.2   2.6   18.5    8.8           3.1     1.7    1.7     0.6     1.3    0.7    Y
2.7   23.8   22.0   22.1   20.9   21.5   20.7   2.7   18.1    8.4           2.2     0.4    0.6    -0.6    -0.1    -0.8   Y
2.8   22.7   20.5   20.9   19.6   19.9   19.0   2.8   17.7    8.0           1.2    -1.0   -0.6    -2.0    -1.6    -2.5   Y
2.9   21.7   19.0   19.6   18.1   18.0   16.9   2.9   17.3    7.6           0.2    -2.6   -1.9    -3.5    -3.5    -4.6   Y
3.0   20.6   17.2   18.3   16.3   15.9   14.7   3.0   17.0    7.3   10.3    -1.0   -4.4   -3.2    -5.2    -5.7    -6.9   Y
3.1   19.3   15.3   17.0   14.4   13.1   12.1   3.1   16.6    6.9    9.9    -2.3   -6.3   -4.5    -7.1    -8.5    -9.5   Y
3.2   17.8   13.6   16.0   12.1   9.4    10.1   3.2   16.3    6.6    9.6    -3.8   -8.0   -5.6    -9.4   -12.2   -11.5   Y
3.3   16.3   12.4   15.2   10.0   4.0    10.1   3.3   15.9    6.2    9.2    -5.2   -9.1   -6.4   -11.6   -17.5   -11.5   Y
3.4   14.6   12.4   14.8    8.8   1.8    11.8   3.4   15.6    5.9    8.9    -7.0   -9.1   -6.7   -12.8   -19.8    -9.8   Y
3.5   12.8   13.4   14.9    9.2   6.7    13.8   3.5   15.3    5.6    8.6    -8.8   -8.2   -6.7   -12.4   -14.9    -7.7   Y
3.6   11.1   14.7   15.2   10.8   10.3   15.5   3.6   15.0    5.3    8.3   -10.4   -6.9   -6.3   -10.7   -11.3    -6.0   Y
3.7   10.0   15.9   15.8   12.5   12.9   17.0   3.7   14.7    5.0    8.0   -11.6   -5.6   -5.8    -9.0    -8.7    -4.6   Y
3.8    9.7   17.2   16.4   14.1   14.7   18.1   3.8   14.4    4.7    7.7   -11.8   -4.4   -5.2    -7.4    -6.8    -3.4   Y
3.9   10.4   18.0   16.9   15.5   16.1   19.1   3.9   14.1    4.5    7.5   -11.2   -3.5   -4.7    -6.1    -5.4    -2.5   Y
4.0   11.5   18.8   17.4   16.5   17.2   19.8   4.0   13.9    4.2    7.2   -10.1   -2.7   -4.2    -5.0    -4.4    -1.7   Y
4.1   12.6   19.5   17.8   17.5   18.1   20.5   4.1   13.6    3.9    6.9    -8.9   -2.1   -3.8    -4.1    -3.5    -1.1   Y
4.2   13.6   20.0   18.1   18.2   18.7   20.9   4.2   13.3    3.7    6.7    -7.9   -1.6   -3.4    -3.3    -2.8    -0.6   Y
4.3   14.5   20.4   18.4   18.8   19.2   21.4   4.3   13.1    3.4    6.4    -7.0   -1.2   -3.2    -2.7    -2.3    -0.2   Y
4.4   15.3   20.7   18.6   19.4   19.6   21.7   4.4   12.8    3.2    6.2    -6.3   -0.9   -3.0    -2.2    -1.9    0.1    Y
4.5   15.9   20.9   18.7   19.8   19.9   21.9   4.5   12.6    2.9    5.9    -5.6   -0.7   -2.9    -1.7    -1.6    0.4    Y
4.6   16.4   21.0   18.7   20.1   20.2   22.1   4.6   12.4    2.7    5.7    -5.1   -0.5   -2.8    -1.4    -1.4    0.6    Y
4.7   16.8   21.1   18.7   20.4   20.3   22.3   4.7   12.1    2.4    5.4    -4.7   -0.5   -2.8    -1.1    -1.3    0.7    Y
4.8   17.1   21.1   18.7   20.7   20.4   22.3   4.8   11.9    2.2    5.2    -4.4   -0.5   -2.9    -0.9    -1.2    0.8    Y


4.9   17.4   21.0   18.6   20.8   20.4   22.4   4.9   11.7    2.0    5.0    -4.2    -0.5    -3.0   -0.7    -1.2    0.8    Y
5.0   17.5   20.9   18.4   21.0   20.3   22.3   5.0   11.5    1.8    4.8    -4.0    -0.6    -3.2   -0.6    -1.2    0.8    Y
5.1   17.6   20.7   18.2   21.0   20.2   22.3   5.1   11.2    1.6    4.6    -3.9    -0.8    -3.4   -0.5    -1.3    0.7    Y
5.2   17.7   20.5   17.9   21.1   20.1   22.2   5.2   11.0    1.3    4.3    -3.9    -1.1    -3.6   -0.5    -1.4    0.6    Y
5.3   17.6   20.2   17.6   21.1   19.9   22.1   5.3   10.8    1.1    4.1    -3.9    -1.3    -4.0   -0.5    -1.6    0.5    Y
5.4   17.6   19.9   17.2   21.0   19.7   21.9   5.4   10.6    0.9    3.9    -4.0    -1.7    -4.4   -0.5    -1.8    0.4    Y
5.5   17.5   19.5   16.8   20.9   19.5   21.7   5.5   10.4    0.7    3.7    -4.1    -2.1    -4.8   -0.6    -2.1    0.1    Y
5.6   17.3   19.1   16.3   20.8   19.2   21.5   5.6   10.2    0.5    3.5    -4.2    -2.5    -5.3   -0.7    -2.4    -0.1   Y
5.7   17.1   18.6   15.8   20.7   18.8   21.2   5.7   10.0    0.4    3.4    -4.4    -3.0    -5.8   -0.8    -2.7    -0.4   Y
5.8   16.9   18.0   15.2   20.5   18.5   20.9   5.8    9.9    0.2    3.2    -4.7    -3.5    -6.4   -1.0    -3.1    -0.6   Y
5.9   16.6   17.4   14.5   20.4   18.1   20.6   5.9    9.7    0.0    3.0    -5.0    -4.1    -7.0   -1.2    -3.4    -1.0   Y
6.0   16.2   16.7   13.8   20.2   17.7   20.3   6.0    9.5   -0.2    2.8    -5.3    -4.8    -7.7   -1.4    -3.8    -1.3   Y
6.1   15.9   15.9   13.0   19.9   17.3   19.9   6.1    9.3   -0.4    2.6    -5.7    -5.6    -8.5   -1.6    -4.3    -1.7   Y
6.2   15.5   15.1   12.2   19.7   16.9   19.5   6.2    9.1   -0.6    2.4    -6.1    -6.4    -9.3   -1.9    -4.7    -2.0   Y
6.3   15.1   14.2   11.4   19.4   16.4   19.1   6.3    9.0   -0.7    2.3    -6.5    -7.3   -10.2   -2.1    -5.1    -2.4   Y
6.4   14.6   13.2   10.4   19.2   15.9   18.7   6.4    8.8   -0.9    2.1    -7.0    -8.4   -11.1   -2.4    -5.6    -2.8   Y
6.5   14.0   12.0   9.4    18.9   15.4   18.3   6.5    8.6   -1.1    1.9    -7.5    -9.5   -12.1   -2.7    -6.1    -3.3   Y
6.6   13.5   10.7   8.5    18.6   15.0   17.9   6.6    8.5   -1.2    1.8    -8.1   -10.8   -13.1   -3.0    -6.6    -3.7   Y
6.7   12.9   9.2    7.4    18.2   14.4   17.4   6.7    8.3   -1.4    1.6    -8.7   -12.3   -14.1   -3.3    -7.1    -4.1   Y
6.8   12.2   7.5    6.5    17.9   13.9   17.0   6.8    8.1   -1.6    1.4    -9.3   -14.0   -15.1   -3.7    -7.7    -4.6   Y
6.9   11.6   5.5    5.6    17.5   13.3   16.5   6.9    8.0   -1.7    1.3   -10.0   -16.0   -15.9   -4.0    -8.3    -5.0   Y
7.0   10.8   3.1    4.9    17.1   12.8   16.1   7.0    8.0   -1.7    1.1   -10.7   -18.4   -16.6   -4.4    -8.8    -5.5   Y
7.1   10.0   0.1    4.4    16.7   12.2   15.6   7.1    8.0   -1.7    1.0   -11.5   -21.4   -17.1   -4.8    -9.4    -5.9   Y
7.2    9.2   -3.5   4.2    16.3   11.5   15.2   7.2    8.0   -1.7    0.8   -12.3   -25.0   -17.4   -5.3   -10.0    -6.4   Y
7.3    8.4   -6.2   4.2    15.8   10.9   14.7   7.3    8.0   -1.7    0.7   -13.2   -27.7   -17.4   -5.7   -10.7    -6.8   Y
7.4    7.5   -5.3   4.3    15.3   10.2   14.3   7.4    8.0   -1.7    0.5   -14.0   -26.9   -17.2   -6.2   -11.4    -7.3   Y
7.5    6.6   -2.6   4.5    14.8   9.4    13.8   7.5    8.0   -1.7    0.4   -15.0   -24.1   -17.0   -6.7   -12.1    -7.7   Y
7.6    5.5   -0.1   4.8    14.3   8.7    13.4   7.6    8.0   -1.7    0.2   -16.0   -21.7   -16.8   -7.3   -12.8    -8.2   Y
7.7    4.6   1.7    5.0    13.7   7.9    12.9   7.7    8.0   -1.7    0.1   -17.0   -19.8   -16.6   -7.9   -13.7    -8.6   Y
7.8    3.5   3.0    5.2    13.1   7.1    12.5   7.8    8.0   -1.7    0.0   -18.0   -18.5   -16.4   -8.4   -14.5    -9.1   Y
7.9    2.4   4.1    5.3    12.5   6.2    12.0   7.9    8.0   -1.7   -0.2   -19.1   -17.5   -16.2   -9.1   -15.3    -9.5   Y
8.0    1.3   4.9    5.4    11.8   5.3    11.6   8.0    8.0   -1.7   -0.3   -20.3   -16.7   -16.1   -9.8   -16.2   -10.0   Y


 8.1     0.0    5.6     5.4    11.1    4.4     11.1    8.1     8.0    -1.7    -0.4   -21.5   -16.0   -16.1   -10.5   -17.2   -10.5   Y
 8.2    -1.1    6.1     5.4    10.4    3.5     10.6    8.2     8.0    -1.7    -0.6   -22.6   -15.5   -16.1   -11.2   -18.1   -11.0   Y
 8.3    -2.2    6.5     5.3     9.7    2.6     10.0    8.3     8.0    -1.7    -0.7   -23.8   -15.1   -16.2   -11.9   -18.9   -11.5   Y
 8.4    -3.3    6.8     5.2     9.0    1.9     9.5     8.4     8.0    -1.7    -0.8   -24.9   -14.8   -16.3   -12.6   -19.6   -12.1   Y
 8.5    -4.3    7.0     5.0     8.2    1.4     8.9     8.5     8.0    -1.7    -1.0   -25.9   -14.6   -16.5   -13.3   -20.1   -12.7   Y
 8.6    -4.9    7.1     4.8     7.6    1.1     8.2     8.6     8.0    -1.7    -1.1   -26.5   -14.4   -16.7   -14.0   -20.4   -13.4   Y
 8.7    -5.6    7.2     4.6     6.9    1.1     7.4     8.7     8.0    -1.7    -1.2   -27.1   -14.3   -17.0   -14.6   -20.5   -14.1   Y
 8.8    -5.8    7.3     4.3     6.3    1.3     6.6     8.8     8.0    -1.7    -1.3   -27.4   -14.3   -17.3   -15.2   -20.3   -14.9   Y
 8.9    -6.2    7.3     3.9     5.8    1.6     5.7     8.9     8.0    -1.7    -1.5   -27.8   -14.2   -17.6   -15.8   -19.9   -15.9   Y
 9.0    -6.4    7.3     3.6     5.3    2.1     4.7     9.0     8.0    -1.7    -1.6   -27.9   -14.3   -18.0   -16.2   -19.5   -16.9   Y
 9.1    -6.6    7.2     3.1     4.9    2.5     3.5     9.1     8.0    -1.7    -1.7   -28.1   -14.4   -18.4   -16.6   -19.1   -18.1   Y
 9.2    -6.8    7.0     2.7     4.6    2.8     2.2     9.2     7.9    -1.8    -1.8   -28.4   -14.5   -18.9   -17.0   -18.7   -19.4   Y
 9.3    -7.0    6.8     2.2     4.3    3.2     0.5     9.3     7.8    -1.9    -1.9   -28.6   -14.7   -19.3   -17.3   -18.4   -21.0   Y
 9.4    -6.9    6.6     1.7     4.1    3.5     -1.2    9.4     7.6    -2.1    -2.1   -28.5   -15.0   -19.9   -17.5   -18.1   -22.8   Y
 9.5    -7.4    6.3     1.1     3.8    3.7     -3.7    9.5     7.5    -2.2    -2.2   -29.0   -15.2   -20.4   -17.7   -17.9   -25.3   Y
 9.6    -7.7    6.0     0.5     3.5    3.9     -6.8    9.6     7.4    -2.3    -2.3   -29.3   -15.6   -21.0   -18.0   -17.7   -28.4   Y
 9.7    -8.1    5.6     -0.1    3.3    3.9    -10.6    9.7     7.3    -2.4    -2.4   -29.6   -16.0   -21.7   -18.3   -17.6   -32.1   Y
 9.8    -8.3    5.1     -0.8    2.9    3.9    -13.5    9.8     7.2    -2.5    -2.5   -29.9   -16.5   -22.4   -18.7   -17.6   -35.1   Y
 9.9    -8.7    4.7     -1.3    2.5    3.9    -11.0    9.9     7.1    -2.6    -2.6   -30.3   -16.9   -22.8   -19.1   -17.7   -32.6   Y
10.0    -9.1    4.1     -1.9    1.9    3.7     -7.6   10.0     7.0    -2.7    -2.7   -30.6   -17.5   -23.5   -19.6   -17.8   -29.1   Y
16.2    -8.9    -5.8    -3.0   -3.8    -5.0    2.5    16.2     1.8    -7.9    -7.9   -30.4   -27.3   -24.6   -25.3   -26.6   -19.1   Y
22.2   -13.5   -16.8   -16.4   -7.3   -13.1    -3.8   22.2    -1.7   -11.3   -11.3   -35.1   -38.4   -38.0   -28.9   -34.6   -25.3   Y
28.2    -7.6    -9.2   -10.0    1.9   -13.0    -4.1   28.2    -4.3   -13.9   -13.9   -29.2   -30.7   -31.6   -19.7   -34.5   -25.7   Y
34.2    -7.9    -3.0    -6.7   -8.1    -4.2    -6.4   34.2    -6.4   -16.0   -16.0   -29.5   -24.6   -28.3   -29.6   -25.8   -28.0   Y
40.2   -15.2    -9.7    -6.2   -1.1    -1.4    -5.9   40.2    -8.1   -17.8   -17.8   -36.8   -31.2   -27.7   -22.6   -23.0   -27.5   Y
46.2   -15.9    -6.5   -15.1   -6.1    -3.1    -4.9   46.2    -9.6   -19.3   -19.3   -37.5   -28.0   -36.6   -27.7   -24.7   -26.5   Y
52.2   -12.2   -10.9   -18.4   -7.6    0.3     -2.1   52.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -33.7   -32.5   -39.9   -29.2   -21.3   -23.7   Y
56.2   -19.4   -13.2    -9.4   -2.3    -9.0    1.7    56.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -40.9   -34.7   -30.9   -23.8   -30.5   -19.9   Y
62.2   -15.7   -16.5   -16.0   -0.5    -3.8    -1.0   62.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -37.3   -38.1   -37.5   -22.1   -25.3   -22.6   Y
68.2    -6.1   -23.4   -13.2   -7.5    -2.0    -0.3   68.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -27.7   -45.0   -34.7   -29.0   -23.5   -21.9   Y
74.2   -11.0   -26.2   -21.0   -1.5    -7.8    -0.1   74.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -32.6   -47.7   -42.5   -23.1   -29.4   -21.6   Y
80.2   -13.0   -15.4   -21.5   -1.2    -3.8    -7.1   80.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -34.6   -36.9   -43.1   -22.7   -25.4   -28.7   Y


 86.2    -9.4   -13.9   -12.7   -6.0    -6.5   -22.9   86.2    -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -31.0   -35.5   -34.3   -27.6   -28.0   -44.4   Y
 92.2   -12.5   -14.6   -11.0   -6.6   -15.2    -8.3   92.2    -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -34.1   -36.1   -32.6   -28.1   -36.7   -29.8   Y
 98.2   -19.8   -15.7   -13.9   -9.6    -8.7    -6.3   98.2    -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -41.4   -37.3   -35.5   -31.2   -30.3   -27.8   Y
104.2   -23.1   -18.9   -18.3   11.6   -8.9    -8.8    104.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -44.7   -40.4   -39.9   -33.1   -30.5   -30.3   Y
110.2   -23.5   -19.9   -20.5   14.9   -11.7   -11.7   110.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -45.0   -41.5   -42.1   -36.4   -33.3   -33.2   Y
116.2   -28.5   -22.9   -23.3   18.2   -13.3   -14.6   116.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -50.0   -44.4   -44.9   -39.8   -34.8   -36.1   Y
122.2   -27.8   -24.0   -24.8   19.5   -16.5   -16.7   122.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -49.3   -45.5   -46.4   -41.0   -38.1   -38.2   Y
128.2   -29.7   -30.3   -26.3   21.7   -17.1   -18.0   128.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -51.2   -51.9   -47.8   -43.3   -38.7   -39.5   Y
134.2   -30.7   -28.5   -24.8   21.4   -18.9   -19.0   134.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -52.3   -50.1   -46.4   -43.0   -40.4   -40.5   Y
140.2   -36.7   -27.4   -29.3   27.1   -22.8   -20.2   140.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -58.3   -49.0   -50.8   -48.6   -44.4   -41.8   Y
146.2   -30.6   -31.6   -26.7   23.1   -19.9   -20.2   146.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -52.1   -53.2   -48.3   -44.7   -41.5   -41.8   Y
152.2   -33.5   -33.7   -33.5   25.0   -19.3   -20.8   152.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -55.1   -55.2   -55.0   -46.6   -40.9   -42.4   Y
158.2   -29.0   -31.3   -30.1   24.6   -19.0   -22.9   158.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -50.6   -52.8   -51.6   -46.2   -40.6   -44.5   Y
164.2   -25.5   -27.7   -39.2   49.5   -19.6   -20.0   164.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -47.1   -49.3   -60.8   -71.0   -41.2   -41.5   Y
170.2   -36.4   -29.5   -36.1   25.4   -23.4   -16.1   170.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -57.9   -51.0   -57.7   -46.9   -45.0   -37.6   Y
176.2   -30.3   -35.4   -29.9   22.6   -21.7   -23.9   176.2   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -51.9   -57.0   -51.4   -44.1   -43.2   -45.5   Y
180.0   -14.8   -11.1   -11.7   14.8   -10.3   -10.5   180.0   -10.0   -19.7   -19.7   -36.3   -32.7   -33.3   -36.3   -31.8   -32.1   Y


6.     Pointing Accuracy

The C-band ESV terminal will utilize a motion stabilized tracking antenna and a direct
sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) burst modem manufactured by ViaSat to access the
satellite. This approach is well-proven and used by other ESV terminals manufactured by
KVH and licensed by the Commission for commercial operation, including the V3 and
V7 Ku-band terminals.

The ESV terminal uses a common spreading code and a random access method called
code reuse multiple access (“CRMA”) to access the satellite. CRMA is closely
analogous to the more generally understood code division multiple access (CDMA)
multiple access method, but differs in that all terminals use a common spreading code
rather than a number of individual codes for each transmitter. Individual bursts are
distinguished by time difference of arrival. The use of this spreading technique allows
the RF spectral density for each ESV to be significantly lower that typical TDMA
systems operating at C-band.

The antenna system utilizes a conical scanning function and rate gyros to stabilize the
antenna and keep it pointed properly at the desired satellite. The conscan is currently set
to worst case 0.15º from boresight. The dynamic pointing error expected during testing
operation is expected to be less than 0.2ºs one sigma. Thus the total expected mean
pointing error for each vessel while under way, including both conscan and dynamic
error, is 0.35º - but the proposed tests are stationary only, so 0.15º conscan should be the
only pointing offset experienced.

During the small percentage of time when conditions cause the antenna pointing error to
exceed the specified maximum pointing error limit of .35º, the antenna system will send a
message to the modem, and the modem will inhibit transmission until the aggregate
conscan plus dynamic pointing error value is back to within 0.15º. The time lag from
detection of exceedance of mispointing to time when transmit is inhibited will be less
than 100 ms. This error limit of .35º is the declared maximum antenna pointing error as
described in §25.222(b)(1)(iv)(A).

As described above, the C-band ESV terminals use a spread spectrum multiple access
technique whereby the individual off-axis EIRP density of each ESV terminal is well
below the maximum aggregate network limit. Thus, each antenna individually will not
generate harmful levels of interference. Figure 5 below shows the ESV off-axis EIRP
considering a .35 degree pointing error. As can be seen the EIRP density complies with
the Section 25.221 mask for an individual ESV terminal.


                  Figure 5 – C-Band ESV Terminal Off-axis EIRP
                    with 1.5 degree pointing error vs 25.221 limit

Protection of Fixed-Satellite Service

As discussed above, KVH’s terminals will operate in such a manner that the off-axis
EIRP levels are no greater than the levels established for C-band ESV operations, which
are consistent with the Commission’s two-degree spacing policies. To the extent that any
adjacent satellite operator experiences unacceptable interference from KVH’s
experimental operations, KVH will cease terminal transmissions immediately.


7.     Engineering Certificate


I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for preparation of
the engineering information contained in this Experimental Authorization request. I am
familiar with Parts 2, 5, 25, 76, 78, and 101 of the Commission’s Rules (47 CFR), that I
have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information submitted in this
application, and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

                              By:________________________            Date: 10/31/2013
                                    Kenneth G. Ryan, P.E.
                                    Vice President
                                    Skjei Telecom, Inc.


Document Created: 2013-11-08 16:04:28
Document Modified: 2013-11-08 16:04:28

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