Attachment 20171027164610.pdf


LETTER submitted by Gray Miller Persh LLP



This document pretains to SES-MOD-20170817-00922 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


itarm~ ""©"
1200 New Hampshire Ave., NW # 410
                                              ORIGINAL                                           raga e
                                                                                                 (202) 776—2458
Washington, DC 20036                                                       

                                           October 23, 2017
                                                                      OCT 23 2017
Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.                                       Federal Com mmuncatine Conmiisibn
Secretary                                                           Office of the Secretery
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                 RECEIVED
ATTN:      International Bureau— Earth Stations
                                                                                              OCT 27 2017
         Note:   No fee required
                                                                                      Satellite Division
                                                                                    International Bureau
                  Re:     Certification of Completion of Construction
                          Satellite Earth Station E5589
                          FCC File No. SES—MOD—20170817—00922

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        On behalfof The University of Oklahoma, we submit herewith the enclosed certification
that the above—referenced fixed satellite earth station E5589 at Norman, Oklahoma has been
constructed and is operating in accordance with the technical parameters ofits authorization.
This informationis required by Section 25.133 of the FCC Rules.

         Should any questionsarise concerning this matter, kindly contact this office.

                                                Very truly yours,

                                                Barry S. Persh


                                                                The   University    of    Oklahoma        Outreach
                                                                Norman, Oklahoma 73019—2034
Marlene H. Dortch, Esq                                                         AMD/FILED
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                    OCT 23 0/

              Re:          Certification for £5589, Norman, OK                   Federal Communteations
                          FCC File No. SES—MOD—20170817—00922                            omwdmem’

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       The University of Oklahoma certifies that construction of the above—referenced fixed
satellite earth station at Norman, Oklahoma has been completed. The following information is
provided for filing with the FCC:

                  1. Licensee:            The University of Oklahoma

              2. File Number:                        SES—MOD—20170817—00922                RECEIVED

              3. Earth Station Call Sign: E5589                                                oct 272017

              4. Date of License:          9/27/2017                                       C._—ieliite Division
                                                                                         International Bureau
              5. Certification:                      See statement below

              6. Date of First Operation: 9/28/2017

        The earth station was completed as authorized and tested for compliance with its
authorized parameters. This facility will remain in operation during the license period unless
the license is submitted for cancellation.

                                                       THE     IVERSITY OF OKLAHQMA

                                            By: /A Id;f        frwe              Zw(_-;r £*—
                                                * Belinda Biscoe. PhD
                                            Title:      Interim Vice President

                                             Date:             /‘p)[ ?[ £7

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                  SET 103.1 Seminol   x250a                                      28687 105.1 Shawnee
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Document Created: 2017-10-27 16:46:19
Document Modified: 2017-10-27 16:46:19

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