Attachment Narrative Statement

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20170522-00581 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                FCC Form 312
                                                  Exhibit 1

                                                O3b LIMITED


                                       NARRATIVE STATEMENT

       Pursuant to Section 25.117 of the Commission’s Rules, O3b Limited (“O3b”) seeks
modification of its gateway earth station authorization at Haleiwa, Hawaii (the “Hawaii
Gateway”) to add an antenna.

        O3b operates a U.K.-authorized non-geostationary orbit (“NGSO”) Fixed-Satellite
Service (“FSS”) system operating in the Ka-band. In September 2012, the Commission granted
O3b a license to operate the Hawaii Gateway, which is comprised of three earth station antennas.
See FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, Call Sign E100088, granted September 25, 2012
(“Hawaii Gateway Authorization”). The Hawaii Gateway Authorization also granted O3b
authority (“landing rights”) to operate in the United States. Subsequently, the Commission
modified its grant of access to the U.S. market by authorizing O3b to add four new medium earth
NGSO satellites. See File No. SAT-LOI-20141029-00118, Call Sign S2935, granted January 22,
2015 (“O3b PDR”).

       By this application, O3b is requesting a modification of its authority to add a fourth
antenna at the Hawaii Gateway. O3b is expanding its satellite constellation and will add an
additional eight satellites in 2018 in response to market demand. 1 The fourth antenna will enable
O3b to bring more capacity to the regions served by the Hawaii Gateway, including the U.S.

       The fourth antenna will be identical to the three 7.3-meter VIASAT antennas already
authorized to operate at the Hawaii Gateway, and it will operate in the same manner, on the same
frequencies, and at the same power levels. O3b notes that, pursuant to Section 25.136(a)(2) of
the Commission’s rules, the Hawaii Gateway is grandfathered for transmit operations in the 27.6
– 28.35 GHz band, as a station authorized before July 14, 2016.

1 See Modification Application of O3b Limited, IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20160624-00060 (filed June 24, 2016)
(“Modification Application”); Amendment Application of O3b Limited, IBFS File No. SAT-AMD-20161115-00116
(filed Nov. 15, 2016) (“November Amendment”). In those applications, O3b requested authority to serve the U.S.
using additional frequencies (19.7-20.2 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz) on four of the eight satellites proposed in the
Modification Application and requested U.S. market access for up to twenty-four new satellites that will operate in a
circular equatorial orbit and for up to sixteen new satellites that will operate in an inclined orbit using the
frequencies covered by the Market Access Grant as well as the 17.7-17.8 GHz, 19.3-19.7 GHz, and 29.1-29.5 GHz
frequency bands. Those applications are currently pending before the Commission.

O3b Limited
Modification of Gateway Earth Station License
May 2017
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Application for Modification of License Complies with Section 25.203

        Section 25.203(c)(6) provides as follows:

        Multiple antennas in an NGSO FSS gateway earth station complex located within an area
        bounded by one second of latitude and one second of longitude may be regarded as a
        single earth station for purposes of coordination with terrestrial services.

The new antenna will be located within one second of the latitude and longitude of the existing
earth station antennas at the Hawaii Gateway. As a result, O3b is not required to conduct or file
a new coordination report. Attachment 1 is an overhead image showing the location of the
existing antennas and the proposed new antenna.

Public Interest Statement

       The public interest showing in O3b’s original Hawaii Gateway application is hereby
incorporated by reference. For the reasons stated therein, grant of this application (and
associated waiver requests) for an additional antenna will serve the public interest, convenience
and necessity.

U.S. Market Access

        Under the Commission’s “DISCO II” procedure, a company may obtain U.S. “landing
rights” for a non-U.S. licensed space station by filing an initial earth station application that lists
the space station as a “point of communication” and demonstrating that the space station meets
applicable Commission requirements. 2 O3b provided such a showing as part of its Hawaii
Gateway earth station application. The Commission found that O3b meets the criteria for U.S.
market access when it granted the Hawaii Gateway Authorization and the O3b PDR.

        In its DISCO II decision, the Commission adopted requirements that apply once an initial
application seeking U.S. market access for a non-U.S. satellite system has been granted. There is
no need, the Commission found, for a new DISCO II showing to be made by future earth station
applicants requesting authority to communicate with the non-U.S. satellite system. 3 Rather, it is
sufficient that any such earth station applicant cite to the initial grant of market access; confirm
that there has been no change in the services the satellite system will be used to provide; and
represent that there has been no change to the satellite system’s operating parameters. 4

       Consistent with these requirements, O3b hereby cites to the Hawaii Gateway
Authorization and the O3b PDR; confirms that there has been no change in the services its

  See Amendment of the Commission's Regulatory Policies to Allow Non-U.S. Licensed Space Stations to Provide
Domestic and International Satellite Service in the United States (“DISCO II”), 15 FCC Rcd 7207, ¶ 5 (1999).
  DISCO II, 15 FCC Rcd 7207 at ¶ 192.

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Modification of Gateway Earth Station License
May 2017
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satellite system will be used to provide; and represents that there has been no change to its
satellite system’s operating parameters.

O3b System and Frequency Plan

       O3b proposes to operate the additional antenna on the same frequencies as were
previously licensed at the Hawaii Gateway. For ease of reference, the O3b frequencies are
summarized in the following Table:

       Downlink Frequency                       Ka-Band Plan                  O3B Proposed Use
    17.8-18.3 GHz                    FS                                  Service Links and Gateway
    18.3-18.6 GHz                    GSO FSS down                        Service Links and Gateway
    18.8-19.3 GHz                    NGSO FSS down                       Service Links, Gateway Links
                                                                         and TT&C 5
        Uplink Frequency                     Ka-Band Plan                     O3B Proposed Use
    27.6-28.35 GHz                   UMFUS                               Service Links and Gateway
                                     fss (secondary)                     Links
    28.35-28.4 GHz                   GSO FSS up                          Service Links and Gateway
                                     ngso fss up (secondary)             Links
    28.6-29.1 GHz                    NGSO FSS up                         Service Links, Gateway Links
                                     gso fss up (secondary)              and TT&C 6

O3b Operations in Shared Bands

        O3b requests that the waivers already granted for the Hawaii Gateway be applied to the
fourth antenna. These bands, and the corresponding waiver requests as applicable, are described

       27.6-28.35 GHz – Secondary uplink band shared with primary terrestrial stations. The
27.6-28.35 GHz uplink band is allocated to the Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service
(“UMFUS”) on a primary basis. NGSO FSS operations are allocated on a secondary basis in the
same band.

        However, as noted above, the Hawaii Gateway meets the criteria of 25.136(a)(2) and may
operate consistent with the terms of its existing authorization without providing any additional
interference protection to UMFUS stations.

  O3b will conduct TT&C operations in the band edges just below 19.3 GHz (downlink) and 29.1 GHz (uplink). See
47 C.F.R. § 25.202(g).

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Modification of Gateway Earth Station License
May 2017
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        A Comsearch frequency coordination report for the 28 GHz band, filed with O3b’s
original application for the Hawaii Gateway, demonstrated that O3b can operate the Hawaii
Gateway in this band without causing harmful interference to LMDS licensees.

        28.35-28.4 GHz – Secondary uplink band shared with primary GSO FSS stations. In the
28.35-28.4 GHz band, there is a primary allocation for geostationary satellite orbit (“GSO”) FSS
systems and a secondary allocation for NGSO FSS systems. O3b’s Hawaii Gateway earth
station transmissions in this band will be consistent with their secondary status vis-à-vis GSO
FSS transmissions. As a secondary user of the 28.35-28.4 GHz band in the United States, O3b
makes no claim of protection from interference from U.S.-licensed GSO FSS networks in this
band segment.

        In the 28.35-28.4 GHz band, the ITU has developed uplink equivalent power flux density
limits (“EPFDup”) limits to protect co-frequency GSO FSS operations from unacceptable
interference from NGSO FSS systems operating in the same frequencies. 7 Specifically, in
accordance with Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations, if the applicable EPFDup limits are
met, the NGSO FSS satellite system is considered to have met its obligations to protect GSO
FSS networks from unacceptable interference. In this band, transmissions from the Hawaii
Gateway to the O3b constellation will meet the applicable ITU EPFDup limits.

        17.8-18.3 GHz – Non-conforming downlink band shared with terrestrial stations –
waiver requested to the extent necessary. The 17.8-18.3 GHz band is allocated on a primary
basis to the Fixed Service, and there is no secondary allocation for NGSO FSS in the band. For
that reason, in its original Hawaii Gateway application O3b requested, and the Commission
granted, a waiver of the Ka-Band Plan and Section 2.106 of the Commission’s rules to permit
O3b to operate its NGSO FSS system in the 17.8-18.3 GHz band for downlink operations on a
non-conforming, non-interference basis.

        18.3-18.6 GHz – Non-conforming downlink band shared with GSO FSS stations – waiver
requested to the extent necessary. The 18.3-18.6 GHz band is allocated in the United States on a
primary basis to GSO FSS. Because the 18.3-18.6 GHz band is not allocated to NGSO FSS
downlink transmissions on a primary or secondary basis, for its Hawaii Gateway O3b proposed,
and the Commission granted, authority for the Hawaii Gateway earth station to use the band on a
non-conforming basis – i.e., on a non-harmful interference, non-protected basis relative to any
service allocated in that band. O3b also requested – and was granted -- a waiver of the Ka-Band
Plan and Section 2.106 (footnote NG 164) of the Commission’s rules to permit such use.

        O3b acknowledges that it has no protection against interference from U.S.-licensed GSO
FSS networks in the 18.3-18.6 GHz band and commits to maintain the downlink transmissions in
the band from its space stations within the downlink equivalent power flux density (“EPFDdown”)
limits developed by the ITU to protect GSO FSS networks from unacceptable interference from
NGSO FSS systems operating on the same frequencies.

 See ITU Radio Regulations, Article 22. See also O3b’s Hawaii Gateway application, Technical Attachment at
A.10.1 for a discussion of O3b's compliance with the operational limits in Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations.

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Modification of Gateway Earth Station License
May 2017
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Radiofrequency Radiation Hazard Study (RF Hazard Study)

        O3b submits as Attachment 2 the RF Hazard Study for the Hawaii Gateway earth station.

Technical Certification

        O3b submits as Attachment 3 the requisite technical certification.


        As demonstrated in this application, grant of this earth station application will serve the
public interest, convenience and necessity. O3b respectfully requests that the Commission
promptly grant this application.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                O3B LIMITED

                                                By: ____________________
                                                Suzanne Malloy
                                                Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
                                                900 17th Street, NW
                                                Suite 300
                                                Washington, DC 20006

May 22, 2017


Robert S. Koppel
Lukas LaFuria Gutierrez & Sachs
8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1200
Tysons, VA 22102

Attachment 1: Site Plan

Attachment 2: RF Hazard Study

                                          Engineering Report                         O3b Networks USA, LLC
                                                  GND-028                           12811 Randolph Ridge Ln
                                                 9 May 2017                             Manassas, VA 20109


Non-Ionizing Radiation Hazard Analysis


This report analyzes non-ionizing radiation levels for O3b’s 7.3m MEO earth stations. Calculations are performed in accordance
with FCC Office of Engineering and Technology’s “Bulletin No. 65 Edition 01-01 Supplement C” with regard to the frequencies
and antenna types being used. Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits at O3b uplink frequencies include two exposure
situations with limits as described below.

General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE), averaging window of 30 minutes or less:

                                               1500-100,000 (MHz) = 1.0 mW/cm²

Occupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE), averaging window of 6 minutes or less:

                                               1500-100,000 (MHz) = 5.0 mW/cm²

This analysis compares MPE limits to the calculated power flux densities at the antenna feed, main reflector surface, between
the edge of the main reflector and the ground, near-field region, transition region, and the beginning of the far field.

The result of the analysis is a summary table which describes the power flux densities at key locations and the strategy for
limiting General Population and Occupational exposure.

                                    Non-Technical Data. Authorized for Export.                              1 of 6

                                                Engineering Report                               O3b Networks USA, LLC
                                                        GND-028                                 12811 Randolph Ridge Ln
                                                       9 May 2017                                   Manassas, VA 20109

1.    Formulas and Parameters Used
      The following data is used throughout the analysis:
                      Parameters                      Symbol            Value           Units                Notes/Formulas
     Transmit Power                                     P               447.23           W         RH traffic + LH traffic + LH CMD
     Frequency                                            F              29089          MHz
     Wavelength                                           λ              0.010           m        299.792458 / F

     Antenna Diameter                                   Dref              7.3            m
     Antenna Surface Area                               Aref            41.854           m²       π Dref² / 4

     Subreflector Diameter                              Dsub             0.610           m
     Subreflector Surface Area                          Asub             0.292           m²       π Dsub² / 4

     Feed Flange Diameter                             Dflange            0.137           m
     Feed Flange Area                                 Aflange            0.015           m²       π Dflange² / 4

     Antenna Gain                                       Ges             65.66            dBi      Mfg spec
     Antenna Gain                                        G           3681289.736                  10^(Ges / 10)
     Antenna Efficiency                                   η              0.743                    G λ² / π² Dref²

     Pi                                                   π              3.142

2.    Density at Feed Flange
      The maximum power flux density at the surface of the feed flange is as follows:
     Parameters                                       Symbol            Value           Units      Notes/Formulas
     Density @ flange                                                121355.623         W/m²       4 P / Aflange
                                                      Sflange         12135.562        mW/cm²

3.    Density at Subreflector
      The maximum power flux density at the surface of the Cassegrain subreflector is as follows:
     Parameters                                       Symbol             Value          Units      Notes/Formulas
     Density @ Main Reflector                                          6121.268         W/m²       4 P / Asub
                                                        Ssub            612.127        mW/cm²

4.    Density at Main Reflector
      The maximum power flux density at the surface of the main reflector is as follows:
     Parameters                                       Symbol            Value           Units      Notes/Formulas
     Density @ Main Reflector                                           42.742          W/m²       4 P / Asub
                                                     Ssurface            4.274         mW/cm²

                                          Non-Technical Data. Authorized for Export.                                  2 of 6

                                                 Engineering Report                               O3b Networks USA, LLC
                                                         GND-028                                 12811 Randolph Ridge Ln
                                                        9 May 2017                                   Manassas, VA 20109

5.    Density between Main Reflector and Ground
      The maximum power flux density in the area between the edge of the main reflector and the ground is as follows:
     Parameters                                        Symbol            Value           Units      Notes/Formulas
     Density, Main Reflector/Ground                                      10.686          W/m²       P / Aref
                                                       Sground            1.069         mW/cm²

6.    Density within the Near Field
      The Near Field environment for a parabolic reflector antenna is contained within a cylinder with the same diameter as
      the main reflector which extends to a distance called the Near Field Extent.
      Power within the Near Field is constant with the following maximum flux density:
     Parameters                                      Symbol           Value             Units       Notes/Formulas
     Range to Near Field Extent                      Rnf              1292.688          m           Dref² / 4 λ
     Density within the Near Field                                    31.776            W/m²        16.0 η P / π Dref²
                                                     Snf              3.178             mW/cm²

7.    Density at Transition Region
      The Transition Region is the area between the Near Field and Far Field regions where power decreases linearly with
      The maximum power flux density within the Transition Region is located at the Near Field extent range and is calculated
      as follows:
     Parameters                                      Symbol           Value             Units       Notes/Formulas
     Range to Transition Region                      Rt               136.357           m           Occurs at near field extent
     Density @ Transition                                             31.776            W/m²        Snf Rnf / Rt
                                                     Snf              3.178             mW/cm²

8.    Density at Beginning of the Far Field
      The Far Field region is the range at which power decreases inversely with the square of the distance. The maximum
      power flux density within the Far Field region occurs at the Far Field Boundary and is calculated as follows:
     Parameters                                      Symbol           Value             Units       Notes/Formulas
     Range to Far Field Boundary                     Rff              3102.452          m           0.6 D² / λ
     Density @ Far Field Boundary                                     13.612            W/m²        P G / 4 π Rff²
                                                     Sff              1.361             mW/cm²

9.    Range to Far Field General Population Exposure Limit
      In addition to the power flux density calculations at key locations, it’s valuable to locate the specific range at which MPE
      limits are reached to aid in managing exposure control.
      The following calculation show the range at which the Far Field General Population MPE limit occurs:
     Parameters                                      Symbol           Value             Units       Notes/Formulas
     Range to 1 mW/cm²                                                4107              m           Range to General Population Limit
                                                                      10.001            W/m²
                                                                      1.000             mW/cm²

                                           Non-Technical Data. Authorized for Export.                                    3 of 6

                                             Engineering Report                               O3b Networks USA, LLC
                                                       GND-028                               12811 Randolph Ridge Ln
                                                      9 May 2017                                 Manassas, VA 20109

10. Non-Ionizing Radiation Summary
    Flux Densities & Exposure Limits
                                        General Population Exposure Limit = 1.0 mW/cm²
                                          Occupational Exposure Limit = 5.0 mW/cm²
  Region                                         Symbol           Level             Units       Hazard Assessment
  Density @ Antenna Flange                       Sflange          12135.562         mW/cm²      Exceeds General Population
                                                                                                Exposure limit
                                                                                                Exceeds Occupational Exposure
  Density @ Subreflector                         Ssub             612.127           mW/cm²      Exceeds General Population
                                                                                                Exposure limit
                                                                                                Exceeds Occupational Exposure
  Density @ Main Reflector                       Ssurface         4.274             mW/cm²      Exceeds General Population
                                                                                                Exposure limit
                                                                                                Does not exceed Occupational
                                                                                                Exposure limit
  Density Between Main Reflector and             Sground          1.069             mW/cm²      Exceeds General Population
  Ground                                                                                        Exposure limit
                                                                                                Does not exceed Occupational
                                                                                                Exposure limit
  Max Density @ Near Field Extent                Snf              3.178             mW/cm²      Exceeds General Population
                                                                                                Exposure limit
                                                                                                Does not exceed Occupational
                                                                                                Exposure limit
  Max Density @ Transition Region                St               3.178             mW/cm²      Exceeds General Population
                                                                                                Exposure limit
                                                                                                Does not exceed Occupational
                                                                                                Exposure limit
  Density @ Beginning of Far Field               Sff              1.361             mW/cm²      Exceeds General Population
                                                                                                Exposure limit
                                                                                                Does not exceed Occupational
                                                                                                Exposure limit

Range to Key Points and General Population Exposure Limit Avoidance Methods
  Distance from Antenna                          Symbol           Value             Units       Protection Method
  Antenna Immediate Area                                                                        Fencing and Signage, no public
  Range to Near Field Extent                     Rnf              1292.688              m       Main lobe offset greater than 1
  Range to Far Field Boundary                    Rff              3102.451              m       Main lobe offset greater than 1
  Range to 1 mW/cm² MPE Limit                                     4107                  m       Main lobe offset greater than 1

                                       Non-Technical Data. Authorized for Export.                                  4 of 6


                                              Engineering Report                         O3b Networks USA, LLC
                                                      GND-028                           12811 Randolph Ridge Ln
                                                     9 May 2017                             Manassas, VA 20109


   The above analysis confirms the presence of hazardous power flux densities at the O3b Gateway terminal which will
   require physical and operational protections to manage General Population and Occupational exposure.
   O3b’s gateway facility is enclosed by a fence to restrict access to the antenna area for RF safety, physical safety, and
   security purposes. The size of the enclosed area considers the RF hazards, moving antenna 'swept volume', and the
   surrounding terrain. In addition to fencing, the area contains signage which clearly states the standard Radiation
   Hazard warning.
   O3b will ensure antenna tracking geometry maintains angular limits which equates to at least one antenna diameter of
   separation between the antenna's main beam and nearby buildings and other occupied areas where the calculated
   General Population MPE levels may be exceeded.
    All HPAs automatically shut down if the elevation angle of the antenna is less than 5 degrees.
   Finally, to mitigate the risk of hazardous emissions exposure to operators and maintenance personnel, the antenna
   system will have an “Emergency Stop” safety switch located on an outdoor enclosure adjacent to the antenna system.
   Personnel with access to the antenna area will be trained to ensure that HPA's are off and system motion is disabled
   via the Emergency Stop switch before working in the vicinity of or on the antenna systems directly.

                                        Non-Technical Data. Authorized for Export.                               6 of 6

                                         FCC Form 312
                                           Exhibit 1

                       NARRATIVE STATEMENT

                                    ATTACHMENT 3
                               TECHNICAL CERTIFICATION

       I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for the preparation

of the engineering information contained in this application, that I am familiar with part 25 of the

Commission‘s Rules, and that I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information

submitted in this application and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge

and belief.

                                                      Gary Mattie
                                                      VP, Ground Systems Engineering
                                                      O3b Networks USA, LLC
                                                      12811 Randolph Ridge Lane
                                                      Manassas, VA 20109
                                                      Tel: 571—393—6956

                                                      Dated: /6 /'144} 2*/ 7

Document Created: 2017-05-22 11:52:55
Document Modified: 2017-05-22 11:52:55

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