Globalstar additiona

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Globalstar

Supplement to Modification Application


This document pretains to SES-MOD-20170412-00419 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                           LAWLER, METZGER, KEENEY & LOGAN, LLC

                                           1717 K STREET NW
                                              SUITE 1075
                                        WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006
STEPHEN J. BERMAN                                                                PHONE (202) 777-7700
PHONE (202) 777-7730                                                          FACSIMILE (202) 777-7763

                                           May 10, 2017

Via Electronic Filing

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

         Re:      Modification Applications of Globalstar Licensee LLC,
                  GUSA Licensee LLC, and GCL Licensee LLC

Dear Ms. Dortch:

         On April 11, 2017, Globalstar Licensee LLC, GUSA Licensee LLC, and GCL Licensee
LLC (collectively, “Globalstar”)1 submitted companion applications with the International
Bureau for minor modification of their licenses, in order to implement Globalstar’s planned
terrestrial wireless broadband operations.2 As described in the Applications, Globalstar’s
terrestrial systems will use its licensed Big LEO Mobile Satellite Service (“MSS”) spectrum at
2483.5-2495 MHz.

       In the Applications, Globalstar provided numerous certifications regarding compliance
with Part 25 of the Commission’s rules. Globalstar hereby supplements these filings with one
additional certification, which is attached to this letter. Specifically, consistent with Section
25.117(c) of the Commission’s rules, Globalstar certifies in the attached Exhibit B that, beyond

         Globalstar Licensee LLC is the authorized licensee of the first-generation Globalstar
satellite constellation (call sign S2115). GUSA Licensee LLC holds licenses for Globalstar’s
earth station gateways located in the continental United States and Alaska and a blanket license
for the operation of Globalstar mobile earth station terminals in the United States, and is
responsible for the provision of Globalstar mobile satellite services to end users in the United
States. GCL Licensee LLC holds licenses for Globalstar’s earth station gateway located in
Puerto Rico.
        A list of the nineteen applications filed is attached as Exhibit A, and collectively are
referred to as the “Applications.”

Ms. Marlene Dortch
May 10, 2017
Page 2

its proposed terrestrial wireless broadband operations, no other information relating to its space
station and earth station authorizations will change as a result of the Applications.3

       Please contact the undersigned with any further questions regarding the above-captioned

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              /s/ Stephen J. Berman
                                              Stephen J. Berman

cc:    Jose Albuquerque
       Stephen Duall
       Christopher Bair

       See 47 C.F.R. § 25.117(c).

                               EXHIBIT A


Applicant                 Call Sign        FCC IBFS Application File No.
Globalstar Licensee LLC   S2115            SAT-MOD-20170411-00061
GUSA Licensee LLC         E000342          SES-MOD-20170412-00436
GUSA Licensee LLC         E000343          SES-MOD-20170412-00438
GUSA Licensee LLC         E000344          SES-MOD-20170412-00437
GUSA Licensee LLC         E000345          SES-MOD-20170412-00421
GUSA Licensee LLC         E030266          SES-MOD-20170412-00419
GUSA Licensee LLC         E050097          SES-MOD-20170412-00417
GUSA Licensee LLC         E050098          SES-MOD-20170412-00431
GUSA Licensee LLC         E050099          SES-MOD-20170412-00430
GUSA Licensee LLC         E050100          SES-MOD-20170412-00429
GUSA Licensee LLC         E050345          SES-MOD-20170412-00428
GUSA Licensee LLC         E050346          SES-MOD-20170412-00427
GUSA Licensee LLC         E050347          SES-MOD-20170412-00426
GUSA Licensee LLC         E970199          SES-MOD-20170412-00424
GUSA Licensee LLC         E970381          SES-MOD-20170412-00422
GCL Licensee LLC          E050237          SES-MOD-20170412-00435
GCL Licensee LLC          E990335          SES-MOD-20170412-00434
GCL Licensee LLC          E990336          SES-MOD-20170412-00433
GCL Licensee LLC          E990337          SES-MOD-20170412-00432

                                           EXHIBIT B


47 C.F.R. § 25.117(c). Globalstar’s applications for minor modification of its space station and
earth station authorizations4 propose the deployment and operation of terrestrial wireless
broadband operations in Globalstar’s licensed Big LEO Mobile Satellite Service spectrum at
2483.5-2495 MHz. The remaining information regarding Globalstar’s space station and earth
station licenses will not change as a result of these applications for minor modification.


I provide this additional certification regarding Globalstar’s applications for minor modification
of its space station and earth station authorizations under penalty of perjury.

                                      /s/ L. Barbee Ponder IV
                                      L. Barbee Ponder IV
                                      General Counsel & Vice President of Regulatory Affairs

Dated: May 10, 2017

      See FCC IBFS File Nos. SAT-MOD-20170411-00061, SES-MOD-20170412-00436,
SES-MOD-20170412-00438, SES-MOD-20170412-00437, SES-MOD-20170412-00421, SES-
MOD-20170412-00419, SES-MOD-20170412-00417, SES-MOD-20170412-00431, SES-MOD-
20170412-00430, SES-MOD-20170412-00429, SES-MOD-20170412-00428, SES-MOD-
20170412-00427, SES-MOD-20170412-00426, SES-MOD-20170412-00424, SES-MOD-
20170412-00422, SES-MOD-20170412-00435, SES-MOD-20170412-00434, SES-MOD-
20170412-00433, and SES-MOD-20170412-00432.

Document Created: 2017-05-10 16:11:44
Document Modified: 2017-05-10 16:11:44

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