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This document pretains to SES-MOD-20161230-00977 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                              Received & Inspected

                                                   fEB 2 8 2017               1600 WerusFarco Carrror Center
                                                                              150 Faverrevicee Stazet
    fi Pl E RC E                                                               Rateian, NC 27601

               rounpeD 1897                        FCC Mailroom               y sistsats
                                                                              F 919.39.0304
                                          February 23, 2017

 Via First Class U.S. Mail            RECE'VED
                                                                  PLEASE STAMP THIS COPY
 Marlene Dortch, Secretary               MAR 08 2017                   AND RETURN IT IN
 Federal Communications Commissi@tellite Division                 THE ENVELOPE PROVIDED
 Office ofthe Secretary             International Bure:
 445 12"" Street S.W.                                     o"
 Washington, D.C. 20554

 Attn:          International Bureau— Eleanor Lott

         Re:   Construction of New Receive—Only Earth Station E170001 (SES—REG—
         20161230—00976) and Construction of Modified Receive—Only Earth Station
         E050395 (SES—MOD—20161230—00977)

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

         This letter is to notify the Commission that construction relating to new receive—only Earth
 Station Authorization E170001, and construction relating to modified receive—only Earth Station
 EO50395, both registered to Hearst Stations Inc. ("Hearst"), pursuant to the Commission‘s grant
 dated February 7, 2017, in File No. SES—REG—20161230—00976 and the Commission‘s grant dated
 February 13, 2017, in File No. SES—MOD—20161230—00977 was completed on August 1, 2007.
 The receive—onlyearth stations were constructed prior to the date the registrations were granted,
 but Hearst voluntarily elected to file these registration applications more recently.

         Pursuant to the relevant provisions on each authorization and relevant portions of Rule
 Section 25.133(d) and (b), Hearst has authorized the undersigned to represent that Hearst‘s
 operation of the earth stations will bein conformance with the authorized parameters, and the earth
 stations will remain operational during the license period unless the registrations are submitted for

          If any questions should arise during the course of your considerationof these notifications,
 it is respectfully requested that you communicate with this office.


Document Created: 2017-03-10 13:24:42
Document Modified: 2017-03-10 13:24:42

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