Attachment Exhibit 1 Narrative

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20160606-00485 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                              EXHIBIT 1

                           (Response to Question 43, FCC Form 312)

          Pursuant to Section 25.117 of the Commission’s rules,1 DISH Operating L.L.C. (“DISH”)

requests modifications of its blanket earth station license (Call Sign E140100; File No. SES-

LFS-20140924-00752) to: (i) add up to 25,000 3.7 m. (in diameter) receive-only earth stations

(in addition to the larger 4.5 m. and 6.35 m. antennas authorized under DISH’s existing license);

and (ii) extend the required date of completion of construction and commencement of operation

by an additional six months, from June 30 until December 30, 2016.

          Consistent with Section 25.117(e) and as verified by the attached Declaration, the

    requested six-month extension of time is justified by (i) unforeseeable circumstances beyond

    DISH’s control; and/or (ii) unique and overriding public interest concerns. Specifically,

    because of the fairly recent entry of new 17/24 GHz broadcasting satellite service (“BSS”)

    systems, receive-only earth stations designed to operate with these BSS satellites, including the

    large 4.5 m. and 6.35 m. antennas authorized under DISH’s existing license as well as the

    smaller 3.7 m. antennas proposed herein, are not widely commercially available, and thus

    require unanticipated additional time to design, manufacture, assemble, and install.

           The proposed addition of a smaller antenna type than currently licensed will facilitate

    expeditious deployment of 17 GHz receive-only earth stations that may be used to support

    video and data services offered over a multi-use terrestrial network, which may potentially

    provide additional mobile broadband service content options for U.S. consumers. Specifically,

    the smaller 3.7 m. antennas are expected to be assembled, installed, and available for use more

    See 47 C.F.R. § 25.117.


quickly than the larger antennas. Moreover, the smaller 3.7 m. antennas will provide DISH

with an additional antenna option that it may choose to use, as well as additional flexibility to

optimize its 17 GHz earth station network configuration and deployment.

      Accordingly, DISH and its vendors are diligently evaluating and acquiring the various

components required to assemble various receive-only BSS antenna systems. DISH expects to

complete assembly and installation of a new 3.7 m. receive-only antenna system by

approximately October 2016.

      Consequently, grant of the requested six-month extension of time to complete

construction and commencement of operation of its licensed BSS earth station network (as

modified to add smaller 3.7 m. receive-only earth stations) is warranted under the

circumstances, and will serve the public interest by allowing deployment of a new and

innovative 17/24 GHz BSS earth station network.



       On behalf of DISH Operating L.L.C. (“DISH”), I declare that the foregoing Description

of Proposed Modifications has been prepared using facts of which I have personal knowledge or

upon information provided to me. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and

correct to the best of my current knowledge, information, and belief.

/s/ Alison Minea
Alison Minea
DISH Operating L.L.C.

Date: June 6, 2016

Document Created: 2016-06-06 16:52:19
Document Modified: 2016-06-06 16:52:19

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