Attachment Exhibit A

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20151106-00818 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Modification Application
E140029, File No. SES-LIC-20140224-00098

                                           Exhibit A
                                   Request to Modify License


       In this application, ISAT US, Inc. (“ISAT”), a subsidiary of Inmarsat Global Ltd.
(“Inmarsat”), seeks authority to modify its license Call Sign E140029 authorizing the operation
of Ka band blanket licensed terminals on maritime vessels (“Maritime License”) 1 to add an
additional Earth station terminal type to provide communications through the Global Xpress
(“GX”) network using the Inmarsat-5 F2 satellite (“I5F2”) at 55.0º W.L. as a point of

       ISAT also seeks authority to use all Earth station terminals subject to the Maritime
License, and the new antenna terminal model included in this modification application, to
operate at fixed and/or temporary fixed locations on land within CONUS and U.S. territories and
its possessions, as well as on fixed and mobile offshore platforms.

       No other changes are requested by this modification application. ISAT incorporates by
reference Exhibits D (response to Question 36 regarding a dismissed petition), E (response to
Question E17 regarding the remote control point), and F (response to Question E15 regarding
Section 25.209 compliance) of the Maritime Application, as well as certain other portions of the
Maritime Application referenced below.


        ISAT seeks to modify the Maritime License to allow for the use of all Earth station
terminals subject to the Maritime License and the model type described in Section 5 below (the
“GX Terminals”) to operate at fixed and/or temporary fixed locations on land within CONUS
and U.S. territories. The operation of GX Terminals while at fixed or temporary fixed locations

 See, ISAT US, Inc., Call Sign E140029; IBFS File Nos. SES-LIC-20140224-00098; SES-
AMD-20140715-00601; SES-AMD-20150211-00073 (granted Sept. 29, 2015) (“Maritime


on land is necessary to allow ISAT to conduct crucial and necessary testing of the GX network
and terminals, as part of training and demonstrations to potential customers. Operation of these
terminals on land will be consistent with the technical parameters specified in the existing
license. Moreover the number of terminals that would operate on land will not be large and can
be accommodated within the number of terminals already licensed.

           ISAT also seeks to operate the GX Terminals at fixed and temporary fixed locations
on offshore platforms. Off-shore platforms are typically used by the energy/petroleum industry
as well as in oceanographic research. There are many types of off-shore platforms including
conventional fixed-platforms and various types of mobile off-shore platforms. The conventional
fixed-platforms are built on concrete or steel legs that are anchored directly on to the seabed and
are quasi-permanent at their location. Mobile off-shore platforms are designed to be moved
from place to place and secure themselves at one location through different mechanisms for
varying durations of time. There are many types of mobile off-shore platforms including semi-
submersible platforms that are generally anchored by a combination of chain or wire rope during
operations, and jack-up drilling rigs that can be jacked up above the sea using legs that can be
lowered to the ocean bottom and anchored. GX Terminals on mobile off-shore platforms will
be capable of operating when the platforms are at secured locations as well as when the platform
is moving to its next destination or is drifting on the surface while anchored or tethered.
Deployment of GX terminals on off-shore platforms will allow greater connectivity and a wider
array of communications options for critical end users.

        In any of these proposed fixed, temporary fixed or mobile operations, the performance
characteristics of each antenna type, the antenna pointing capabilities and the network control
mechanisms, each as described in the Maritime Application and in this modification application,
will ensure that adjacent operations will be protected consistent with Section 25.138.


        This modification application seeks to add the Cobham SeaTel model Sailor 60 GX –
employing an antenna with a 0.65 meter diameter (the “Sailor 60 GX”). Like the terminals
already authorized by the Maritime License, the Sailor 60 GX will communicate with the I5F2
that will operate at the 55º W.L. orbital location. The Sailor 60 GX will be part of the GX
network and integrated global offerings. The area of operations of the Sailor 60 GX will be U.S.


and international waters, including inland waterways within the coverage area of I5F2, and
locations on land and off shore platforms as described in Section 2 above.

       The information in Section 1 of the Maritime Application regarding the GX network and
the global offerings applies equally to the Sailor 60 GX. 2 The characteristics of the Sailor 60 GX
are provided in the FCC Form 312 associated with this application and in Section 5 below.


       The Sailor 60 GX will operate on the same frequencies authorized by the Maritime
License: 19.7-20.2 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz. ISAT seeks a waiver of the U.S. Table of Frequency
Allocations, 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 to allow the operation of these terminals on maritime vessels and
mobile platforms, on both U.S.-registered vessels and on foreign-flagged ships in U.S. territorial
waters, as was granted for the GX Terminals authorized by the Maritime License. The
justifications for granting this waiver request are as stated in the Maritime Application and apply
to the Sailor 60 GX in this application. 3


       Section 4.1 provides analysis and an operational description of the Sailor 60 GX,
including compliance with the Commission’s two-degree spacing policy for Ka-band GSO FSS
systems and Section 25.138 of the Commission’s rules. As discussed in more detail below, the
transmission from the Sailor 60 GX will be consistent with the off-axis EIRP spectral density
levels set forth in Section 25.138. In addition, the power flux-density at the earth’s surface
produced by emissions from I5F2 when communicating with the Sailor 60 GX will be within the
-118 dBW/m2/MHz limit set forth in Section 25.138(a)(6). 4

       The description of the additional capabilities of the Sailor 60 GX regarding the antenna
control mechanisms, pointing accuracy, shut-off capabilities and Network Operations Center are

  See Maritime Application, Exhibit A.
  For purposes of expediency, ISAT does not seek primary status for any fixed operations of the
GX Terminals under this license at this time. If ISAT decides to seek primary protection for any
fixed GX Terminal operations in the future, ISAT will seek such authority in connection with a
separate license.
 See Inmarsat Hawaii, Inc., Application for Authority to Operate Gateway Earth Station with I5F2
Satellite at 55º W.L., File No. SES-LIC-20120426-00397-00397, Call Sign E120072 (granted Mar. 30,
2015), as amended.


the same as for the terminals described in Section 3.3 of Exhibit A of the Maritime Application
and are incorporated by reference herein.

       5.1     Cobham SeaTel Sailor 60 GX

       The Cobham SeaTel Sailor 60 GX Earth station is a multi-axis stabilized Earth station
employing a 0.65 meter diameter antenna. A pictorial of the Sailor 60 GX that consists of the
stabilized antenna and relevant electronics enclosed in a protective radome designed for
operation on-board vessels is shown in Figure 1. For blanket licensing of transmitting Earth
stations in the 29.5-30.0 GHz band, the Commission adopted off-axis EIRP spectral density
levels contained in Section 25.138(a). As shown in Exhibit B, the Sailor 60 GX will operate
within these levels under clear sky conditions. Therefore, its transmissions will not cause any
more interference than any other Earth stations that meet these levels.

                                         Figure 1 – Sailor 60 GX

       The Commission adopted Section 25.138(e) for protection of receive earth stations in the
19.7-20.2 GHz band from adjacent satellite interference based on the pattern specified in Section
25.209(a) and (b) or the actual receiving earth station antenna performance. As shown in Exhibit
B, the Sailor 60 GX Earth station does not meet the Section 25.209(a) and (b) antenna patterns at
all off-axis angles. Inmarsat acknowledges the exceedances in the receive pattern and
understands and agrees to accept interference by adjacent FSS satellite networks to the extent the
receiving antenna performance requirements of Section 25.209 are exceeded.



       The Sailor 60 GX would be subject to the same national security condition to which the
Maritime License is already subject.

       Inmarsat has completed coordination with the appropriate U.S. Government agencies
pursuant to applicable U.S. Table of Frequency Allocation footnotes and the use of the Sailor 60
GX terminal is consistent with that coordination agreement. In accordance with Section
25.130(f), the half-power beam width of the antenna downlink of the Sailor 60 GX is 1.6 degrees
at 19 GHz.


       The use GX Terminals on off-shore platforms and in CONUS and U.S. territories, and
the addition of the Sailor 60 GX terminal type, will advance the Commission’s goals of
facilitating the expanded availability of wireless broadband service and increasing competition.
ISAT has shown that the Sailor 60 GX in this application and in the Maritime License will
provide appropriate interference protection to other services. Grant of ISAT’s application,
therefore, is in the public interest, and ISAT urges the Commission to grant this application as
soon as possible.


Document Created: 2015-11-06 10:39:07
Document Modified: 2015-11-06 10:39:07

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