Attachment SESMOD201503020105WA





This document pretains to SES-MOD-20150302-00105 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


December 7, 2012

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12"" Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

To whom it may concern;

This letter certifies that Intelsat Global Services Corporation, (Intelsat) is aware
that US Satellite Corporation (USSC), is seeking FCC authorization to access
Galaxy 18 at 123° WL as a point of communications, using Ku—band
transmit/receive antennas that are not strictly compliant with the FCC‘s two—
degree spacing requirements for off—axis sidelobe gain.‘
Intelsat understands that USSC will be deploying 74 cm equivalent
transmit/receive remote terminals (E74cm) for its two—way VSAT services
working with the hub located at Salt Lake, UT under the call sign E870499.
These terminals will be deployed with Hughes HNS—AN—074P—KU antenna
which has the same transmit gain as a 74 ocm round antenna (E74cm). Intelsat
also understands that USSC will deploy 98¢m transmit/receive circular aperture
remote terminals identified under Hughes model number HNS—AN—O98P—KU
 The above antennas are not compliant with FCC Section 25.209. These
antennas will meet the antenna sidelobe performance at an angle slightly larger
than that specified in the FCC rules. Therefore the specification of pointing
accuracy is defined below in order to ensure that the operations of these non—
compliant antennas, with the associated defined angle at which the antenna
starts meeting the 29—25 log(0) sidelobe performance, will not cause
unacceptable interference into adjacent satellites.

Hughes Network Systems antenna model number HNS—AN—074P—KU, 98 by 56
em elliptical—aperture antenna
This terminal utilizes a 98 by 56 cm elliptical—aperture antenna having the same
transmit gain as a 74 cm equivalent circular—aperture (E74 cm) antenna. This
antenna generally exhibits its non—compliance in the region from 1.5 to 1.7
degrees off axis from maximum gain in the transmit band, due to the width of
the main gain lobe. The longer dimension of the antenna will be tangent to the
geostationary satellite orbit as it appears at the particular earth station location.
This antenna is to be installed with a nominal pointing accuracy of less than or
equal to +/—0.4 degrees and will operate at maximum input power density at the
antenna waveguide flange of —14 dBW/4kHz.

* The antenna reflector and other optical components for both the 74 cm and 98 cm units are
custom manufactured for Hughes Network Systems by General Dynamics — Satcom
Technologies (formerly known as "Prodelin").

Intelsat Corporation
3400 International Orive NW, Washington DC 20008—3006 USA T +1 202—944—6800 F +1 202—944—7898

Hughes Network Systems model number HNS—AN—O98P—KU. 98 cm circular
The other terminal type consists of a 98 cm circular—aperture antenna. Antennas
of this type exhibit their non—compliance in the region from 1.5. to 1.6 degrees
off axis from maximum gain in the transmit band, due to the width oftheir main
gain lobe. They are compliant with the side lobe pattern requirements specified
in Section 25.209 of the Commission‘s Rules at an off—axis angle equal to or
greater than 1.6 degree, in the transmit band. These antennas are to be installed
with a nominal pointing accuracy of then than or equal to +/—0.4 degrees and
will operate at a maximum input power density at the antenna waveguide flange
of —14 dBW/4 kHz.

The undersigned further certifies that the maximum forward downlink Satellite
EIRP density is equal to or less than +13 dBW/4 kHz. This operational level of
the Ku—band VSAT network is within the levels coordinated with the adjacent
satellite operators.

Furthermore, in order to prevent unacceptable interference into adjacent
satellites, Intelsat has been informed and USSC acknowledges that these
antennas will be installed in compliance with the technical, operational and
performance requirements of Part 25 of the FCC rules and any requirements set
forth in the license granted by the FCC for the above sub—meter antennas.

Intelsat and USSC acknowledge that the use of the Hughes Network Systems‘
non—conforming antennas will not cause unacceptable interference into adjacent
satellites in accordance with the FCC‘s 2 degree spacing policy and will not
seek any additional protection compared to the case of an earth state employing
an antenna conforming to the reference pattems defined in §25.209 of the FCC


                                                         1 [ 7/ bere
Alan Yates    V ‘                                    Date
Senior Technical Advisor, Spectrum Strategy
Intelsat, LLC

Acceptance by USSC:

USSC affirms that the information provided to Intelsat and reflected in this
coordination letter is true and accurate to the best of USSC‘s knowledge,
information and belief, and that it shall comply with all relevant Intelsat
coordination agreements, as provided herein.

Ay4)% To/
Max,G. Worthington.                                          _
Vice President
US Satellite Corporation
935 W Bullion Street
Murray, UT 84123

Acceptance by SES World Skies:

SES World Skies agrees to the use of the HNS model number HNS—AN—074P—
KU elliptical—aperture (E74 cm) antenna and HNS model number HNS—AN—
098P—KU, 98¢m circular antenna with their respective azimuth angle alignment
tolerances towards the intended satellite and the power density levels into the
antenna flange as stated in this letter, with respect to SES satellites and the
associated networks located within +6° from Galaxy—18 at 123 ° WL.

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Document Created: 2013-11-07 09:56:11
Document Modified: 2013-11-07 09:56:11

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