Attachment Rad Haz Report

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20131106-00942 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                      Suitcase CCT90
                                                       RF Radiation Hazard Analysis

Prepared by:               Confirmed by:               Approved by:             Rev:        Date issued:
Mikael Borin               Magnus Andersson            Fredrik Jonsson          E           2013-04-02

                     RF Radiation Hazard Analysis for
                                Suitcase CCT
                    Satellite Communication Terminal

         1    Introduction
This analysis follows the guidelines proposed by the Federal Communications Commission Office of
Engineering & Technology in OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01, August 1997: “Evaluating Compliance with FCC
Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields.“
The limit for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) is a Power Density of 5mW/cm2 in the frequency band
under consideration. This limit is for Occupational/ Controlled Exposure and implies that the public must be
aware of there exists a potential hazard.
The satellite earth station considered here has an antenna with aperture diameter 0.9 x 0.588 m and the maximum
on-axis EIRP (Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power) is 54.7 dBW in the frequency band 13.75 – 14.5 GHz.

         2    Power density calculations
   Frequency (f): 14.25 GHz
   Wavelength (): 0.02105 m
   Antenna aperture diameter: 0.9 x 0.588 m
   Equivalent antenna aperture diameter (D): 0.72746 m
   Antenna gain (G0): 38.7 dBi
   Antenna aperture efficiency (): 0.739
   Maximum output power at antenna (P): 16.0 dBW
   On-axis EIRP (G0 x P): 54.7 dBW @ P1dB

If the distance from the antenna (R) is greater than several wavelengths (R>>), the on-axis gain as function of
the distance R can be expressed as:
G= G0 [sin(x)/x]2                                                              (1a)
x=D2/8R                                                                      (1b)
and the far field gain [sin(x)/x1]
G0=(D/)2                                                                     (1c)

The on-axis power density (S):


                                                       Suitcase CCT90
                                                       RF Radiation Hazard Analysis

Prepared by:               Confirmed by:               Approved by:             Rev:        Date issued:
Mikael Borin               Magnus Andersson            Fredrik Jonsson          E           2013-04-02

S=PG/4R2 =(16P/D2) sin2x                                                     (2)

        2.1       Near-field region (Fresnel region)

R D2/4
R 6.284 m
In this region, the on-axis power density will vary between maximums [x=(n-1/2)] and minimums [x=n]
depending on the distance (R). The last maximum (n=1) will occur at the near-field limit (R=D2/4). Outside the
near-field region the on-axis power density will decrease with distance.
As a conservative estimate, the on-axis power density can be set to the maximum value throughout the entire
near-field region:
Snf=16P/D2 =241 W/m2 =24,1 mW/cm2

Off-axis, at a distance from the center of the main beam of at least one antenna diameter, the power density is
reduced with more than 20 dB (a factor of 100).
Snfoff-axis<0.24 mW/cm2

        2.2       Transition region

D2/4<R<0.6 D2/
6.284 m <R< 15.1 m
In this region the power density will decrease approximately as the distance (R) from the antenna.
St= Snf Rnf/R                                                                         (3)
The on-axis power density at the end of the transition region will then be:
Stmin=10.0 mW/cm2

Alternatively, we can use the more exact formula (2) and find:
Stmin=8.9 mW/cm2

The approximation in (3) is the most conservative.

Off-axis, at a distance from the center of the main beam of at least one antenna diameter, the power density in
this region is also reduced with more than 20 dB (a factor of 100).
Stoff-axis<0.10 mW/cm2


                                                       Suitcase CCT90
                                                        RF Radiation Hazard Analysis

Prepared by:                Confirmed by:               Approved by:              Rev:        Date issued:
Mikael Borin                Magnus Andersson            Fredrik Jonsson           E           2013-04-02

        2.3       Far-field region

R0.6 D2/
R 15.1 m
This is not the far-field distance normally used in antenna gain and radiation pattern measurements (R 2D2/ or
50.3 m). From (1), we can observe that the on-axis gain is still considerably lower than the true far-field gain, but
as a conservative estimate, we can use the far-field approximation to estimate the on-axis power density.
S=PG0/4R2 =EIRP/4R2                                                               (4)
Sff< 10.3 mW/cm
The more exact formula (2) gives:
Sff< 8.9 mW/cm2

To find the distance from the antenna when the on-axis power density is below 5mW/cm2; we can use formula
(2) or (4):
R > 21.7 m (or R >20.9 m)


                                                       Suitcase CCT90
                                                        RF Radiation Hazard Analysis

Prepared by:                Confirmed by:               Approved by:             Rev:          Date issued:
Mikael Borin                Magnus Andersson            Fredrik Jonsson          E             2013-04-02

         2.4      Immediate vicinity of the antenna

For a uniform illumination of the aperture, the power density in front of the antenna will be:
SP/A                                                                              (5)
A: Area of antenna aperture
S9.6 mW/cm2
Close to the main reflector surface (with double field intensity) the power density will be:
S4P/A                                                                              (6)
S38.3 mW/cm2
The tapered illumination of the main reflector of the Suitcase CCT antenna will give lower values close to the
main reflector rim.

   r: Distance from aperture center normal to the beam-axis
   Da: Aperture diameter

Just outside the main reflector rim (r= Da /2), the power density will be at least 6 dB lower than the average
power density (5) due to diffraction.
Outside the main reflector rim:
S<2.39 mW/cm2

Near the focal region, between the sub- and main-reflector and at the feed-horn aperture, we can have very high
field intensities.

         3     Safety area around the antenna

Off-axis, in the near-field region, outside a cylinder with cross section radius r= Da and with center along the
main-beam axis, the power density will be at least 20 dB lower than the on-axis power density. As a conservative
estimate, the power density at the outside of a cylinder with the antenna aperture cross section area (r= Da /2),
will be at least 6 dB lower than the maximum on-axis power density.
An approximation with a second order function (r Da):

S(r)=Son-axis[1/+(1-r/ Da)2]/(1+1/)      (with: =99)                             (7)

For S(r)<5 mW/cm2, we will have r>0.554 Da


                                                           Suitcase CCT90
                                                           RF Radiation Hazard Analysis

Prepared by:                 Confirmed by:                 Approved by:           Rev:        Date issued:
Mikael Borin                 Magnus Andersson              Fredrik Jonsson        E           2013-04-02

If we are setting the safety distance to r=0.56 Da, we will have a power density less than 4.9 mW/cm2.
Inside the cylinder with this cross section radius and center along the main-beam axis, there can be a potential
radiation hazard. The safety distance in front of the antenna will then be a function of antenna elevation angle.
At the back of the antenna, there exist no radiation hazard, but an area should be shielded to prevent people
touching the antenna surface or rim.
To the side of the antenna no radiation hazard will exist outside 0.51 m from the center of the aperture (0.56 Da).
Below (and above) the beam-axis in the near-field region this distance will be 0.33 m, as the antenna has an
elliptical aperture.

The safety distance in front of the antenna can be found with the following assumptions:
      Above the safety height (H) from ground, there may be a potential radiation hazard.
      This safety height must be set large enough to prevent public access to the area with too high power density.
      The lower rim of the main reflector must at least be a distance Ha above ground.

h=H-h                                                                            (8a)
h= Da/2 + Ha -0.56 Da                                                            (8b)

The safety distance (s) in front of the antenna will be:
s=h/tan                                                                          (9)
(: Elevation angle towards the satellite.)

If the safety height (H) is 2.0 m, and the minimum height above ground for the main reflector lower rim (Ha) is
0.3 m, table 1 shows the safety distance in front of the antenna as a function of elevation angle. The minimum
distance (for high elevation angles) is set to 1 m. This should prevent access to the high power density areas near
the sub reflector.


                                                        Suitcase CCT90
                                                        RF Radiation Hazard Analysis

Prepared by:                 Confirmed by:              Approved by:       Rev:         Date issued:
Mikael Borin                 Magnus Andersson           Fredrik Jonsson    E            2013-04-02

Table 1: Safety distance in front of antenna.

Elevation angle       0         5       10      15       20    25    30    35     40      45     50
() [deg.]
Safety distance (s)   21.7      19.9    9.9     6.5      4.8   3.7   3.0   2.5    2.1     1.7    1.5


                                                      Suitcase CCT90
                                                       RF Radiation Hazard Analysis

Prepared by:               Confirmed by:               Approved by:             Rev:        Date issued:
Mikael Borin               Magnus Andersson            Fredrik Jonsson          E           2013-04-02

A potential radiation hazard (Power density: S>5 mW/cm2) can exist on-axis (in antenna pointing direction) out
to a distance of about 21.7 m and also close to the antenna (especially between sub- and main- reflector).
Inside an elliptical cylinder with cross section radius 0.56Da (aperture diameter) around the main-beam, there is
also a potential radiation hazard in the near-field region.
A safety distance in front of the antenna can then be found as a function of antenna elevation angle.
These calculations are based on the guidelines from FCC.


Document Created: 2013-04-02 10:54:23
Document Modified: 2013-04-02 10:54:23

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