Attachment USSC Rad Haz

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20130313-00267 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                   U.S. Satellite Corporation
      Radiation Hazard Assessment of Satellite
                Antennas and Fenced Areas
3 June, 1999

U.S. Satellite Corporation has performed a Radiation Hazard Assessment of
all Satellite Antennas located within the confines of its compound. This
incorporates all antennas referenced under callsigns E2595 (C—band) and
E870499 (Ku—Band.)

Two surveys were complete on all antennas: The first survey was
completed by Comsearch using Antenna Pattern data for each Satellite
Antenna. A second survey was complete on 12 March, 1999 on—site using a
Narda Radiation Hazard Meter by monitoring various points at each
Antenna‘s edge, and at various points extending out in front, behind, and
to the side of each antenna. These measurements and calibration data for
the Radiation Hazard Meter are available for inspection.

None of the antennas were found to exceed the 1 mw/icm* ANSI MPE
(Maximum Permissible Exposure) limit for Uncontrolled/Public
environments (as specified in OET Bulletin, No. 65, Ed. 97—01) beyond the
edge (reflector) of the antenna or at any point under or behind the antenna.

Furthermore, the physical locations of three of the C—Band antennas (one
of the 10 meter and two of the 9.2 meter antennas) atop tall platforms make
them inaccessible. The remaining C—band antennas (Re: E2595) and the
Ku—band antennas (Re: E870499) are enclosed in fencedareas that restrict
access to the general public.

Finally, additional testing was done to ascertain the possible cumulative
effect of all antennas transmitting simultaneously. At no point did the
exposure readings those areas accessible to the public approach 0.1
mw/icm* — a reading that is, were it attained, would be only 10% of the MPE.
These readings were checked at the various extremes of antenna azimuth
and elevations and at maximum transmit power levels.

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                              EXHIBIT E


                       FOR _A 9.2 METER EARTH STATION

This report analyzes the non—ionizing radiation levels for a 9.2        meter
earth station.   The Office of Science and Technology Bulletin, No.       65,
October    1985,   specifies  that  the  maximum level    of   non—ionizing
radiation that a person may be exposed to over a six minute       period   is
an average   power   density  equal  to  5  mW/cm**2 (five milliwatts per
centimeter squared).    It is the purpose of this report to determine the
power flux densities of the earth station in the far field, near field,
transition region, between the subreflector and main reflector surface,
at the main reflector surface, and between the    antenna    edge   and   the

The following parameters were used to calculate the various power                             flux
densities for this earth station:

     Antenna Diameter,    (D)                      =    9.2 meters

     Antenna surface    area,‘ (Sa)                = pi       (D**2)    /   4     =   66.48 m**2

     Subreflector Diameter,      (Ds)              = 107.5 cnm

     Area of Subreflector,      (As)               = pi       (Ds**2)       / 4   = 9076.26 cm**2

     Wavelength at     6.1750 GHz,      (lambda)                                  = 0.049 nmeters

     Transmit Power at Flange,         (P)              250.00 Watts

     Antenna Gain,   (Ges)                         Antenna Gain at     = @.2006+06
                                                    6.1750 GHz = 53.0 dBi
                                                   Converted to a Power
                                                   Ratio Given By:
                                                   AntiLog (53.0 / 10)

     pi,   (pi)                                    = 3.1415927

     Antenna aperture    efficiency,         (n)   = 0.55

1.   Far Field Calculations

The distance to the beginning of the far field region can be                             found     by
the following equation:  (1)

       Distance to the Far Field Region,               (Rf)     =   0.60(D**2)

                                                                =      1045.3 m

 (1)    Federal Communications Commission, Public Notice of January 28,
        1986, "Further Guidance for Broadcasters Regarding Radiofrequency
        Radiation and the Environment", pp. 17 & 18.     C

The maximum main beam power density in the far field can be                          calculated
as follows:  (1)

 On—Axis Power Density in the Far Field,         (Wf)    =          (GES) (P)
                                                                    4 pi (Rf**2)

                                                             as            3. 63 W/in**2

                                                             land          0.36 mW/cnm**2

2.   Near Field Calculations

Power flux density is considered to be at a       maximum  value   throughout
the entire   length    of   the  defined  region.    The region is contained
within a cylindrical volume having the same diameter       as  the   antenna.
Past the   extent   of    the near field region the power density decreases
with distance from the transmitting antenna.

The distance to the end of the near field          can              be determined          by    the
following equation:  (1)

 Extent of near field,   (Rn)      =_   D**2 / 4(lambda)               =      435. 54 n

The maximum power density in the near field is determined by:                              (1)

 Near field Power Density,      (Wn)    =   16.0(n)}P

                                        =     8.27 W/im**2

                                              0.83 mW/cm**2

3.   Transition Region Calculations

The transition region   is  located  between  the  near   and  far  field
regions.  As   stated  above,  the power density begins to decrease with
distance in the transition region.   While the power   density decreases
inversely with   distance  in  the  transition region, the power density
decreases inversely with the square of the distance in    the  far  field
region.  The   maximum  power  density in the transition region will not
exceed that calculated for the near field region.    The power density in
the near field region, as shown above, will not exceed @.83     mW/cm**2.

 (1) IBID

4.   Region Between Main Reflector and Subreflector

Transmissions from the feed horn are directed toward                the     subreflector
surface, and are reflected back toward the main reflector. The energy
between the subreflector and reflector surfaces can be calculated by
determining the power density at the subreflector surface.                       This can be
accomplished as follows:

 Power Density at Subreflector,   (Ws)   =    2(P)    / As

                                         us     550.89 W/m**2

                                         a=      55.09 mW/cm**2

5. Main Reflector Region

The power density in the main reflector region  is   Gdetermined in the
same manner  as  the  power density at the subreflector, above, but the
area is now the area of the main reflector aperture:

 Power Density at Main Reflector Surface,      (Wm)    =    (2(P)      / Sa)

                                                       =          7.52 W/im**2

                                                       =          @.75 mW/cm**2

6.   Region between Main Reflector and Ground

Assuming uniform illumination  of  the  reflector  surface,  the  power
density between the antenna and ground can be calculated as follows:

 Power density between Reflector and Ground,         (Wy)    =    (P   /   Sa)

                                                             =         3.76 W/inmn**2

                                                             mz        0.38 mW/cm**2

                                     Table 1

                     Summary of Expected Radiation Levels

                              Calculated Maxinun
Region                  Radiation Level (mW/cm**2)   Hazard Assessment

1.   Far Field,    (Rf)= 1045. 31         0. 36        SATISFIES ANSI

2.   Near Field,    (Rn)= 435.54n         0 .83        SATISFIES ANSI

3.   Transition Region,    (Rt)           0.83         SATISFIES ANSI
     Rn < Rt < Rf

4.   Between Main Reflector                55 .09      POTENTIAL HAZARD
     and Subreflector

5.   Reflector Surface                    0 .75        SATISFIES ANSI

6.   Between Antenna                      0. 38        SATISFIES ANSI
     and Ground

7.   Conclusions

Based on the above analysis it is  concluded   that   harmful  levels  of
radiation will  not exist in regions normally occupied by the public or
the earth station‘s  operating  personnel.   The    transmitter will   be
turned off  during antenna maintenance so that the ANSI Standard of 5.0
mW/cm**2 will be complied with for those regions with    close  proximity
to the reflector that exceed acceptable levels.

                              EK2SYIS       0.

                                EXHIBIT E


                       FOR_ _A 1@0.0 METER EBARTH STATION

This report analyzes the non—ionizing radiation levels for a 10.0 meter
earth station.  The Office of Science and Technology Bulletin, No.     65,
October 1985,  specifies  that  the  nmaximurm level    of    non—ionizing
radiation that  a  person may be exposed to over a six minute period is
an average power density equal  to  5 mW/cm**2    (five    milliwatts  per
centimeter squared).  It is the purpose of this report to deternine the
power flux densities of the earth station in the far field, near fiela,
transition region, between the subreflector and main reflector surface,
at the  main  reflector  surface,  and between the antenna edge and the

The following parameters were used to calculate the various power                                   flux
densities for this earth station:

     Antenna Diameter,    (D)                        10.0 meters

     Antenna surface    area,   (Sa)                'pi    (D**2)     /   4           =   78.54 m**2

     Subreflector Diameter,      (Ds)              = 121.9 cnm

     Area of Subreflector,      (As)               = pi    (Ds*®*2)       / 4         =11670.71 cm**2

     Wavelength at     6.1750 GHz,      (lambda)                                      = 0.049 meters

     Transmit Power at Flange,         (P)            250.00 Watts

     Antenna Gain,   (Ges)                         Antenna Gain           at          = 0.2246+06
                                                    6.1750 GHz = 53.5 dBi
                                                   Converted to           a Power
                                                   Ratio Given By:
                                                   AntiLog (53.5 /              10)

     pi.,   (pi)                                   = 3. 1415927

     Antenna aperture    efficiency,         (n}   = 0@.55

1.   Far Field Calculations

The distance to the beginning of the far field region can be                                 found     by
the following equation:  (1)

       Distance to the Far Field Region,            (Rf)     =    @.60(D**2)

                                                             a=     1235.0 m

 (1)    Federal Communications Commission, Public Notice of January 28,
        1986, "Further Guidance for Broadcasters Regarding Radiofrequency
        Radiation and the Environment", pp. 17 & 18.

The maximunm main beam power densgsity in the far field can be                      calculated
as follows:   (1)

 On—Axis Power Density in the Far Field,          (Wf) =         (GES) (P)
                                                                 4 pi (Rf**2)

                                                           an             2.92 W/im**2

                                                           a=z            @.29 mW/cm**2

2.   Near Field Calculations

Power flux density is considered to be at a maximum       value   throughout
the entire   length    of   the  defined  region.   The region is contained
within a cylindrical volume having the same diameter      as  the   antenna.
Past the   extent   of    the near field region the power density decreases
with distance from the transmitting antenna.

The distance to the end of the near field           can          be       determined     by    the
following equation:  (1)

 Extent of near field,   (Rn)      =   D**2 / 4(lambda)               =      514.58 n

The maximum power density in the       near field        is determined by:               (1)

 Near field Power Density,      (Wn)   =    16.0(n})}P

                                       zx     7.00 W/im**2

                                       ==     @.70 mW/cm**2

3.   Transition Region Calculations

The transition region   is  located  between  the  near   and   far   field
regions.  As   stated  above,  the power density begins to decrease with
distance in the transition region.   While the power   density   decreases
inversely with   distance  in  the  transition region, the power density
decreases inversely with the square of the distance in    the   far   field
region.  The   maximum power   density in the transition region will not
exceed that calculated for the near field region.    The power density in
the near field region, as shown above, will not exceed    0@.70  mW/cnm**2.

 (1) IBID

4. Region Between Main Reflector and Subreflector

Transmissions from the feed horn are directed toward                       the     subreflector
surface, and are reflected back toward the main reflector. The energy
between the subreflector and reflector surfaces can be calculated by
determining the power density at the subreflector surface.                            This can be
accomplished as follows:

 Power Density at Subreflector,    (Ws)   =       2(P)       / As

                                          as         428.42 W/im**2

                                             se       42.84 mW/cnmn**2

5.   Main Reflector Reqion

The power density in the main reflector region  is   determined                               in the
same manner  as  the  power density at the subreflector, above,                               but the
area is now the area of the main reflector aperture:

 Power Density at Main Reflector Surface,           (Wnmn)    —=   (2(P)      / Sa)

                                                              =         6.37 W/im**2

                                                              =         0.64 mW/cn**2

6.   Region between Main Reflector and Ground

Assuming uniform illumination     of   the        reflector             surface,        the     power
density between the antenna and ground can be                calculated as              follows:

 Power density between Reflector and Ground,             (Wy)       =    (P   /   Sa)

                                                                    =         3.18 W/im**2

                                                                    =         0.32 mW/cm**2

                                     Table i

                     Summary of Expected Radiation Levels

                              Calculated Maxinun                   ..
Region                  Radiation Level   (mW/cn**2)        Hazard Assessment

1.   Far Field,    (Rf)= 1235.0n           0. 29              SATISFIES ANSI

2.   Near Field,    (Rn)= 514.58nm         0. 70        |     SATISFIEBS ANSI

3.   Transition Region,    (Rt)            0. 70              SATISFIES ANSI
     Rn < Rt < Rf

4.   Between Main Reflector                  42 .84           POTENTIAL HAZARD
     and Subreflector

5.   Reflector Surface                      0. 64             SATISFIES ANSI

6.   Between Antenna                        0.32    —         SATISFIES ANSI
     and Ground

7.   Conclusions

Based on the above analysis it is  concluded  that   harmful  levels of
radiation will  not exist in regions normally occupied by the public or
the earth station‘s  operating  personnel.   The   transmitter will  be
turned off  during antenna maintenance so that the ANSI Standard of 5.0
mW/cm**2 will be complied with for those regions with close proxinmity
to the reflector that exceed acceptable levels.

Document Created: 2013-03-12 11:19:04
Document Modified: 2013-03-12 11:19:04

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