Attachment Report

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20120126-00097 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



Prepared for the Federal Communications Commission

           Application for Modification of Authority for

                Earth Stations on Board Vessels

             Hanis-GapRock Communications, Inc.

                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS

s25.221 (AXIX|XA.C) E|RP DENSTW                                ......................2

s25,221 (AX1XilXA) PoTNTTNG ERR0R..........                                 .........3

s25.221 (AX1XilrXA) AUTOMATTC SHUT oFF.....                                           3




s25,221 (AX7) FREQUENCY C0ORDtNATr0N...........

s25,221 (AX8) VESSEL WE|GHT........



s25,221 (4X11) CoORD|NAT|ON WTTHN 200KM



s25,221 (BX3) ESV GEOGRAPHTC AREA OF OPERAT|ON..                                      7

s25,221 (BX4) PO|NT OF CONTACT                                                        8

s25.22',t (BXs) ANTENNA RADIATION     GUIDELINES               ....................... 9
APPENDIX A   -   USE OF NON.U,S, SATELLITES..                                     ..10

Hanis CapRock Communications, lnc. ("Harris-Caprock"), pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S 25.117 of the Rules and
Regulations ("Regulations") of the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission"), respectfully requests the
modification of an existing license to operate new C-Band Earth Station on Vessels ("ESVs") throughout US channels
and watenivays, the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. The proposed
ESVs seek to operate in the 3700-4200 MHz and 5925-6425 MHz ("C-Band") frequencies. Furthermore, ESVs plan to
communicate with a licensed hub station located in Houston, Texas and operated by Harris-CapRock. Harris-CapRock
is proposing to use the following ESVs:

              Orbit 7108 - C-Band                       250 systems
              Orbit 7109 Q.afi- C-Band                        250 systems

The Orbit C-Band antennas do not strictly comply with Section 25.209 of the Regulations. Consequently, Harris-
CapRock will operate the antennas at reduced transmit power levels so as to decrease the off-axis Effective lsotropic
Radiated Power (EIRP) density. At the proposed reduced power levels, the antennas meet the requirements of
Section 25.221 of the Regulations as wellas the underlying ESV Orders.t Harris-CapRock now proceeds to address
each pertinent part of Section 25.221 of lhe Regulations.

525.221       (aXlXiXA-c)   EIRP DENSITY CHARTS
 "An ESV sysfem sha// not exceed the off-axis EIRP spectral-density limits and conditions defined in paragraphs
      (4 thro ugh (a) (t ) (¡) (c) of fhr.s secfion.
(a) (t ) (D

The spectral density envelopes specified in $25.221(a)(1)(|)(A-C) are as follows:2

                               . 26.3 - 25log(0)     dBW /   4KHz for    1.5'< g <        7.0o
                               . 5.3                 dBW /   4KHz for    7 .0   '< 0 < 9.2o
                               . 29.3 - 25log(0)     dBW /   4KHz for    9.2o< g <        48o
                               . -12.7               dBW /   4KHz for    48"<     0   <   180o

                        The peak eirp value of an indívidualsidelobe may not exceed the
                        envelope for 0 between 1.5o and 7.0o. For 0 > 70, the envelope may be
                        exceeded by no more than 10% of the srde/obes, provided no
                        indivídualsidelobe exceeds the envelope given above by more than

                        The envelope may be exceeded by no more than 10% of the sr'de/obes
                        provided no individual sidelobe exceeds the gain envelope gíven above
                           more than 6dB.

I In the Maxer of Procedures to Govern the Use of Satellite Earth Stations on Board Vessels in the 5925-6425
MH?/3700-4200 MHz Bands and 14.0-14.5 Gh?/l1.7-12.2 GHz Bands, Report and Order, FCC 204-286, Adopted
December 15, 2004, Released January 6, 2005. Order on Reconsideration, FCC 09-63, Adopted July 30, 2009,
Released July 31, 2009.

    The actual formula in the statute includes a log(N) term which is subtracted ftom the spectral density. Since in this
case, the system is TDMA and N=1 for TDMA, the log(1) terms goes to zero.

525.22't (a)(1)(ii)(A) PoINTING ERROR
"Each ESV transmitter shall maintain a pointing enor of /ess than or equal to 0.2o between the orbital location of the
target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESV antenna." 47 C.F.R $25.221(a)(1)(¡i)(A)

Please refer to manufacturer declaration of conformity provided as an exhibit to the underlying application.

S25.221 (a)(1)(iii)(A) AUTOMATIC sHUT oFF
"A// emrssions from the ESV sha// automatically cease within 100 mílliseconds if the angle between the orbital location
of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the ESV antenna exceeds 0.5o, and fransmrsslon will not resume
until such angle is /ess fhan or equalto 0.2o.' 47 C.F.R 525.221(a)(1)(¡i¡)(A)

Please refer to manufacturer declaration of conformity provided as an exhibit to the underlying application.

525.221    (a)(3) U,S. CONTACT INFORMATION
"There shall be a point of contact in the United Sfafes, øfh phone number and address, available 24 hours a day,
seven days of week, with authority and ability lo cease a// emrssions from the ESVs, e/her directly or through the
facilities of a U. S. Hub or a Hub located in another country with which fhe U. S. has a bilateral agreement that enables
such cessafion of ernrsslons." 47 C.F.R 525.221(a)(3)

                       Harris-CapRock Communications, lnc,
                       4400 S. Sam Houston Pkwy. E.
                       Houston, TX77048
                       (832) 668-2300 Phone

Harris-CapRock personnel, either via a network port or an oulof-band management system, have the authority and
capabilityto remotely access equipment on the ESVs to terminate emissions in case of suspected harmful

S 25.221   (a)(a) VESSEL TRACKING
"Foreach ESVfransmiffer a record of the ship location (i.e.latitude/longitude),transmitfrequency, channelbandwidth
and satellite used shall be time annotated and maintained for a period of not /ess than 1 year. Records will be
recorded at time interuals no greater than every 20 ninutes while the ESV ls fransmfifrng, The ESV operator will make
this data available upon request to a coordinator, fíxed system operator, fixed-satellite system operato¡ NTIA, or the
Commission within 24 hours of the requesf." 47 C.F.R. 525.221 (4U)

Functionalitv of Vessel T rackinq Svstem
Hanis-CapRock has implemented a system to record the vessel's location, transmit frequency, channel bandwidth and
satellite. The system records this information every 20 minutes. Hanis-CapRock can make this data available within
24 hours of a request by a coordinator, fixed system operator, fixed-satellite system operator, NTIA, or the

     1.      An external Global Positioning System (GPS) is deployed with every one of Hanis-CapRock's stabilized
             antennas. The GPS feeds position information to a Terminal Server that also performs a basic logging
             function. As the Terminal Server receives raw GPS data, it is spooled to a file.

     2.      The data received from the GPS is in NMEA-0183 standard (National Marine Electronics Association).
             NMEA-0183 is a voluntary industry standard that defines electrical signal requirements, data transmit

           protocol, timing and specific sentence formats for a 4800 baud serial data bus. NMEA has become a
           standard protocolfor interfacing navigational devices like a GPS, NMEA settings for RS232 interface are:

                                         Baudrate: 4800
                                         Data bits: I
                                         Stop bits: 1 or 2
                                         Parity:    none
                                         Handshake:          none

           Also included in the daily file are the satellite name, frequency, channel bandwidth, time and date. The
           satellite name is manually entered at commissioning and would be updated if the satellite changes. This
           information is kept at a server located at the Harris-CapRock NOC. The transmit frequency and channel
           bandwidth are extracted from the satellite modem. The time and date are retrieved from the Terminal

           Once the file is received at the Hanis-CapRock NOC via File Transfer Protocol (FTP), the date is formatted
           in a Structured Query Language (SaL) database. This database is backed up daily.


                                     Bandwidth information

                                           Time &
                                       Date lnformation

Figure   1. Vessel Tracking Network Configuration

'ESV operators communicating wfh yesse/s of foreign registry must maintain detailed information on each vesse/'s
country of registry and a point of contact for the relevant administration responsible for licensing ESVs.' 47 C.F.R.
$25.221 (a)(5)

ln the event Harris-CapRock must operate foreign-registered ESVs, it will maintain detailed information on each vessel
as well as a point of contact for the relevant administration responsible for licensing the ESV.

"ESV operators shall controlal/ ESVs by a Hub eañh station located in the United Sfafes, excepf that an ESV on U,S.-
registered vesse/s rnay operate under control of a Hub eafth station location outside the Unifed Sfafes provided the
ESV operator maintains a point of contact within the United Sfates fhaf will have the capability and authority fo cause
an ESV on a U.S.-regrsfered vesse/fo cease transmifting if necessary." 47 C.F.R, 525.221 (a)(6)

The ESVs operated by Harris-CapRock will be conholled by the hub earth station listed below:

           Callsiqn Diameter Location                                   Antenna lD
           E030253 8.1m      Houston, TX                                3

Figure   2. Network Configuration

525.22't (a)(7) FREQUENCY C00RDlNATloN
"ESV operators transmitting in the 5925-6425 MHz (Eafth-to-Space) frequency bands to geostationary satellites in the
fixed-satellite seMce (FSS) shall not seek fo coordinate, in any geographic location, more than 36 MHz of uplink
bandwidth on each of no more than two GSO FSS satellites." 47 C.F.R $25.221 (a)(7).

Harris-CapRock is seeking to operate ESVs in the 5925-6425 MHz to geostationary satellites in the FSS. However,
Harris-CapRock will not be operating ESVs using these frequencies within 200 Km of the U.S. coastline or within 200
Km of any already coordinated Fixed Service (FS). Therefore, Harris-CapRock did not perform any frequency
coordination for purposes of this application, lf operations change in the future, requiring C-Band operations within 200
Km of the U.S. coastline or within 200 Km of any already coordinated Fixed Service, Harris-CapRock will pursue a
license modification at that time.

525.22't (a)(8) VESSEL WEIGHT
'ESVs sha// not operate in the 5925-6425 MHz (Eañh-to-Space) and 3700-4200 MHz (space-to-Eafth) frequency
bands on vesse/s smaller than 300 gross tons." 47 C.F.R $25.221 (a)(8).

Harris-CapRock will not operate ESVs in the C-Band on vessels smaller than 300 gross tons.

"ESVs, operating while docked, that complete coordination wtth tenestrial sfaflons in the 3700-4200 MHz band in
accordance with $25.251, shall receive protection from such tenestrial sfaflons in accordance with the coordination
agreements, for 180 days, renewable for 180 days. 47 C,F,R $25,221 (a)(9).

Hanis-CapRock does not currently contemplate any coordination with tenestrial stations in the 3700-4200MH2 band.

'ESVs rn motion shall not claim protection from harmful interference from any authorized terrestrialslaflons or lawfully
operating safe//Íes to which frequencies are either aheady assþned, or may be assþned in the future in the 3700-
 4200 MHz (spaceto-eafth)frequency band.' 47 C.F.R.525.221 (a)(10),

Harris-CapRock will not claim protection from interference from harmful interference from authorized terrestrial stations
or lawfully operating satellites to which frequencies are already assigned or may be assigned in the future in the 3700-
4200 MHz band.

S25.221    (a)(11) COORDINATION WITHN 200KM
"ESVs operating within 200 km from the baseline of the United Sfafes, or within 200 km from a fixed seruice offshore
installation, shall complete coordination prior to operation. The coordination method and the inteierence criterìa
objective shall be determined by the frequency coordinator. The details of the coordination shall be maintained and
available at the frequency coordinator, and shall be filed with the Comnission to be placed on Public Notice. Operation
of each individual ESV may commence immediately after the Public Notice rs released that identifies the notification
sent to the Commission. Continuance of operation of that ESV for the duration of the coordination term shall be
dependent upon successful completion of the nornal public notice process. lf , prior to the end of the 30-day comment
period of the public notice, any objections are received from U.S. licensed fixed seruice operators that have been
excluded from coordination, the ESV /icensee shall immediately cease operation of that pafticular station on
frequencies used by the affected U. S. Jlcensed fixed seruice station until the coordination dispute rs reso/yed and the
ESV /lcensee informs the Commission of the resolution." 47 C.F.R. $25.221 (a)( 1).

Harris-CapRock will not operate within 200Km Írom the baseline of the United States, or within 200 Km from a fixed
service offshore installation, Therefore, no coordination is required at this time, lf in the future, Harris-CapRock plans
to operate within these areas, it will undergo the proper coordination and submit an application for modification of ESV

'ESV operators must automatically cease fransmisslon if the ESV operates in violation of the terms of its coordination,
including, but not límited to, conditions related to speed of the vessel or if the ESV fravels outsíde the coordinated area,
if within 200 km from the baseline of the United Stafes, or within 200 km from a fixed seruice offshore installation.
Iransmlsslons may be controlled by the ESV nefwork. The frequency coordinator may decide whether ESV operators
should automatically cease fransrnrssions lf fhe vesse/ falls below a prescribed speed within a prescribed geographic
area." 47 C.F.R. $25.221 (a)(12).

Harris-CapRock will automatically cease transmissions if the ESV travels within 200Km from the baseline of the United
States or within 200Km from a fixed service offshore installation. The system to automatically cease transmissions is
based on a GPS reading and a comparison to a database with pre-programmed coordinates for the US coastline as
well as fixed microwave sites. When the absolute value of the difference in coordinates reaches 200Km, the satellite
modem turns off transmissions.

Figure   3. Automatic Location

'Any ESV applicantfiling an application pursuantto paragraph (a)(1) of this secflon musf filethreetables showingthe
off-axis EIRP level of the proposed earth station antenna in the direction of the plane of fhe GSO; the co-polaized
EIRP in the elevation plane, that is, the plane perpendicular to the plane of the GSO; and cross polarized EIRP. ln

each table, the EIRP level must be provided at increments of 0.1o for angles between 0o and 10o off-axis, and at
increments of   5o   for angles befween   10o   and 180o off-axis." 47 C.F.R 525.221(b)(1)(¡)

The manufacturer has produced these three tables which are attached to the underlying application.

s25.221   (b)(3)     ESV GEOGRAPHTG AREA 0F oPERAT|ON
"There shall be an exhibit included with the application descrihing the geographic area(s) in which the ESVs   r,vil
operate." 47 C.F.R 525.221(bN3)

The geographic area where the ESVs will operate is in U.S. channels and watenivays, the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean
Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean.

                                   l                     Arttic Oredn
                                                              rllr                 (l¡¡c¡rl¡

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                                                                                                           At lunt lr
                                                                                                            l.lct an


   North       Á   ñcrlci
   *   fl.íûì¡l G.Þ${¡
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  -,   hbmlerú Eo{rdúÊr                    lÉ.f,¡tspûc                                         (trit¡besn ry#¡f:
                                                                                                   ,$er¡ Ar!þ¡l .r

  0      3;l0 8¡51fla
  0 r¡O A¡$ H¡a
Figure   4.   U.S. channels and waterways, the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean

s25.221 (b)(4) Po|NT OF CONTACT
"The point of contact information referred to in paragraph (a)(3) of this section and, if applicable, paragraph (a)(6) of
fhls secfion, must be included in the application.' 47 C.F.R 525.221(b)(4)


'ESVs fhaf exceed the radíation guidelines of 51,1310 of this chapter, Radiofrequency radiation exposure /rmÍs, musf
provide, with their environmentalassessmenl a plan for mitigatíon exposure to the ertent required to meet those
guidelines." 47 C.F,R. 525.221 (b)(5)

A radiation hazard study for the Orbit antennas is attached to the underlying application.

                                  APPENDIXA. USE OF NON'U.S. SATELLITES

Hanis-CapRock specifies, pursuant to $ 25.137(a) of the Commission's Rules, that the only non-U,S. licensed
satellites to be accessed by the earth station proposed in the instant application are those included on the FCC's
Permitted List and eligible for ALSAT designation.


                                       APPENDIX B - FAA NOTIFICATION

Pursuantto 47 C.F.R. S 17.14 (b)of the Regulations, FederalAviation Administration (FAA) notification is not required
because allthe antenna structures in this application will be less than 6,1m in height.


                               APPENDIX C- DECLARATION OF HARRIS.CAPROCK

"My name is Steve Wheelis, Chief Engineer for Harris-CapRock Communications, nc, I ærtify that the engineering

calculations described in this report are true and correct and satisfactory in light of the Regulations specifred in 47


Document Created: 2012-01-18 15:35:50
Document Modified: 2012-01-18 15:35:50

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