Attachment Exhibit 15

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20110321-00320 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


              Exhibit 15 - Notification of Transmissions Below 68 dBW From
                             Hub Antenna up to Satellite in 13.75-14.0 GHz Band

                                           Vizada, Inc.

       Notification of Intention to Operate One or More Carriers Used for Transmissions
           From the Southbury, CT Teleport Hub Antenna SBY30/VER 9 up to the
               Telstar 11N Satellite in the 13.75-14.0 GHz Band Below 68 dBW

                                        Call Sign WB36


        Vizada, Inc. (Vizada) hereby notifies the Commission of its intention to operate one or
more carriers used for transmissions from the Southbury, CT teleport hub antenna SBY30/VER 9
up to the Telstar 11N satellite (T11N) in the 13.75-14.0 GHz band below 68 dBW per footnote
US356 of the Table of Frequency Allocations. It is understood that the operation of such carriers
will be on an unprotected basis.

        Vizada’s WB36 license authorizes transmissions from the SBY30/VER 9 hub antenna up
to the T11N satellite T11Ne satellite on 13.75 – 14.0 GHz frequencies. It is Vizada’s
understanding that although per § 25.204(f) of the Commission’s Rules and Footnote US356 of
the Table of Frequency Allocations “…the e.i.r.p. of any emission should be at least 68 dBW…”
for transmissions from an earth station up to the satellite in the 13.75 - 14.0 GHz band; it is
permissible to operate carriers beneath that power limit on an unprotected basis. Vizada does
desire to operate one or more carriers used for transmissions from the SBY30/VER 9 hub
antenna up to T1N in the 13.75-14.0 GHz band at power levels below 68 dBW. It is therefore
notifying the Commission of its intention to do so and of its willingness to waive protection from
interference for such operations and to accept a condition to the license specifying that such
operations are on an unprotected basis.

        Vizada wishes to make it clear that this notification only concerns transmissions from the
earth station hub antenna up to the satellite on 13.75 – 14.0 GHz frequencies. No authority is
being requested to utilize 13.75 – 14.0 GHz frequencies for Earth Station on Vessel (ESV)
operations. Vizada does utilize the T11N satellite to provide Ku-band ESV service to customers
in the T11N footprint but the transmissions from the ESVs to the satellite will not be on 13.75 –
14.0 GHz frequencies. The ESVs that receive service via T11N operate only in the 10.950 to
11.200, 11.450 to 11.700, 11.700 to 12.200 and 14.000 to 14.500 GHz bands as permitted by
Section 25.222 of the Commission’s rules and the WB36 ESV authority. Authority is not being
requested to utilize the 13.75 – 14.0 GHz frequencies for ESV operations. The transmissions
utilizing 13.75 – 14.0 GHz frequencies and emissions will continue to be utilized only for
operation of the SBY30/VER 9 meter fixed hub antenna to communicate with T11N.

        Vizada therefore hereby respectfully notifies the Commission of its intention to operate
one or more carriers used for transmissions from the SBY30/VER 9 hub antenna up to T1N in
the 13.75-14.0 GHz band at power levels below 68 dBW and of Vizada’s willingness to do so on
an unprotected basis. If the Commission believes that it is appropriate to add a condition to the

             Exhibit 15 - Notification of Transmissions Below 68 dBW From
                           Hub Antenna up to Satellite in 13.75-14.0 GHz Band

WB36 license such as “182 Operations in the 13.75-14.0 GHz band below 68 dBW (Footnote
US356 of the Table of Frequency Allocations) are permitted on an unprotected basis;” the
Commission is requested to please do so.

Document Created: 2011-03-03 23:23:52
Document Modified: 2011-03-03 23:23:52

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