Attachment Question 43

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20110303-00241 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                        LAWLER, METZGER, KEENEY & LOGAN, LLC

                                            2001 K STREET, NW
                                              SUITE 802
                                        WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006
REGINA M. KEENEY                                                                     PHONE (202) 777—7700
                                                                                  FACSIMILE (202) 777—7763

                                            March 3, 2011
Via Electronic Filing

Mindel De La Torre
Chief, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

             Re:        Request for Modification of Blanket License for Mobile Earth Stations
                        GUSA Licensee LLC
                        Call Sign E970381

Dear Ms. De La Torre:

         Pursuant to Section 25.117 of the Federal Communications Commission‘s ("FCC‘s" or
"Commission‘s") rules, GUSA Licensee LLC ("Globalstar") hereby requests modification of its
blanket license for mobile earth stations ("MESs") operating in the Big LEO mobile satellite
service ("MSS") band.‘ As described in the Technical Operations Exhibit for the instant
application, Globalstar proposes numerous changes to its current MES blanket license, which
authorizes MES operations in the United States, all U.S. territories and possessions, and all U.S.
territorial waters. Specifically, Globalstar seeks an increase in the quantity of several different
terminal types, including its SPOT Satellite Messenger and Tracker ("PTracker") devices and its
Telemetry simplex units. Globalstar also proposes changes to certain technical and operational

!      Globalstar currently has a pending application to modify its MES blanket license to
permit communications with Globalstar‘s ("Globalstar‘s") second—generation MSS satellites
(both those already launched and those to be launched), which are licensed through France. See
Application for Modification of Mobile Satellite Service Earth Station Licenses and Mobile
Earth Terminal Licenses to Authorize Communications with Second—Generation System and to
Incorporate Previously—Granted Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority, Globalstar Licensee
LLC, GUSA Licensee LLC, and GCL Licensee LLC, IBFS File No. SES—MFS—20091221—01602
(Dec. 21, 2009); Application for Modification of Nongeostationary Mobile Satellite Service
System License (S2115) to Launch a Second—Generation System, IBFS File Nos. SAT—MOD—
20080904—00165, SAT—AMD—20091221—00147 (Dec. 21, 2009) ("Second—Generation
Application"). The instant application for modification should be processed separately from
Globalstar‘s Second—Generation Application, and should have no effect on the Commission‘s
treatment of that application. Once the Commission approves that pending application, grant of
the instant request will enable the additional and modified terminals proposed herein to
communicate with Globalstar‘s French—licensed second—generation satellites.

Ms. Marlene Dortch
March 3, 2011
Page 2

parameters for the PTracker and Telemetry units. In addition, Globalstar seeks to revise the
"Manufacturer" designation for these two terminal types, including changing the designation for
Telemetry devices to "Various." Finally, Globalstar requests that the FCC take the clerical
action of conforming the frequencies of operation listed in Globalstar‘s MES blanket license
with the frequencies specified in the Commission‘s October 15, 2008 license modification order
(1610—1618.725 MHz)"
        Grant of the proposed blanket license modification will help facilitate the ongoing growth
of Globalstar‘s MSS business, which provides extraordinary benefits to consumers and public
safety customers in the United States and elsewhere." In recent years, Globalstar has focused on
the development of affordable, consumer—oriented devices and services. Most notably, the
innovative PTracker device plays a critical role in the provision of emergency and safety—of—life
services to individual consumers beyond terrestrial wireless reach." Globalstar expects the
growth of its satellite business to accelerate over the next several years as its second—generation
Big LEO MSS constellation becomes operational and supports an array of new service offerings.
With an MES blanket license that provides for greater numbers of devices and more flexible
technical parameters, Globalstar and its technology vendors will have greater ability to roll out
new, innovative products to Globalstar‘s expanding customer base.

       In particular, Globalstar‘s proposed change to the "Manufacturer" designation for
Telemetry devices is necessitated by dramatic changes in the MSS equipment marketplace since
Globalstar was granted this license in 1999. Until recent years, there were only a limited number
of MES models available to operate over Globalstar‘s Big LEO network. In contrast, Globalstar
is now working with an ever—changing assortment of telemetry vendors on a variety of
innovative designs and applications. In this dynamic environment, the Commission should not
require an MES blanket license to identify a specific, static group of manufacturers or terminal
models. This approach would require Globalstar to modify its blanket authorization every time it
added a new manufacturer or new Telemetry device model, resulting in an excessive
administrative burden both for Globalstar and the Commission. Rather, Globalstar proposes to
designate the manufacturers of its Telemetry devices as "Various," and provide technical
parameters that will encompass all Telemetry units to be operated under its authorization. The
individual manufacturers of these Telemetry devices will be identified in the equipment

2         Globalstar Licensee LLC, GUSA Licensee LLC and Iridium Constellation LLC, Iridium
Satellite LLC, Iridium Carrier Services LLC; Modification ofAuthority to Operate a Mobile
Satellite System in the 1.6 GHz Frequency Band, Order of Modifications, 23 FCC Red 15207
3       Globalstar currently provides satellite service to approximately 250,000 consumers and
other customers in the United States and its territories. Around the world, Globalstar uses its
global Big LEO MSS constellation to provide affordable, high—quality mobile satellite voice and
data services to over 400,000 customers in 120 countries.
4       To date, PTracker devices have been used to initiate more than 800 rescues in over 50
countries on land and at sea.

Ms. Marlene Dortch
March 3, 2011
Page 3

certification filings for these units, rather than in Globalstar‘s blanket license. The equipment
certification process will also ensure that these Telemetry devices comply with all applicable
technical requirements in Globalstar‘s license and the Commission‘s rules.

        Accordingly, for the reasons described herein, an expeditious grant of the proposed
blanket license modification will further the public interest, convenience, and necessity. Please
do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              /s/ Regina M. Keeney
                                              Regina M. Keeney

Response to FCC Form 312, Question 43
TECHNICAL OPERATIONS                                                               Page 1 of 5


GUSA Licensee LLC (Globalstar USA) holds a blanket license to operate 1,620,000 mobile earth
stations (MESs) in the United States, all U.S. territories and possessions, and all U.S. territorial
waters, for communications with the Globalstar"®"" Big LEO NGSO Mobile Satellite Service (MSS)
system. This total includes 450,000 handheld units, 305,000 vehicular mobile units, 60,000 ancillary
fixed units, 490,000 Telemetry simplex transmitters, 10,000 aviation units, 250,000 SPOT Satellite
Messenger and Tracker devices (personal tracker or "PTracker" devices), 54,000 satellite data and
voice modems (SDVMs), and 1000 MCM—4 transmitters. This Technical Operations Exhibit is
attached to an FCC Earth Station License Modification Application, which, among other things,
seeks to add 650,000 Mobile Earth Stations to the current MES blanket license, for a total of
2,270,000 MES units.

As indicated in the FCC Form 312 — Schedule B of this Modification Application, Globalstar USA
proposes the following modifications to the existing terminal types authorized under its
current MES blanket license:

    e   Quantity of MESs — 650,000 Additional MES Units

            o   Increase the quantity of PTracker devices from 250,000 to 750,000.
            o    Increase the quantity of GSP—1700 (Handheld?) devices from 150,000 to 250,000.
            o   Increase the quantity of SDVMs from 50,000 to 100,000.

    e   Technical and Operational Parameters

            o   Increase antenna gain for Telemetry devices from 4 dBi to 5 dBi. There is no change
                in the maximum EIRP or EIRP density.
            o   Increase transmit power for PTracker devices from 22 dBm to 26 dBm. There is no
                change in the maximum EIRP or EIRP density.
            o   Increase the altitude of Telemetry devices to 20,000 m for aviation applications.
            o   Change the Emission designator of PTracker from 2M50G2D to 2M50G1D.
            o   Change the Emission designator of Telemetry from 2M50G2D to 2M50G1D.
            o   For all authorized terminal types, conform the frequencies of operation listed in
                Globalstar USA‘s MES blanket license with the frequencies identified in the FCC‘s
                October 15, 2008 license modification order (1610—1618.725 MHz).

    e   Manufacturer

            o   Change the manufacturer for Telemetry devices and Telemetry antennas from
                AeroAstro to Various.
            o   Change the manufacturer for PTracker devices from Axonn to Spot LLC.

Below, Globalstar USA provides additional technical information regarding these proposed
modifications and the mobile terminal types to be operated under this revised blanket license.

GUSA Licensee LLC                                                             MET Modification

Response to FCC Form 312, Question 43
TECHNICAL OPERATIONS                                                               Page 2 of 5

Antenna Facilities

Under the proposed modified MES blanket license, the antenna for the SPOT Satellite Messenger
and Tracker will be designed by SPOT LLC of Covington, LA (formerly known as Axonn). For
Telemetry devices, the antenna will be designed by AeroAstro and other entities. In production,
antennas may be fabricated by third party manufacturers. Changing the "Manufacturer" designation
for the Telemetry antenna to "Various" will give Globalstar USA and its equipment vendors greater
flexibility as they develop and deploy new Telemetry devices and services.

The MES radio type corresponding to this application for modification is indicated below:

   Radio         Radio            Services        Frequency Bands               Antenna
   Type        Designator         Offered              (MHz)                  Designation
Telemetry      Single mode     Globalstar"""     Tx‘: 1610—1618.725      GS TX
PTracker       Single mode     Globalstar"®"     T‘x‘: 1610—1618.725     GS TX
‘ T‘s — transmit band

The PTracker radio is equipped with one Globalstar"" transmit antenna. The antenna has
hemispherical coverage with a quasi omni—directional gain pattern, and is integrated in a single
housing with the radio unit. The Telemetry radio is equipped with one Globalstar"®" transmit
antenna. The antenna has hemispherical coverage with a quasi omni—directional gain pattern, and is
integrated either in a single housing with the radio unit or external to the unit based on the end
consumer application.

Key characteristics of the PT‘racker and Telemetry devices under the proposed blanket license
modification are summarized in the table below:

Globalstar" Antenna (GS TX)

            Parameter                   Globalstar"" Satellite               Globalstar"® Telemetry
                                     Personal Tracker Antenna                     Antenna
                                           GS Transmit                           GS Transmit
          Frequency                     1610 to 1618.725 MHz                1610 to 1618.725 MHz
         Polarization                     Left Hand Circular                  Left Hand Circular
          Peak Gain                            <5.0 dBic                           <5.0 dBic
   Elevation Plane Coverage                10 to 90 degrees                     10 to 90 degrees
   Azimuth Plane Coverage                     360 degrees                         360 degrees
Gain below 10 degrees elevation                 <0 dBic                             <0 dBic
              Size                      1.75" square, 0.3" thick           2.0° diameter, 2.0" length
Antenna Heights

The extremely small size of the mobile terminal types to be operated under Globalstar‘s proposed
blanket license modification makes FAA notification unnecessary. See Section 17.14(b) of the Rules.

GUSA Licensee LLC                                                             MET Modification

Response to FCC Form 312, Question 43
TECHNICAL OPERATIONS                                                               Page 3 of 5

The PTracker is intended to be used as a handheld portable radio at roughly waist level
(approximately three to four feet above ground level ("AGL")), but will still operate if held higher or
set down on a surface.

The antenna height for the Telemetry unit will vary depending on the installation site. This unit can
be mounted on the ground or any surface to allow the collection and transmission of ground—based
telemetry data. Typically, the antenna will be mounted 6 meters AGL or less. In addition,
Telemetry units may be used in aeronautical applications where the antenna will be mounted on an
airplane‘s fuselage. In that case, the antenna height for the Telemetry units will vary depending on
the altitude of the aircraft, but may be as high as 20,000 meters AGL.

Operational Parameters for PTracker and Telemetry Devices

a) Frequency of operation: Transmit band of 1610 to 1618.725 MHz.

b) Antenna Polarization: Left hand circulat

c) Emission Designator:

        e   PTracker: 2M50G1D

        e   Telemetry: 2M50G1D

d) Maximum EIRP: The maximum EIRP is dictated by the maximum available transmitter power
   of the radio and its peak antenna gain. The EIRP density is the EIRP divided by the channel
   bandwidth of 2.50 MHz and further corrected for the required 4 kHz bandwidth. Please note
   that while Globalstar USA proposes an increase in maximum transmit power for the PTracker
   device and an increase in maximum antenna gain for the Telemetry device, it does not seek any
   increase in the maximum EIRP permitted under Globalstar USA‘s current blanket license
   authorization. Globalstar USA recognizes that if greater transmit power or antenna gain were to
   result in an increased maximum EIRP, there would be greater potential for interference between
    Globalstar USA‘s licensed devices. In fact, to minimize interference between various
    Globalstar" devices, typical peak EIRP for the PTracker and Telemetry devices is maintained
   well below that allowed for Globalstar handheld devices.

    Globalstar‘s proposed increase in allowed transmit power for the PTracker device is designed to
    compensate for the degradation of antenna performance in small packaging demanded by
   consumer applications. As neither the PTracker device nor the Telemetry unit utilizes power
   control, as a means of ensuring balanced system operation, Globalstar USA requires users to
   limit transmit power based on measured antenna performance in order to comply with the
   maximum EIRP authorized by the current blanket license. Compliance with the peak EIRP
   limit will be verified during the equipment authorization process for specific terminal types.

GUSA Licensee LLC                                                            MET Modification

    Response to FCC Form 312, Question 43
    TECHNICAL OPERATIONS                                                              Page 4 of 5

    e) Maximum EIRP Density

New Radio Type and         Max Tx Power        Peak Antenna        Max EIRP           (e) Max EIRP
    Antenna Type              Available            Gain               (dBW)          Density/Carrier
                               (dBW)           (dBic or dBi)                          (dBW/4 kHz)
Telemetry                        —4.0                5.0                 0.0               —28.0
PTracker                         —~4.0               5.0                —3.0               —31.0
    * Meets the —15 dBW/4 kHz MES limit specified in the FCC General Rules and Regulations
    governing Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters (47 C.F.R. Part 2), Section 2.106,
     footnote $5.364.

     ) Description of Modulation: The Globalstar"" PT‘racker and Telemetry MES transmitters utilize
       direct sequence CDMA at a chip rate of 2.50 MHz on BPSK modulation. Baseband filtering is
       implemented to meet the out—of—band emissions requirements. Each transmission is done at a
        constant power level, i.e. this MES terminal does not use power control.

    Additional Technical and Operational Information

    e   Radioastronomy Protection

    The Globalstar"" Telemetry and PTracker MES terminals operate in the 1610 —1618.725 MHz
     (earth—to—space) band. In this band, Mobile Satellite Services is co—primary with Radiodetermination
    Satellite Services.

    Globalstar, Inc., intends to abide by the radioastronomy coordination guidelines set forth in the
    FCC Rules governing Satellite Communications (47 C.F.R. Part 25), Section 25.213(a). A
    coordination procedure is outlined in the "Technical Operational Coordination Agreement for the
    Joint Usage of the Band 1610.6 — 1613.8 MHz between the National Science Foundation and
    Globalstar for Airborne Mobile Earth Stations Operating in its Mobile Satellite Service (MSS)
    Network," dated November 29, 2001. Under the agreed operational procedure, radioastronomy
    sites in the U.S. will inform the operator of the Globalstar®" gateway serving its area, through
    Globalstar USA, as to the planned schedule for radioastronomy measurements. During active
    measurement periods, the appropriate gateway will not assign particular channels between 1610.6 —
     1613.8 MHz (Globalstar"" channels 1 — 3) to MESs in the radioastronomy exclusion zones.

    For all the Telemetry and PTracker units, operations will be prohibited in the joint band in
    designated radioastronomy exclusion zones.

    e   GPS and GLONASS Protection

    The Globalstar"" Telemetry and PTracker MES terminals will continue to protect radionavigation
    satellite services in the band 1559 — 1610 MHz, including GPS and GLONASS receivers, according

    GUSA Licensee LLC                                                            MET Modification

Response to FCC Form 312, Question 43
TECHNICAL OPERATIONS                                                             Page 5 of 5

to the FCC Rules governing Satellite Communications (47 C.F.R. Part 25), Sections 25.202 (f) and
25.216 as per the current MES blanket license.

Specifically, the Globalstar®" Telemetry and PTracker terminals will not exceed an out—of—band
emissions EIRP density level (averaged over any 2 ms active transmission period) of at least:

—70 dBW/MHz between 1559 — 1605 MHz; and
—70 to —10 dBW/MHz, lineatrly interpolated between 1605 — 1610 MHz.

The EIRP of any discrete spurious emission (z.e., bandwidth less than 700 Hz) will not exceed:

—80 dBW between 1559 — 1605 MHz; and
—80 to —20 dBW/MHz, linearly interpolated between 1605 — 1610 MHz.

The peak EIRP density of carrier—off state emissions (averaged over any 2 ms active transmission
period) will not exceed:

—80 dBW/MHz between 1559 — 1610 MHz.

GUSA Licensee LLC                                                          MET Modification

Document Created: 2011-03-03 16:42:17
Document Modified: 2011-03-03 16:42:17

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