Attachment Exhibit B

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20110131-00094 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                   Exhibit B, Page 1
                                            ROUS (EQ90027) Modification Application

                           Radiation Hazard Study — Item 28

                         Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                            Mobile Earth Station Terminal
                                     December, 2010


Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation ("CMDC") designs, manufactures, and is licensed
to operate Mobile Earth Station Terminals ("MESs") in spectrum allocated to the Mobile
Satellite Service under the Federal Communications Commission guidelines of Part 25,
Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This Radiation Hazard Study demonstrates
that CMDC‘s MESs meet FCC guidelines for RF exposure.


Completion of a routine environmental analysis for RF exposure (as described in Federal
Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin 65
("Bulletin 65"¢)) due to emissions from the MES is one of the requirements to modify the
existing blanket license.

Bulletin 65 identifies two parameters relating to equipment type and usage that determine
the appropriate testing methods and limits.

First, devices may be classified as either Mobile or Portable. A Mobile device is
intended for use in other than fixed locations and should be separated from the user or
bystanders by at least 20 centimeters. Portable devices are intended to be operated within
20 centimeters of the user or bystander.

Second, the exposure must be deemed Occupational/Controlled Exposure or General
Population/Uncontrolled Exposure. Occupational/Controlled Exposure applies where
persons are exposed due to their employment or when they have been made aware of the
potential for exposure and are able to exercise control over their exposure. Cases where
the general public is exposed or where workers are not fully aware of the potential for
exposure or are unable to exercise control over the amount of their exposure fall into the
General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure category.

CMDC MESs fit into the Mobile and General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
categories. As such, the permissible radiation level may be determined using either
Maximum Permissible Exposure or Specific Absorption Rate techniques. CMDC elects
to use a Maximum Permissible Exposure analysis using the limits for General
Population/Uncontrolled Exposure for frequencies above 1500 MHz shown in section B
of the table below.

                                                       Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                          Exhibit B, Page 2
                                                   ROUS (EQ90027) Modification Application


     {A) Timitts for OrecopationalControliedExposure

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     (B) Liniits for Ceneral PopulatonUncontrolied Exposure

       Frequency      Hlectac Fielg   Magnetic Field    Power Density


                                                                                 Aad bao fad Td Kpp
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                      {= freqguencyinMHz "Plme—waveequivilect power dernity

                                       Analysis Method

A Maximum Permissible Exposure analysis will be done using the methods described in
Bulletin 65 and the source—based time—averaging methods described in Title 47 of the
Code of Federal Regulations Part 2.1091.

The source—based averaging allows scaling of the exposure level based on the inherent
duty cycle of the MES. CMDC‘s MESs are limited to a maximum transmission duty
cycle of 52% (a 1.552 second transmission burst every 3.0 seconds).

Bulletin 65 offers several methods for calculating the RF Power Density. Three of these
methods seem appropriate for this analysis.

First, the equations below will predict the power density in the antenna far field and will
overstate the density in the near field.

                                                                  Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                                     Exhibit B, Page 3
                                                              ROUS (EQ90027) Modification Application




                           ERP= eipresient (or effective} asofmoy    _' hatedspower
               f 0


Second, the power density may be determined for an antenna close to a ground plane.
The following equation provides this result based on 100% reflection from the ground
plane. The power density determined by this method will be four times that of the
density determined in the far field.

Third, the Environmental Protection Agency has recommended a more realistic
approximation of those results in a power density increase of 2.56 above the far field

                                §«                       ie

This method seems most representative of the typical operating conditions for CMDC‘s
MESs and is the method adopted for this analysis.

                                                 Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                    Exhibit B, Page 4
                                             ROUS (EQ90027) Modification Application


The separation distance required to produce an RF power density less than one milliwatt
per square centimeter will be calculated for all possible antennas. The calculations will
be done for the maximum antenna input power of 6 dBW and for a maximum duty cycle
of 52 %. The antennas that are available for use are characterized in the table below.

       Antenna                     Type               Antenna Size         Antenna
          ID                        yP                   (meters)        Gain (dBi)
     1—2010/INT             Quadrafilar Helix              0.15              2.9
     2—2010/EXT             Quadrafilar Helix              0.15              4.8
     2—2011/EXT             Quadrafilar Helix              0.15              4.8
     3—2010/EXT                   Patch                    0.06              4.0
     4—2010/INT             Quadrafilar Helix              0.15              5.0
      5—202/EXT             Quadrafilar Helix              0.27              3.9
      5—203/EXT             Quadrafilar Helix              0.27              3.9
     5—2011/EXT             Quadrafilar Helix              0.27              3.9

     5—2012/EXT             Quadrafilar Helix              0.27              3.9

     6—2011/INT                   Patch                    0.18              3.7

     6—2012/INT                   Patch                    0.18              3.7

      6—203/INT                   Patch                    0.18              3.7
     7—2011/INT                   Patch                    0.18               6
     7—2012/1INT                  Patch                    0.18               6

      8—203/EXT                   Patch                    0.19              3.7

     9—ASDR/INT             Quadrafilar
                                        Helix             0.315               11

    10—ASDO/INT                   Patch                   0.047              2.5

     11—C50/INT               Circular Patch             0.1524              4.5

                                                    Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                       Exhibit B, Page 5
                                                ROUS (EQ90027) Modification Application

Using the maximum power into the antenna of 6 dBW, a duty cycle of 52% and the
antenna gains from the table above; the minimum separations to achieve one milliwatt
per square centimeter power densities are calculated and listed in Table B below.

                                                      Separation distance for 1 mW
         Antenna                                                      .
           ID                   Type                  per square ceptlmeter Power
                                                              Density (cm)
      1—2010/INT          Quadrafilar Helix                       29
      2—2010/EXT          Quadrafilar Helix                       36
      2—2011/EXT          Quadrafilar Helix                       36
      3—2010/EXT                Patch                             33
      4—2010/INT          Quadrafilar   Helix                     37
      5—202/EXT           Quadrafilar   Helix                     32
      5—203/EXT           Quadrafilar   Helix                     32
      5—2011/EXT          Quadrafilar   Helix                     32
      5—2012/EXT          Quadrafilar   Helix                     32
       6—2011/INT               Patch                             31
       6—2012/INT               Patch                             31
        6—203/INT               Patch                             31
       7—2011/INT               Patch                             41
       7—2012/1NT               Patch                             41
       8—203/EXT                Patch                             31
            9—            Quadrafilar Helix                       5g
       ASDR/INT                 Array
       ASDO/INT                 Patch                             28
       11—C50/INT          Circular Patch                         41

The typical CMDC MES is installed on the top surface of a land vehicle, ship, or aircraft.
Distances to operating personnel and the general population will be greater than the
separation distances calculated above.

The table below indicates the typical CMDC MES mounting location for various
applications and the minimum distance necessary to prevent a hazard to operators and the
general population.

                                                  Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                     Exhibit B, Page 6
                                              ROUS (EQ90027) Modification Application

                 minimum          Minimum distance necessary    Minimum distance necessary
Application     installation       to prevent hazard (cm) for    to prevent hazard (cm) for
              separation from             9—ASDR/INT                   10—ASDO/INT
                people (cm)
Trucking             90                        58                             28
   Rail             300                        58                             28
Container           200                        58                             28
  Boats            >300                        58                             28
 Aviation            75                        58                             28

                                    .      hss     .      .     Minimum distance necessary
       Application              Typical minimum installation    to prevent hazard (cm) for all
                                 separation from people (cm)
                                                                        other antennas
        Trucking                             90                               41
           Rail                             300                               41
        Container                           200                               41
          Boats                            >300                               41
         Aviation                            75                               41


  The preceding analysis shows that the CMDC MESs meet the Federal Communications
  Commission guidelines for RF exposure.

Document Created: 2019-04-13 21:43:01
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 21:43:01

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