Attachment Exhibit A

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20110131-00073 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                       Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                             FCC Form 312
                                                                          Exhibit A, Page 1
                                                  CONUS (EJ90029) Modification Application

                     Description of Application, Services to Be Provided,
                                 Frequencies Requested, and
                          Public Interest Showing — Items 24 and 43

Description of Application; Frequencies Requested

        By this Application, Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation ("CMDC") requests
authority to modify its existing blanket license, E090029 (the "CONUS" license), to add two (2)
new Site IDs and delete one (1) existing Site ID. These changes to the license will (1) enable
CMDC to operate most of its existing mobile earth station terminals ("MESs") on SkyTerra 1,
the replacement satellite for MSAT—2, and (2) consolidate and simplify the licensing of most of
CMDC‘s MESs for operation on the ISAT satellites. The following Site IDs should be added to
the license:

       (a) Site ID "ISAT—Half Duplex," specified half—duplex MESs using the satellites on the
           ISAT list. The MET‘s included under this Site ID are CMDC‘ s MT2010, MT2011,
           MT2012, MTM203, and CMT500, all operating with various antennas on the
           satellites on the ISAT list, in CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, and any U.S. territory or
           possession within the footprint of an ISAT satellite.

       (b) Site ID "SkyTerra," specified half—duplex MESs and full—duplex MESs using
           SkyTerra 1. The half—duplex MET‘s included under this Site ID are CMDC‘s
           MT2010, MT2011, MT2012, MTM203, and CMT500, all operating with various
           antennas. The full—duplex MET‘s included under this Site ID are CMDC‘s ASDR and
           ASDR—O. All MET‘s operating under this Site ID will operate in CONUS, Alaska,
           Hawaii, and any U.S. territory or possession within the footprint of SkyTerra 1.

       A spreadsheet of new Site IDs is provided in Exhibit A, Annex 1.

       The following Site ID should be deleted from the license:

       (a) Site ID "ISAT—CONUS"

       The following Site IDs should remain on the license unchanged. The MESs currently
authorized under this Site ID are not affected by this Application:

       (a) Site ID "MSV—CONUS"

       (b) Site ID "ISAT—ADSR"

       (c) Site ID "MSV—ADSR"

                                                        Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                              FCC Form 312
                                                                           Exhibit A, Page 2
                                                   CONUS (EJ90029) Modification Application

       A spreadsheet of all of the Site IDs on the license after grant of this Application is
provided in Exhibit A, Annex 2.

      All MESs authorized under this license operate in portions of the L—band (1525—
1544/1545—1559 MHz and 1626.5—1645.5/1646.5—1660.5 MHz). CMDC‘s total number of MESs
authorized under E090029 and its two (2) other blanket MET licenses, E090027 and E990143,
will not exceed the 25,000 authorized under E990143 unless an increase in CMDC‘ s total
number of authorized MESs has been otherwise authorized by the Commuission.

Services to be Provided

        CMDC will use E090029 as modified to provide the same types of services that CMDC
is currently providing under E090029. At present, CMDC provides mobile packet data
communications services to government and commercial customers throughout the United States
and overseas.

        CMDC terminals typically are placed on land vehicles or at remote, fixed site locations.
The terminals transmit and receive data packets via dedicated channels in the L—band. The
packets can be routed over any of several terrestrial data networks, or to other mobile
transceivers in the CMDC network. Use of the satellite relay is as a "bent pipe," meaning that
only bandwidth and power are purchased from the satellite relay operator. Network management
is provided by CMDC‘ s 24/7 Network Operations Center in Germantown, MD.

        CMDC‘s system employs a version of CDMA that relies on code phase as opposed to
multiple codes to differentiate between overlapping signals. The maximum number of
simultaneous transmissions processed today is 4. CMDC is developing state—of—the—art, next
generation, earth station equipment that will be capable of processing 34 simultaneous
transmissions in the near future.

       At present, CMDC has over 150,000 activated terminals in service, of which only a small
percentage operate in the U.S. during any given month. The vast majority of CMDC‘s terminals
have been deployed in support of three (3) applications for the U.S. military and operate outside
of the U.S.

Compliance With ISAT Conditions

        For the MESs authorizied under the Site ID "ISAT—Half Duplex," CMDC seeks
authority to operate with any satellite on the ISAT list pursuant to the terms and conditions of the

                                                             Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                Exhibit A, Page 3
                                                        CONUS (EJ90029) Modification Application

Inmarsat Order.‘ Accordingly, CMDC will, to the extent required by the Commission, comply
with any applicable conditions.

Protection of Maritime and Aeronautical Mobile—Satellite Service Distress and Safety
      Communications, and Compliance With NTIA‘s Requirements Regarding Real—Time
      Access and Priority Preemption Requirements

       (a)        Compliance with Section 25.136(d)

       The following paragraphs explain CMDC‘ s compliance with Section 25.136(d) of the
Commission‘s Rules, which address the protection of maritime mobile—satellite service distress
and safety communications in the lower L—band.

       Section 25.136(d)(1). All MES transmissions shall have a priority assigned to
       them that preserves the priority and preemptive access given to maritime distress
       and safety communications sharing the band.

        This requirement is not applicable, as CMDC‘s MESs operate only on dedicated channels
that are not shared with any distress or safety communications.

       Section 25.136(d)(2). Each MES with a requirement to handle maritime distress
       and safety data communications shall be capable of either: (i) recognizing
       message and call priority identification when transmittedfrom its associated LES
       or (ii) accepting message and call priority identification embedded in the message
       or call when transmitted from its associated LES and passing the identification to
       shipboard data message processing equipment.

        This requirement is not applicable, as CMDC‘s MESs are not required to handle distress
or safety communications.

       Section 25.136(d)(3). Each MES shall be assigned a unique terminal
       identification number that will be transmitted upon any attempt to gain access to
       a system.

        CMDC‘s terminals comply with this requirement. Each CMDC MES is part of a virtual
private network with a distinct identity.

       Section 25.136(d)(4). After an MES has gained access to a system, the mobile
       terminal shall be under control of a LES and shall obtain all channel assignments
       from it.

1      Inmarsat, Inc., Order, DA 08—2323, 23 FCC Red 15268 (Int‘l Bur. rel. Oct. 21, 2008) ("Inmarsat Order‘).

                                                                Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                                   Exhibit A, Page 4
                                                           CONUS (EJ90029) Modification Application

       CMDC‘s terminals comply with this requirement. After connecting to an associated LES
system, the CMDC MESs obtain control and frequency tuning commands over the
communication channel only from that LES.

        Section 25.136(d)(5). All MESs that do not continuously monitor a separate
        signalling channel or signalling within the communications channel shall monitor
        the signalling channel at the end of each transmission.

       CMDC‘s terminals comply with this requirement. The CMDC MESs operate on
dedicated channels regardless of satellite and when not transmitting, are continuously monitoring
the LES for command signals.

        Section 25.136(d)(6). Each MES shall automatically inhibit its transmissions if it
        is not correctly receiving separate signalling channel or signalling within the
        communications channel from its associated LES.

        CMDC‘s terminals comply with this requirement. As noted previously, a CMDC MES
will not transmit unless it is properly receiving and locked onto the incoming RF signal from its
associated LES.

        Section 25.136(d)(7). Each MES shall automatically inhibit its transmissions on
        any or all channels upon receiving a channel—shut—off command on a signalling or
        communications channel it is receiving from its associated LES.

       CMDC‘s terminals comply with this requirement. A CMDC MES will not transmit if it
has been disabled by a control signal from the associated LES.

        Section 25.136(d)(8). Each MES with a requirement to handle maritime distress
        and safety communications shall have the capability within the station to
        automatically preempt lower precedence traffic.

        This requirement is not applicable, as CMDC‘s MESs are not required to handle distress
or safety communications.

         (b)     Compliance with NTIA/FAA Letter Requirements

         The following paragraphs explain CMDC‘ s compliance with the requirements set forth in
the NTIA/FAA Letter. These requirements address the protection of aeronautical mobile—
satellite service distress and safety communications in the upper L—band.

2       See Amendment of Part 87 of the Commission‘s Rules to Establish Technical Standards and Licensing
Procedures for Aircraft Earth Stations, 8 FCC Red 3156, [ 5, n. 22 (1993), citing Letter from Richard D. Parlow,
Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management, NTIA, and Gerald Markey, Manager, Spectrum

                                                             Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                Exhibit A, Page 5
                                                        CONUS (EJ90029) Modification Application

        1. All MES transmissions shall have a priority assigned to them that preserves
        the priority and preemptive access given to aeronautical distress and safety
        communications sharing the band.

        This requirement is not applicable, as CMDC‘s MESs operate only on dedicated channels
that are not shared with any distress or safety communications.

        2. Each MES with a requirement to handle distress and safety data
        communications shall be capable of recognizing message and call priority
        identification when transmitted from its associated LES.

        This requirement is not applicable, as CMDC‘s MESs are not required to handle distress
or safety communications.

        3. Each MES shall be assigned a unique terminal identification number that will
        be transmitted upon any attempt to gain access to a system.

        CMDC‘s terminals comply with this requirement. Each CMDC MES is part of a virtual
private network with a distinct identity.

        4. After an MES has gained access to a system, the mobile terminal shall be
        under control of an LES and shall obtain all channel assignments from it.

       CMDC‘s terminals comply with this requirement. After connecting to an associated LES
system, the CMDC MESs obtain control and frequency tuning commands over the
communication channel only from that LES.

        5. All MESs that do not continuously monitor a separate signalling channel shall
        have provision for signalling within the communications channel.

       CMDC‘s terminals comply with this requirement. The CMDC MESs operate on
dedicated channels regardless of satellite and when not transmitting are continuously monitoring
the LES for command signals.

        6. Each MES shall automatically inhibit its transmissions if it is not correctly
        receiving a separate signalling channel or signalling within the communications
        channel from its associated LES.

Engineering Division, FAA to Cheryl Tritt, Chief, Common Carrier Bureau, FCC, dated January 14, 1993
("NTIA/FAA Letter").

                                                             Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                Exhibit A, Page 6
                                                        CONUS (EJ90029) Modification Application

        CMDC‘s terminals comply with this requirement. As noted previously, a CMDC MES
will not transmit unless it is properly receiving and locked onto the incoming RF signal from its
associated LES.

        7. Each MES shall automatically inhibit its transmissions on any or all channels
        upon receiving a channel—shut—off command on a signalling or communications
        channel it is receiving from its associated LES.

       CMDC‘s terminals comply with this requirement. A CMDC MES will not transmit if it
has been disabled by a control signal from the associated LES.

        8. Each MES with a requirement to handle distress and safety—related
        communications shall have the capability within the station to automatically
        preempt lower precedence traffic.

        This requirement is not applicable, as CMDC‘s MESs are not required to handle distress
or safety communications.

        (c)     Compliance with NTIA interpretation regarding real time access and priority

        NTIA has indicated that if a terminal meets certain minimum requirements and is capable
of ceasing transmissions and inhibiting further transmissions within three (3) seconds, that
terminal would be considered to meet the real time access and priority preemption requirements
in footnotes US308 and US315 to the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations." CMDC interprets
this benchmark as meaning that each MES for all of its operating modes must, within three (3)
seconds of receiving a shutdown command or losing lock on the downlink, stop all ongoing RF
transmissions and prevent any new RF transmissions.

       All of the MESs listed under the proposed new Site IDs "ISAT—Half Duplex" and
"SkyTerra" comply with NTIA‘s benchmark.

ORBIT Act Analysis

       The ORBIT Act was passed in 2000 to promote competition in the provision of satellite
communications through the privatization of former inter—governmental organizations, including
Inmarsat. In applications seeking to operate mobile terminals and land earth stations to provide

3       See Letter from Karl B. Nebbia, Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management, U.S.
Department of Commerce, NTTA, to Mr. Julius Knapp, Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology, FCC, May 13,
2009 ("NTIA 2009 Letter‘).

                                                              Comtech Mobile Datacom Corporation
                                                                                    FCC Form 312
                                                                                 Exhibit A, Page 7
                                                         CONUS (EJ90029) Modification Application

service in the United States using Inmarsat satellites, the Commission has evaluated whether
Inmarsat privatization has been consistent with the criteria set forth in the ORBIT Act.*

        The Commission has confirmed that Inmarsat has met the remaining privatization
requirements of the ORBIT Act." Specifically, the Commission has determined that "Section
602, which prohibits Inmarsat from providing additional services and requires the United States
to decline and oppose new orbital locations for [the] provision of such services until Inmarsat
meets the privatization requirements of the ORBIT Act, is no longer applicable.”6 Accordingly,
there is no issue under the ORBIT Act with respect to the grant of CMDC‘s application to
provide services using Inmarsat satellites in the U.S. under proposed new Site ID "ISAT—Half

Public Interest Showing

        Grant of this Application will serve the public interest. CMDC currently operates on
MSAT—2. This satellite is near end—of—life and is being replaced by SkyTerra 1. Grant of
CMDC‘s request to add the new Site ID "SkyTerra" to the license will enable CMDC to operate
most of its existing MESs on SkyTerra 1 and thus continue to provide service currently provided
on MSAT—2 to existing customers. Grant of CMDC‘s request to add the new Site ID "ISAT—
Half Duplex" and delete the existing Site ID "ISAT—CONUS" will consolidate and simplify the
licensing of most of CMDC‘s MESs for operation on the ISAT satellites. As such, grant of this
request should help resolve some of the confusion regarding CMDC‘s licenses, thereby relieving
some of the administrative burdens on FCC staff and CMDC.

           See, e.g., COMSAT Corporation d/b/a COMSAT Mobile Communications et al., 16 FCC Red 21661 (2001)
at J 18.

5       See In the Matter of Inmarsat Group Holdings Limited, Petition for Declaratory Ruling Pursuant to Section
621(5)(F) of the ORBIT Act, Memorandum Opimnion and Order, 20 FCC Red 11366 (2005), at [ 26.

6          1d.

Document Created: 2019-04-25 08:12:09
Document Modified: 2019-04-25 08:12:09

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