Attachment AdjSat

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20101026-01341 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Affidavits from Adjacent Satellite Operators

Attached are the affidavits from the adjacent satellite operators demonstrating that the 0.75 meter antennas
will operate satisfactory with all adjacentsatellites.

The applicant agrees to accept any adjacent satellite interference in the 12 GHz receive band as a result of
the performanceof the antenna in the 1° to 1.5° region. The applicant understands that no adjacent satellite
interference protection will be available in the 1° to 1.5° regions. The applicant understands that adjacent
satellite interference protection applies only to the extent of the criteria set forth in §25.209.

                                                                                          10 March 2010

@ INTELSAT         Federal Communications Commission
                   International Bureau
                   445 12"" Street, S.W,.
                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                   To whomn it may concern:

                   This letter certifies that Intelsat is aware that Spacenet Services License Sub,
                   Inc. ("Spacenet") is seeking FCC authorization to access the Galaxy—18
                   satellite at 123.0° W.L. as a point of communication, using Ku—band
                   transmit/receive antennas that are not strictly compliant with the FCC 2—
                   degree spacing requirements for off—axis sidelobe gain.‘

                   intelsat understands that Spacenet will be deploying transmit/receive earth
                   station antennas of 62.x 89 cm, using an Andrew Model 755 antenna,
                   mounted in all cases such that the major axis of the ellfiptical reflector is
                   aligned with the geostationary orbit arc. The above antenna is not
                   compliant with Section 25.209 of the FCC rules insofar as the antenna
                   meets the sidetobe performance only at an angle of 1.72 degrees and
                   greater, rather than 1.5 degrees and greater as specified in the FCC rules.
                   These antennas are to be operated with a pointing error that will not exceed
                   £0.3° and will operate at a maximum input power density at the antenna
                   waveguide flange of —15 dBW/4 kHz, which is 1 dB fower than the limit
                   contained in 47 CFR §25.134.

                   intelsat and Spacenet further certify that the maximum forward downlink
                   satellite EIRP density is equal to or less than +13.0 dBW/AKHz, which is
                   routinely used at 2—degree spacing without causing unacceptable
                   interference to adjacent satellite operators.

                   Furthermore, in order to prevent unacceptable interference into adjacent
                   satellites, Intelsat has been informed and Spacenet acknowledges that these
                   antennas will be installed in compliance with the technical, operational and
                   performance requirements of Part 25 of the FCC rules and any requirements
                   set forth in the licenses granted by the FCC for the above antennas.

                   Intelsat and Spacenet acknowledge that they will not seek any additional
                   protection compared to the case of an earth station employing an antenna
                   conforming to the reference patterns defined in § 25.209 of the FCC rules.

     ‘ 47 CFR §25.209.
                     Intelsat Corporation                                                                               1
                     3400 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008—3006 USA T +1 202:044—6800 F+1202—044—7888

             Intelsat acknowledges that the use of the above referenced transmit/receive
             antenna by Spacenet, installed and operated in accordance with the above
             conditions should not cause unacceptable interference into adjacent
             satellites aperating in accordance with FCC‘s 2—degree spacing policy.

             Spacenet has agreed that should operation of this antenna cause
             unacceptable interference into other systems, Spacenet will terminate
             transmissions immediately upon notice from the affected parties.
@ INTELSAT   Finally, Intelsat acknowledges that it will include the subject non—conforming
             earth station operations in all future satellite network coordinations.


                                                                             U Hock 2040
             Jost     uquerque                                                       Date
             Senior Director, Spectrum Engineering

             Acceptance by Spacenet Services License Sub, Inc.:

             Spacenet certifies that the information provided to Intelsat and reflected in
             this Affidavit letter is true and accurate to the best of Spacenet‘s knowledge.

                                          ///V                                         7/%//‘
             Glenn Katz                                                             Date
             President and COO

             Acceptance by ECHOSTAR:

             Echostar agrees to the use of the Andrews Model 755, 62 x 89 cm antenna,
             with the pointing error tolerances towards the intended satellite and the
             power density levels into the antenna flange as stated in this letter, to
             communicate with the Galaxy—18 satellite at 123.0° W.L. with respect to
             Echostar satellite networks located within +6° from Galaxy—18 at 123.0°

               fl&/AL                                                                   it Aagrk 20f0
             David Bair                                                             Date
             Senior Vice President,
             Space Programs and Operations

              Intelat Corporation
              3400 International Drive NW, Wastington DC 20008—2006 USA T+1 202—944—6800 E+1 202—944—7508

                                                                                10‘March 2010

              Féderal Communications Commission
             International Bureay
             445 12" Steet, S.W.
             Washington, D.C, 20554                                                i

             To whom it may cencern:
             This letter certifies that Intelsat is aware that.SpagenetServices License
             Sub, Inc. ("Spacenet®) is seeking FOC authorization to access the
             Galaxy=18 satelliteat 123.0° W.L. as a point ofcommunitation, using Ku—
             band transiiit/recsive antennas that are not strictly. oomphan‘rwith the
             FCC 2—degreespacing requirements for off—axis sidelobe gain.‘

             Intelsat understarids that Spacenet will be deploying h*ansmm'receive‘
             earth station antennas of 62 x 89 cm, using an Andrev} Model 755
             an!enna The aboye antenna is not eompllantwith:Se?tlon25.209 of the
             FCC rules insofar as the antennd meets the sidelobeperformance only at
             an angle of—approximately 1.8.degreesand greater, rather than 1.5
             degrees and gréeater as specified in the FCC tules. This antennd will
             opsrate at a maximum input power density atthe antenna wavegusde
             flangeof—15 dBW/4 kHz, whichis 1 dB lower than the‘limit.containedin
             47 CFR §25.134.

            + Intelsatand Spacenet further certify that the maximum:forward downlink
              satellite EIRP—density is equal to or less than +13.0 dBW/AkHz, which is
              routinely usedat 2—degree spacing without causifig unacceptable
              interferenice to adjacentsatellite operators.

             Furthernore, in ofder to prevent unacceptable interferehce Into adjacént
             satellites, Intelsat has been informed andSpacenst acknowledges that
             these antennas will be installed in compliance. with the:technical,
             operational and performance requirements of Part 265 of the FCC rules    .
             and any.requireménts set forth in the licensesgranted bythe ECC for the
             above antermas, Moreover, pointing errors will be minimized through the
             use of good engingering practices and are expected to be in the 0.1° to—
             0.3° range.

             Asrequired per 47 CFR §25.220(e)(1 )(i), Intelsat and Spacenet
             acknowledge thatthe use of the Andrew non—conforming antenna hes the

‘ 47—CFR §25.209.

                                                                                  i                       1.
              Intelsat Comporation
              3400 International Drive NW, Washmglm DC 20008—3006 USA T+1 202—944—6800 F+1 202—044—7898

                  potential to cause unacceptable interference into adjagent satellites in
                  accordance with the FCC‘s 2—degree spacing policy and will not seek any
                  additional protection compared to the case of an ealrth station employing
                  an antenna conforming to the réfererice patterns defined in §25.209 of
                  the FCC rules, However, under the conditions defined above satellites at
                  2" spacing or more will not experience unacceptable Interference.

‘ % INTELSAT:     Finally, Intélsat acknowledges that itwill include the sibject non—
                  conforming earth station operations in all future.satefl‘te network


                  J          uquerque                                                Date
                  Senior Director, Spectrum Engineering

                 Acceptance by Spacenet'Services License Sub, /nc-ri

                  Spacenet certifies that the Information provided to lnteisat and réffected in
                  this Affidayvit letter is true and siccurate to the besf of:Spacenet’

                                         —                         M    ‘                                     /

                  Glenn Katz                 400   7                                Date"       .‘
                 President and CQO

                 Acceptance by SES Satellites {Gibraltar):

                 SES Satellites (Gibraltar) agrees to the use of the And}ews Model 755, 62
                 x 89 ocm antenria, with the azimuth angle alignmenit tolerances towards
                  the intended satellite and the power dengitylevelsinto:the antenna flange
                — as stated In this lefter, to communicate with the Galaxy—18 satellife‘at
                  123.0° W.L. with respact to SES Satellites (Gibraltar) satellite networks
                  located within 26° from Galaxy—18 at 123.0° W.L.

                                                                                     3 {10 /2.oi0
                 Krish Jonnalagadda                                                 Date
                 SES Satellites(Gibraitar)

                  Intelsat Corporation
                  3400 Internatlonal Drive NW, Washington DC 20008—3006 USA T+1 202—944—6800 F1 202—944—7888

                                                                                   8 March 2010

                  Federal Communications Comtnisslon
                  international Bureau
                  445 12" Straet, S.W, —
                  Washington; D.C. 20554

                  To whom it may concern:

                  This letter certifies that Intelsat is aware that Spacenet Services License
                  Sub,inc. ("Spacenet") is seeking:PCC authorization to access the            ©
                  Galexy—18 satellite at 123.0° W,L. as a point of communication, using Ku—
                  band transmit/recelve antennas that are not strietly compliant wlth the
                  FCC 2—degree apac!ng requirements for off—axis sidelobs gain."

                ‘ Intelsat undersmnds that Spacenet w!il be deploying transmit/receive |
                : earth station antennas of 62 x 89 om, using an Andrew Model 755                                                     .
                  ‘@hterina. _The above antenna is notcompliant with Section 25.209 ofthe                          _~          ; ..
                  FCC tules insofar as the antenna mssts the sidelobe peffortmance only at
                  an angle of approximately 1.8 degrees and greater, rather than 1.5
                 — degrees and greater as specified in the FCC rules. This antenna will,
                   operate at a maximum input power densrty at the antenna wavegulde
                   flange of —15 dBW/4 kHz, which Is 1 dBlower‘than the llmlt contained in
                  47 CFR §25.134. —                B            .

                  intelsat and Spacenet'further certify that the maximum forward downlink
                  sateilite EIRP density is equal to or less than +13.0 dBW/4kHz, which is,
                  routinely used at 2—degree spacing without causing unacceptable
                  interference to adjacent satellite operators.

                  Furthermore, in order to prevent unacceptable Interference Into adjacent
                  gatellites, Intelsat has been informed and Spacenet acknowledges that
                  these antennas will be Installed in compliance with the technical,
                  operational and performance requirements of Part 25 of the FCC rules                        .
                  and any requirements set forth in the licenses granted by the FCC for the
                  above antennas. Moreover, pointing errors will be minimized through the
                  use of good englneerlng practices and are expected to be in the 0.1° to
                  0.3° range.

                  As required per 47 CFR §25._220(e)(‘i)(1), Intelsat and Spacenet
                  acknowledge that the use of the Andrew non—conforming antenna has the

    147 CFR §g25.208.

                intelsat Corporation
                3400 International Drive NW, Washlngton DC 20008—3006 USA T+1 202—944—6800 F+1 202~944—7898

                potential to cause unacceptable Interference into adjacent satellites In
              ~ accordance with the FCC‘s 2—degree spacing policy and will not seek any
                additional protection compared to the case of an earth station employing
                an antenna conforming to the reference pattemns defined in § 25.209 of
                the FCC rules, However, under the conditions defined above satellites at
                 2° spacing or more will notexperience unacceptable Interference.
                 Finally, Intelsat acknowledges that it will include the subject non—
                 conforming earth station operations in all future satellite network


                          e Abugwnous                                             40 Mad 2040
                 Jose      Albuquerque .                                          Date
                 Senior Director, Spectrum Englneerlng

               — Awaptalwe by s,mans:Ssm‘cesuawm subInc.f

                dlom Refe           .
                President and COO >

                Acceptance by Telesat Canade:

                Telesat Canada agrees to the use of the Andrews Model 755, 62 x 89 em
                antenne, with the azimuth angle alignment tolerances towards the
                Intended satellite and the power density levels Into the antenna flange as
                stated in this letter, to communicate with the Galaxy—18 satellite at 123.0°
                W.L. with respect to TELESAT CANADA satellife networks located within
                46" from Gelaxy—18 at 123.0° W.L.

                        %JM                                                ".S’Ma?om.
               Johr/Forsey rk/
               Director, ITU arid Regulatory                   t                                   Date
               Telesat Canada

             Intelsat Corporation
             3400 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008—3006 USA T+1 202—944—6800 F+1 202—944—7898

Document Created: 2019-05-19 10:21:48
Document Modified: 2019-05-19 10:21:48

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