Attachment Description

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20100805-01001 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                        EXHIBIT 1

               Application to Modify TerreStar Gateway Earth Station
                              License at North Las Vegas

1. Introduction

    Since the successful launch of TerreStar-1 satellite in early July 2009, TerreStar has been
    testing and operating its system using both of its Ku-band gateway earth stations: one
    located at North Las Vegas, Nevada and the other one located at Allan Park, Ontario,
    Canada. The North Las Vegas (NLV) gateway station consists of a 9.3m Ku-band antenna and
    a 6.3m Ku-band antenna, plus other RF, IF, and baseband equipment. The station has been
    operated under the license granted by the Commission to TerreStar on November 13, 2008
    plus a series of Special Temporary Authority (STA) grants from the Commission in
    connection with in-orbit testing of the satellite and the testing of ground based satellite
    beamforming network as well as satellite base station equipment.

    From operational experience during the last year, TerreStar has found that it is necessary to
    modify some of the parameters authorized by its NLV license. In particular, in order to
    achieve the required throughput under certain operational conditions, it is necessary to
    operate certain carriers at higher maximum eirp levels, in some cases using a wider
    bandwidth. All modifications requested in this application are relatively minor and are
    within the values that Comsearch coordinated for the 9.3m and 6.3m antennas on May 15,
    2007. Copies of the 2007 coordination report and a letter from Comsearch confirming that
    no further coordination is needed in connection with the modifications requested in this
    application are attached to this exhibit.

    The requested modifications fall into two categories. The first category consists of
    Command signal modifications for spacecraft control and Calibration signal modifications
    for the Ground Based Beam Forming (GBBF) network. The second category consists of
    modifications for the Ku-band traffic and control carriers. 1

2. Command and Calibration Signals
   2.1 For the 9.3m antenna

 Comsearch is coordinating a similar change to the parameters for the Ku-band uplink Pilot
signal operating at 12992 MHz. This change will be the subject of a separate modification
application once coordination has been completed.

       As shown in Table 1 below, the requested modifications are highlighted in bold. These
       modifications and the reasons for the request are listed below:

 Carrier          Type            Currently   Revised    Currently     Carrier      Revised     Currently Revised Max
Frequency                        Authorized Polarization Authorized   Bandwidth    Emission     Authorized EIRP (dBW)
  (MHz)                          Polarization             Emission      (kHz)     Designator    Max EIRP      9.3m
                                                         Designator                            (dBW) 9.3m
12999 and    Command (with           L           L        700KF9D       832.0     832KF3D         54.02      74.00
  12751         ranging)
 12750 to   Calibration signal      L,R         L,R       50K0G7D       50.0      50K0G7D         51.40      61.80

            Table 1. Comparison of Currently Authorized command and calibration signals
                     vs. the Revised signals for the 9.3m antenna

             •    Command carriers at 12999 MHz and 12751 MHz

       TerreStar proposes to change the bandwidth of the FM-modulated command carriers
       from 700 kHz to 832 KHz. Furthermore, based on experience with the full satellite
       payload flux density range, aging effect, and the transmit capability of the NLV radio
       equipment, TerreStar has determined that the maximum transmit eirp needs to be
       increased to 74.0 dBW. Taking into account the 832 kHz carrier bandwidth, the
       proposed maximum eirp value of 74.0 dBW corresponds to the 50.8 dBW/4 KHz eirp
       density that Comsearch coordinated in 2007.

             •    Calibration signals

       Based on experience gained during SBN testing, TerreStar has determined that in some
       circumstances it will need to increase the maximum eirp of the calibration signals to
       61.8 dBW. In light of the 50 KHz bandwidth that the calibration signals occupy, this 61.8
       dBW maximum value corresponds to the 50.8 dBW/4 KHz eirp density coordinated by
       Comsearch in 2007.

   2.2 For the 6.3m antenna

       As shown in Table 2 below, the requested modifications are highlighted in bold. These
       modifications and the reasons for the request are listed below:

 Carrier           Type            Currently   Revised    Currently     Carrier      Revised     Currently Revised Max
Frequency                         Authorized Polarization Authorized   Bandwidth    Emission     Authorized EIRP (dBW)
  (MHz)                           Polarization             Emission      (kHz)     Designator    Max EIRP      6.3m
                                                          Designator                            (dBW) 6.3m
 12999 and    Command (with           L           L        700KF9D       832.0     832KF3D         54.02      70.80
   12751         ranging)
  12750 to   Calibration signal      L,R         L,R       50K0G7D       50.0      50K0G7D         47.98      58.60

             Table 2. Comparison of Currently Authorized command and calibration signals
                      vs. the Revised signals for the 6.3m antenna

              •    Command carriers at 12999 MHz and 12751 MHz

        TerreStar proposes to change the bandwidth of the FM-modulated command carriers
        from 700 kHz to 832 KHz. Furthermore, based on experience with the full satellite
        payload flux density range, aging effect, and the transmit capability of the NLV radio
        equipment, TerreStar has determined that the maximum transmit eirp needs to be
        increased to 70.8 dBW. Taking into account the 832 kHz carrier bandwidth, the
        proposed maximum eirp value of 70.8 dBW corresponds to the 47.6 dBW/4 KHz eirp
        density that Comsearch coordinated in 2007.

              •    Calibration signals

        Based on experience gained during SBN testing, TerreStar has determined that in some
        circumstances it will need to increase the maximum eirp of the calibration signals to
        58.6 dBW. In light of the 50 KHz bandwidth that the calibration signals occupy, this 58.6
        dBW maximum value corresponds to the 47.6 dBW/4 KHz eirp density coordinated by
        Comsearch in 2007.

3. Traffic and Control Signals
   3.1 For the 9.3m antenna

As shown in Table 3 below, the requested modifications are highlighted in bold. These
modifications and the reasons for the request are listed below:

 Carrier          Type   Polarization    Carrier Currently       Revised     Currently    Revised Max    Revised Max
Frequency                               Bandwidth Authorized    Emission     Authorized   EIRP (dBW)     EIRP density
  (MHz)                                   (kHz)    Emission    Designator    Max EIRP        9.3m       (dBW/4 kHz)
                                                  Designator                (dBW) 9.3m                      9.3m
12750 to          data        L,R         31.25    31K3G7D     31K3G7D         45.70         58.5           50.8
12750 to          data        L,R         312.5    313KG7D     313KG7D         55.13         68.5           50.8
12750 to          data        L,R         1250    1M25G7D      1M25G7D         55.13         68.5           43.6

             Table 3. Comparison of Currently Authorized traffic signals vs. the Revised signals
                      for the 9.3m antenna

              •     Increased transmit eirp

           The transmit eirp limits for the currently licensed carriers needs to be increased to the
           levels shown in Table 3 above. The request springs from TerreStar’s experience operating the
           satellite. Since launch in July 2009, TerreStar has conducted a detailed examination of
           modes of operation using the full range of satellite payload Ku-band attenuator gain
           step, flux density range, aging effect, and the transmit capability of the NLV radio
           equipment. Taking into account the bandwidths of the carriers, the requested maximum
           levels of TX eirp do not exceed the TX eirp densities coordinated by Comsearch in 2007.

   3.2 For the 6.3m antenna

   As shown in Table 4 below, the requested modifications are highlighted in bold. These
   modifications and the reasons for the request are listed below:

 Carrier          Type   Polarization    Carrier Currently       Revised     Currently    Revised Max Revised Max
Frequency                               Bandwidth Authorized    Emission     Authorized   EIRP (dBW) EIRP density
  (MHz)                                   (kHz)    Emission    Designator    Max EIRP        6.3m     (dBW/4 kHz)
                                                  Designator                (dBW) 6.3m                   6.3m
12750 to          data        L,R         31.25    31K3G7D     31K3G7D         42.50         55.3           47.6
12750 to          data        L,R         312.5    313KG7D     313KG7D         51.93         65.3           47.6
12750 to          data        L,R         1250    1M25G7D      1M25G7D         51.93         65.3           40.4

             Table 4. Comparison of Currently Authorized traffic signals vs. the Revised signals
                      for the 6.3m antenna

           •   Increased transmit eirp

The transmit eirp limits for the currently licensed carriers needs to be increased to the levels
shown in Table 4 above. The request springs from TerreStar’s experience operating the satellite. Since
launch in July 2009, TerreStar has conducted a detailed examination of modes of operation using
the full range of satellite payload Ku-band attenuator gain step, flux density range, aging effect,
and the transmit capability of the NLV radio equipment. Taking into account the bandwidths of
the carriers, the requested maximum levels of TX eirp do not exceed the TX eirp densities
coordinated by Comsearch in 2007.

Document Created: 2010-08-05 13:46:20
Document Modified: 2010-08-05 13:46:20

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