Attachment Rad Haz

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20100805-01001 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Radiation Hazard Report                                                              Page 1 of 4

              Analysis of Non-Ionizing Radiation for a 6.3-Meter
                                Earth Station
This report analyzes the non-ionizing radiation levels for TerreStar’s 6.3-meter North Las Vegas
backup Feeder Link earth station. The analyses performed herewith comply with the methods
described in the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin, No. 65 published in 1985
and revised in 1997 in Edition 97-01. The radiation safety limits used in the analysis are in
conformance with the FCC R&O 96-326. Bulletin No. 65 and the FCC R&O specifies that there
are two separate tiers of exposure limits that are dependent on whether exposure takes place
and/or the status of the individuals who are subject to the exposure. The Maximum Permissible
Exposure (MPE) limits for persons in a General Population/Uncontrolled environment are shown
in Table 1. The General Population/Uncontrolled MPE is a function of transmit frequency and is
for an exposure period of thirty minutes or less. The MPE limits for persons in an
Occupational/Controlled environment are shown in Table 2. The Occupational MPE is a function
of transmit frequency and is for an exposure period of six minutes or less. The purpose of the
analysis described in this report is to determine the power flux density levels of the earth station
in the far-field, near-field, transition region, between the sub-reflector or feed and main reflector
surface, at the main reflector surface, and between the antenna edge and the ground and to
compare these levels to the specified MPEs.

 Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE)
 Frequency Range (MHz)                          Power Density ( mW/cm2)
 30-300                                                   0.2
 300-1500                                      Frequency (MHz) * (0.8 / 1200)
 1500-100,000                                             1.0
 Calculated Limit for General Population/Uncontrolled
 Exposure (F =12875 )                                          1.000

 Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE)
 Frequency Range (MHz)                          Power Density ( mW/cm2)
 30-300                                                   1.0
 300-1500                                      Frequency (MHz) * (4.0 / 1200)
 1500-100,000                                             5.0
 Calculated Limit for General Population/Uncontrolled
 Exposure (F =12875 )                                          5.000

                                                                                          page 2 of 4
Formulas and Parameters Used for Determining Power Flux Density
Parameter                                    Symbol             Formula          Value                  Units
Antenna Diameter                             D                  Input                         6.300     m
Subreflector Diameter                        Dsr                Input                        98.000     cm
Frequency                                    F                  Input                      12875.00     MHz
Transmit Power                               P                  Input                       125.893     W
Antenna Gain (dBi)                           Ges                Input                        57.000     dBi
Antenna Surface Area                         Asurface           π D2 / 4                     31.172     m2
Area of Subreflector                         Asr                πDsr2/4                    7542.964     cm2
Wavelength                                   λ                  299.79245 / F                 0.023     m2
Antenna Gain (factor)                        G                  10Ges/10                   501187.2     N/A
Antenna Efficiency                           η                  G λ2 / (π2 D2)                0.694     N/A

Far Field Distance Calculation
Parameter                           Symbol         Formula             Value      Units
Distance to the Far Field Region    Rff            0.60 D / λ           1022.725 m
On-Axis Power Density in the Far
Field                               Sff            G P / (4 π Rff2 )     4.800    W/m2
                                                                         0.480    mW/cm2

Near Field Distance Calculation
Parameter                           Symbol         Formula             Value      Units
Extent of the Near Field            Rnf            D2 / (4 λ)          426.135    m
                                                   16.0 η P / (π
Near Field Power Density            Snf            D2)                 11.206     W/m2
                                                                       1.121      mW/cm2

Transition Region Calculation
Parameter                           Symbol         Formula             Value      Units
Transition Region Power Density     St             Snf Rnf / Rt        0.467      mW/cm2

Region between the Main Reflector and the Subreflector
Parameter                           Symbol         Formula             Value      Units
Power Density at the Subreflector   Ssr            4000 P / Asr        66.760     mW/cm2

                                                                                                 Page 3 of 4
Main Reflector Region
Parameter                                Symbol                Formula               Value       Units
Power Density at the Main Reflector
Surface                                  Ssurface              4 P / Asurface        16.154      W/m2
                                                                                     1.615       mW/cm2

Region between the Main Reflector and the Ground
Parameter                                      Symbol Formula               Value        Units
Power Density between Reflector and Ground     Sg           P / Asurface          4.039 W/m2
                                                                                  0.404 mW/cm2

Summary of Calculations
Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Uncontrolled Environment
                                                    Max Power                         Hazard
Region                                  Symbol        Density                         Assessment
Far Field (Rff= 1022.72505528408m)       Sff            0.480              mW/cm2     Satisfies FCC MPE
Near Field (Rnf = 426.1354397017m)       Snf            1.121              mW/cm2     Potential Hazard
Transition Region (Rnf < Rt < Rff)        St            0.467              mW/cm2     Satisfies FCC MPE
Between Main Reflector and
Subreflector                              Ssr          66.760              mW/cm2     Potential Hazard
Main Reflector                         Ssurface        1.615               mW/cm2     Potential Hazard
Between Main Reflector and Ground         Sg           0.404               mW/cm2     Satisfies FCC MPE

Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Controlled Environment
                                                  Power                         Hazard
Region                                 Symbol Density                           Assessment
Far Field (Rff= 1022.72505528408m)       Sff        0.480       mW/cm2 Satisfies FCC MPE
Near Field (Rnf = 426.1354397017m)       Snf        1.121       mW/cm2 Satisfies FCC MPE
Transition Region (Rnf < Rt < Rff)        St        0.467       mW/cm2 Satisfies FCC MPE
Between Main Reflector and
Subreflector                             Ssr        66.760      mW/cm2 Potential Hazard
Main Reflector                        Ssurface      1.615       mW/cm2 Satisfies FCC MPE
Between Main Reflector and Ground        Sg         0.404       mW/cm2 Satisfies FCC MPE

                                                                                       Page 4 of 4
Summary of Results

The results of analyses shown above for the 6.3 meter antenna indicate that the maximum
power density in the near field exceeds the FCC’s safety limit by 0.1 mW/cm2 for uncontrolled
environments. The antenna is located within a fenced area limited to individuals who work at
the site. Visitors can enter through a locked gate with a key card which must be obtained at a
separate building which requires identification before providing the key card. Visitors are
advised not to enter the area of the antennas without being accompanied by staff. In addition,
there are hazard signs in and around all areas near the antennas.

The region between the main reflector and the subreflector exceeds the limit by 65.76 mW/cm2,
however no personnel are permitted in this area during any transmissions.

Besides monitoring visitors, the antenna elevation angle to the satellite is at 30.4° in a direction
not looking towards any buildings or towers. At this elevation angle, there no one could get
close to the actual transmitted beam. As the frequency for transmission is at Ku-Band, the
beam is 0.26°.

                     SUBMITTED IN THIS EXHIBIT

I hereby certify that I am a technically qualified person responsible for the preparation of
engineering information contained in this filing, that I am familiar with Part 2, 25 and 101 of the
Commission’s rules, that I have prepared or reviewed the engineering information submitted in
these reply comments, and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am a
registered Professional Engineer. My seal is attached.

                                             By:                           __

                                                     Philip A. Rubin, P.E.
                                                     RKF Engineering, LLC
                                                     Washington, DC

Radiation Hazard Report                                                               Page 1 of 4

              Analysis of Non-Ionizing Radiation for a 9.3-Meter
                                Earth Station
This report analyzes the non-ionizing radiation levels for TerreStar’s 9.3-meter North Las Vegas
Feeder Link earth station. The analyses performed herewith comply with the methods described
in the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin, No. 65 published in 1985 and revised
in 1997 in Edition 97-01. The radiation safety limits used in the analysis are in conformance with
the FCC R&O 96-326. Bulletin No. 65 and the FCC R&O specifies that there are two separate
tiers of exposure limits that are dependent on whether exposure takes place and/or the status of
the individuals who are subject to the exposure. The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
limits for persons in a General Population/Uncontrolled environment are shown in Table 1. The
General Population/Uncontrolled MPE is a function of transmit frequency and is for an exposure
period of thirty minutes or less. The MPE limits for persons in an Occupational/Controlled
environment are shown in Table 2. The Occupational MPE is a function of transmit frequency
and is for an exposure period of six minutes or less. The purpose of the analysis described in
this report is to determine the power flux density levels of the earth station in the far-field, near-
field, transition region, between the sub-reflector or feed and main reflector surface, at the main
reflector surface, and between the antenna edge and the ground and to compare these levels to
the specified MPEs.

 Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE)
 Frequency Range (MHz)                          Power Density ( mW/cm2)
 30-300                                                   0.2
 300-1500                                      Frequency (MHz) * (0.8 / 1200)
 1500-100,000                                             1.0
 Calculated Limit for General Population/Uncontrolled
 Exposure (F =12875 )                                          1.000

 Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE)
 Frequency Range (MHz)                          Power Density ( mW/cm2)
 30-300                                                   1.0
 300-1500                                      Frequency (MHz) * (4.0 / 1200)
 1500-100,000                                             5.0
 Calculated Limit for General Population/Uncontrolled
 Exposure (F =12875 )                                          5.000

                                                                       Page 2 of 4
Formulas and Parameters Used for Determining Power Flux Density
Parameter                          Symbol     Formula               Value             Units
Antenna Diameter                   D          Input                       9.300       m
Subreflector Diameter              Dsr        Input                     118.000       cm
Frequency                          F          Input                   12875.000       MHz
Transmit Power                     P          Input                     128.825       W
Antenna Gain (dBi)                 Ges        Input                      60.200       dBi
Antenna Surface Area               Asurface   π D2 / 4                   67.929       m2
Area of Subreflector               Asr        πDsr2/4                 10935.884       cm2
Wavelength                         λ          299.79245 / F               0.023       m2
Antenna Gain (factor)              G          10Ges/10              1047128.548       N/A
Antenna Efficiency                 η          G λ2 / (π2 D2)              0.665       N/A

Far Field Distance Calculation
Parameter                            Symbol     Formula               Value            Units
Distance to the Far Field Region     Rff        0.60 D2 / λ           2228.659         m
On-Axis Power Density in the Far
Field                                Sff        G P / (4 π Rff2 )     2.161            W/m2
                                                                      0.216            mW/cm2

Near Field Distance Calculation
Parameter                            Symbol     Formula               Value            Units
Extent of the Near Field             Rnf        D2 / (4 λ)            928.608          m
                                                16.0 η P / (π
Near Field Power Density             Snf        D2)                   5.045            W/m2
                                                                      0.505            mW/cm2

Transistion Region Calculation
Parameter                            Symbol     Formula               Value            Units
Transition Region Power Density      St         Snf Rnf / Rt          0.210            mW/cm2

 Region between the Main Reflector and the Subreflector
 Parameter                         Symbol     Formula               Value            Units
 Power Density at the
 Subreflector                      Ssr        4000 P / Asr          47.120           mW/cm2

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Main Reflector Region
Parameter                                    Symbol      Formula          Value        Units
Power Density at the Main Reflector
Surface                                      Ssurface    4 P / Asurface   7.586        W/m2
                                                                          0.759        mW/cm2

Region between the Main Reflector and the Ground
Parameter                                    Symbol      Formula          Value        Units
Power Density between Reflector and
Ground                                       Sg          P / Asurface     1.896        W/m2
                                                                          0.190        mW/cm2

 Summary of Calculations
 Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Uncontrolled Environment
                                                 Max Power
 Region                             Symbol        Densityl                Hazard Assessment
 Far Field (Rff=
 2228.65936083447m)                 Sff             0.216       mW/cm2    Satisfies FCC MPE
 Near Field (Rnf =
 928.608067014363m)                 Snf             0.505       mW/cm2    Satisfies FCC MPE
 Transition Region (Rnf < Rt < Rff) St              0.210       mW/cm2    Satisfies FCC MPE
 Between Main Reflector and
 Subreflector                       Ssr            47.120       mW/cm2    Potential Hazard
 Main Reflector                     Ssurface        0.759       mW/cm2    Satisfies FCC MPE
 Between Main Reflector and
 Ground                             Sg              0.190       mW/cm2    Satisfies FCC MPE

 Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Controlled Environment
                                                  Max Power
 Region                             Symbol         Density                Hazard Assessment
 Far Field (Rff=
 2228.65936083447m)                 Sff              0.216       mW/cm2   Satisfies FCC MPE
 Near Field (Rnf =
 928.608067014363m)                 Snf              0.505       mW/cm2   Satisfies FCC MPE
 Transition Region (Rnf < Rt < Rff) St               0.210       mW/cm2   Satisfies FCC MPE
 Between Main Reflector and
 Subreflector                       Ssr             47.120       mW/cm2   Potential Hazard
 Main Reflector                     Ssurface         0.759       mW/cm2   Satisfies FCC MPE
 Between Main Reflector and
 Ground                             Sg               0.190       mW/cm2   Satisfies FCC MPE

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Summary of Results

The results of the analyses shown above for the 9.3 meter antenna indicate that the maximum
power density exceeds the FCC’s safety limit for uncontrolled environments in only one area,
the region between the main reflector and the subreflector where it exceeds the limit by 46.12
mW/cm2, however no personnel are permitted in this area during any transmissions.

The antenna is located within a fenced area limited to individuals who work at the site. Visitors
can enter through a locked gate with a key card which must be obtained at a separate building
which requires identification before providing the key card. Visitors are advised not to enter the
area of the antennas without being accompanied by staff. In addition, there are hazard signs in
and around all areas near the antennas.

Besides monitoring visitors, the antenna elevation angle to the satellite is at 30.4° in a direction
not looking towards any buildings or towers. At this elevation angle, there no one could get
close to the actual transmitted beam. As the frequency for transmission is at Ku-Band, the
beam is 0.18°.

                     SUBMITTED IN THIS EXHIBIT

I hereby certify that I am a technically qualified person responsible for the preparation of
engineering information contained in this filing, that I am familiar with Part 2, 25 and 101 of the
Commission’s rules, that I have prepared or reviewed the engineering information submitted in
these reply comments, and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am a
registered Professional Engineer. My seal is attached.

                                             By:                           __

                                                     Philip A. Rubin, P.E.
                                                     RKF Engineering, LLC
                                                     Washington, DC

Document Created: 2010-08-04 16:32:38
Document Modified: 2010-08-04 16:32:38

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