DBSD Comments on Tst

COMMENT submitted by New DBSD Satellite Services G.P.



This document pretains to SES-MOD-20100727-00963 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                        Before the
                             Federal Communications Commission
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                      )
TerreStar Networks, Inc.                              )      File No. SES-MOD-
Application for Modification of 2 GHz Band -          )      20100727-00963
Mobile Earth Terminal Blanket License                 )
(Call Sign E060430)                                   )


       New DBSD Satellite Services GP, Debtor-in-Possession (“DBSD”) submits these

comments in support of the above-captioned application of TerreStar Networks, Inc.

(“Terrestar”) for modification of its Ancillary Terrestrial Component (“ATC”) authority.

       In its application, TerreStar seeks ATC rule waivers identical to those granted to DBSD

under its ATC authorization.1 The waiver requests seek relief from ATC technical rules that

originally were designed to protect an aeronautical mobile satellite service that later was

abandoned. These rules therefore are more restrictive than is necessary and should be waived to

allow for more efficient use of the 2 GHz band.

       TerreStar asserts that the waivers will enable TerreStar to enhance network efficiency and

that the waivers closely track waivers granted to DBSD, the only other 2 GHz band MSS/ATC

licensee. TerreStar also agrees to be subject to the same conditions imposed on DBSD,

including the two conditions the Commission attached to DBSD’s waiver of Section

  See New ICO Satellite Services G.P., Order and Authorization, 24 FCC Rcd 171 (IB 2009)
(“DBSD Order”).

25.252(a)(1), i.e., that the waiver will be subject to the outcome of pending proceedings

concerning adjacent-band AWS services2 and that it will not apply to operation of any base

station located within 133 kilometers of a U.S. government earth station receiving in the 2200-

2290 MHz band.3

       DBSD supports TerreStar’s request for relief from overly-restrictive technical

requirements. DBSD agrees that relief from these rules, especially in a manner that enables the

greater harmonization of ATC operations in the 2 GHz band, will lead to more efficient

deployment of services and will serve the public interest.

                                                     Respectfully Submitted,

                                                     /s/ Peter A. Corea

                                                     Peter A. Corea

                                                     Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
                                                     New DBSD Satellite Services GP
                                                     11700 Plaza America Drive, Suite 1010
                                                     Reston, VA 20190
                                                     (703) 964-1400
October 15, 2010

  DBSD Order, ¶ 44.
  DBSD Order, n. 105. DBSD takes no position on TerreStar’s commitment to coordinate with
the National Telecommunications and Information Administration as necessary in connection
with the operation of its base stations in proximity with U.S. government earth stations.


Document Created: 2010-10-15 09:22:46
Document Modified: 2010-10-15 09:22:46

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