Attachment Exhibit 1

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20100727-00963 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                        EXHIBIT 1



                               .Before the
                          Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                              )
TerreStar Networks Inc.                       ) File No.
Application for modification of 2 GHz band    )
Mobile Earth Terminal Blanket License (Call   )
Sign E060430)                                 )


                                                    OF COUNSEL:
  Douglas I. Brandon                                Henry Goldberg
  General Counsel & Secretary                       Joseph A. Godles
  TerreStar Networks Inc.
  12010 Sunset Hills Road                           GOLDBERG, GODLES,
  Reston, VA 20190                                  WIENER & WRIGHT
  (703) 483−7800
                                                    1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.
                                                    Washington, DC 20036
                                                    (202) 429-4900
                                                    Its Attorneys

                                                    Thomas S. Tycz
                                                    GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER
                                                    & WRIGHT
                                                    1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.
                                                    Washington, DC 20036
                                                    (202) 429-4900
                                                    Senior Policy Advisor

July 21, 2010

                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

          Summary ................................................................................................................2

I.        Introduction ..........................................................................................................3

II.       TerreStar’s Waiver Request is Supported by Good Cause ..........................5

          A.         Basis for ATC Rules.................................................................................5

          B.         Basis for Waivers ......................................................................................6

                     1.         Waiver of Section 25.252(a)(1): Base station
                                EIRP spectral density ..................................................................7

                     2.         Waiver of Section 25.252(a)(2): Base station
                                EIRP limit ......................................................................................8

                     3.         Waiver of Sections 25.252(a)(3), (a)(5), and
                                (a)(8): Base station EIRP toward the horizon,
                                power flux density at runways, and overhead .......................9

                    4.         Waiver of Section 25.252(c)(2): Mobile
                               terminal attenuation requirements .........................................11

                    5.         Waiver of Section 25.252(c)(4): Emission
                               measurement ...............................................................................13

CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................14

                                      Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                    )
TerreStar Networks Inc.                             ) File No.
Application for modification of 2 GHz band          )
Mobile Earth Terminal Blanket License (Call         )
Sign E060430)                                       )


           Section 25.252 of the Commission’s rules 1 establishes technical standards

for operation of ancillary terrestrial component (“ATC”) facilities on frequencies

in the 2000-2020 and 2180-2200 MHz bands (collectively, the “2 GHz band”).

Pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission’s rules, 2 TerreStar Networks Inc.

(“TerreStar”), by its attorneys, hereby requests waivers of the Section 25.252 ATC

base station and mobile terminal technical requirements that are described


           These waivers will enable TerreStar to enhance network efficiency and to

align its operations more closely with the needs of its customers. The waivers

closely track waivers granted to the only other 2 GHz band MSS/ATC licensee.

1   47 C.F.R. § 25.252.
2   47 C.F.R. § 1.3.



    The waivers of Section 25.252 that TerreStar is requesting are as follows:

          Section          Rule-BS shall not:         Waiver Request
          25.252(a)(1)     Exceed -100.6 dBW/4        In lieu of spectral density
                           kHz EIRP spectral          limit, base-station
                           density at authorized      transmitter power shall
                           band edge                  be attenuated by a factor
                                                      of (43 + 10*log(P) dB) at
                                                      the band edges
          25.252(a)(2)     Exceed a peak EIRP of      Base stations may
                           27 dBW in 1.23 MHz         generate up to 32 dBW
                                                      EIRP per megahertz of
          25.252(a)(3)     Exceed a peak EIRP of      No limit on peak EIRP
                           25.5 dBW in 1.23 MHz       toward the horizon
                           toward the horizon
          25.252(a)(5)     Exceed an aggregate        No limit on aggregate
                           PFD of –51.8 dBW/m2        PFD at airport runways
                           in 1.23 MHz at airport     or stand areas
                           runways or stand areas
          25.252(a)(8)     Exceed specified           No limit on antenna gain
                           antenna gain limits in     in vertical-plane angles of
                           vertical-plane angles of   two degrees or more
                           two degrees or more        above the main-lobe axis
                           above the main-lobe


           Section             MT Rule                   Waiver Request
           25.252(c)(2)        OOBE from MTs must        MTs may operate subject
                               be attenuated by at       to a uniform (43 +
                               least (70 + 10*log(P)     10*log(P) dB) limit on
                               dB) in frequencies        OOBE in frequencies
                               above 2025 MHz and        above the upper edge of
                               below 1995 MHz, and       the terminal transmission
                               emissions in the 1995-    band
                               2000 MHz and 2020-
                               2025 MHz bands must
                               be attenuated to an
                               extent determined by
                               linear interpolation
                               from (70 + 10*log(P)
                               dB) at 1995 MHz and
                               2025 MHz to (43 +
                               10*log(P) dB) at 2000
                               MHz and 2020 MHz
           25.252(c)(4)        Measurement               The measurement
                               instruments with a        procedure used for PCS
                               resolution bandwidth      and AWS-1 terminals
                               of one megahertz or       may be used
                               more must be used to
                               verify compliance with
                               the emission limits
                               specified in Sections
                               25.252(c)(1) and (c)(2)

        TerreStar demonstrates herein that its waiver requests are supported by

good cause because they are identical to waivers previously granted to the other

operator in the United States of a 2 GHz mobile satellite service (“MSS”) system.

   I.      Introduction

        TerreStar’s wholly-owned subsidiary, TerreStar License Inc., holds a letter

of intent (“LOI”) authorization, originally granted in 2001, to provide MSS in the


United States using spectrum in the 2 GHz band via TerreStar-1, a geostationary

orbit satellite. 3 The LOI authorization permits the use of 10 MHz of this 2 GHz

MSS spectrum in each direction. 4 TerreStar Networks (Canada) Inc., which is

indirectly owned by TerreStar and Trio 2 General Partnership, has been

authorized by Industry Canada to operate TerreStar-1 in Canada.

        TerreStar-1 was launched on July 1, 2009, and on July 19, 2009, TerreStar

completed an end-to-end phone call over the satellite, between two of TerreStar’s

quad-band GSM and tri-band WCDMA/HSPA smartphones with integrated

satellite-terrestrial voice and data capabilities.

        TerreStar-1 is fully operational, and TerreStar is completing final testing of

its Ground Based Beam Forming and other subsystems. TerreStar-1 is poised to

deliver voice and data services over TerreStar’s all IP next-generation mobile

broadband network that combines the power of TerreStar-1, an all-IP core

network, and the latest in smartphone technology.

        On September 30, 2009, TerreStar announced that it had entered into an

agreement with AT&T to bring to market the first fully integrated satellite

cellular smartphone. The smartphone combines 3G terrestrial wireless capability

3 See Order, DA 07-2028 (Int’l Bur., May 10, 2007);TMI Communications and Company, Limited

Partnership, Order, 16 FCC Rcd 13808 (2001); TMI Communications and Company, Limited
Partnership, and TerreStar Networks, Inc. Application for Review and Request for Stay, Memorandum
Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 12603 (2004).
4 See Use of Returned Spectrum in the 2 GHz Mobile Satellite Service Frequency Bands, Order, 20 FCC

Rcd 19696 (2005).


with satellite voice and data in a standard smartphone size and form factor.

Using one phone number and one device, users will be able to access voice and

data services in the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and

offshore coastal waters over either the AT&T cellular network or the TerreStar

satellite network. TerreStar expects to start commercial service in September


            On January 13, 2010, the International Bureau authorized TerreStar to

operate dual-mode mobile terminals that can be used to communicate via either

TerreStar-1 or ATC base stations. 5 In this application, TerreStar seeks to modify

its ATC authority through waiver of Section 25.252.

      II.      TerreStar’s Waiver Request is Supported by Good Cause.

                   A. Basis for ATC Rules

            In 2003, the Commission adopted an order permitting MSS licensees in

three frequency bands, including the 2 GHz MSS band, to integrate ATC into

their MSS networks. 6 The Commission found that permitting ATC operations

would increase spectrum efficiency, enhance coverage, reduce costs, eliminate

5   Order and Authorization, DA 10-60 (Int’l Bur., Jan. 13, 2010) (“TerreStar Order”).
6 Flexibility for Delivery of Communications by MSS Providers, Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd 1962

(2003) (“ATC Order”).


inefficiencies, enhance operational ability, enhance public protection, and

strengthen competition. 7

           In the ATC Order, the Commission established “gating criteria” that MSS

licensees need to satisfy in order to seek ATC authority.8 It also limited ATC

operations to certain core spectrum, which in the case of the 2 GHz MSS band

meant the MSS operator’s “selected assignment.” 9 The Commission also

adopted technical requirements for ATC operations. 10

           In the case of ATC in the 2 GHz MSS band, the Commission adopted

technical rules addressing inter-service and intra-service sharing issues. These

rules were intended to protect other in-band MSS systems and systems operating

in adjacent bands from interference. 11 TerreStar is seeking a waiver of certain of

the intra-service technical rules in this filing.

                   B. Basis for Waivers

           Waiver of the Commission’s rules is warranted when good cause is

shown. 12 The Commission already has granted waivers identical to those

TerreStar is seeking to New DBSD Satellite Services G.P., Debtor-in-Possession

7   ATC Order, ¶1.
8   ATC Order, ¶¶ 66 et seq.
9   ATC Order, ¶ 4.
10   ATC Order, ¶¶ 103 et seq.
11   ATC Order, ¶ 109.
12   47 C.F.R. § 1.3; see also WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153, 1157 (D.C. Cir. 1969).


(“DBSD”), which is the other operator of a 2 GHz MSS in the United States. 13

The findings the Commission made when it granted DBSD’s waiver requests

apply with equal force to the waivers requested by TerreStar. Accordingly, there

is good cause for granting TerreStar’s waiver requests.

                          1.      Waiver of Section 25.252(a)(1): Base station EIRP
                                  spectral density

          Section 25.252(a)(1) states that 2 GHz ATC base stations must limit the

equivalent isotropically radiated power (“EIRP”) spectral density of emissions at

the edges of the operator’s authorized base-station transmission band to -100.6

dBW/4 kHz or less. The Commission has granted DBSD a waiver of this rule

permitting instead that ATC base-station transmitter power (P), in watts, be

attenuated by a factor of (43 + 10*log(P) dB) at the band edges. TerreStar seeks

the same relief.

          The Commission’s rationale for granting DBSD a waiver of Section

25.252(a)(1) also is applicable to TerreStar’s waiver request. The EIRP spectral

density limit specified in the rules was developed to protect a Boeing AMS(R)S

system that has since been abandoned, 14 and the Commission found that

applying the attenuation limit proposed by DBSD instead would harmonize the 2

GHz MSS limit with the limit that has been proposed for AWS base stations

13 See Order and Authorization, DA 09-38 (Int’l Bur., Jan. 15, 2009) (“DBSD Order”). The waivers

were granted to DBSD’s predecessor-in-interest, New ICO Satellite Services G.P. (“ICO”). In the
interest of simplicity, TerreStar uses “DBSD” in this pleading when referring either to DBSD or to
14   See DBSD Order, ¶ 43 & n. 102.


transmitting in the 2155-2180 MHz band. 15 The same is true for TerreStar.

TerreStar, moreover, is agreeable to the two conditions the Commission attached

to DBSD’s waiver, i.e., that the waiver be subject to the outcome of pending

proceedings concerning adjacent-band AWS services 16 and that it not apply to

operation of any base station located within 133 kilometers of a U.S. government

earth station receiving in the 2200-2290 MHz band. 17 TerreStar is prepared to

coordinate with the National Telecommunications and Information

Administration as necessary in connection with the operation of its base stations

in proximity with these U.S. government earth stations.

                           2.    Waiver of Section 25.252(a)(2): Base station peak
                                 EIRP limit

          Section 25.252(a)(2) requires that 2 GHz ATC base stations generate no

more than 27 dBW (approximately 501 watts) EIRP within a bandwidth of 1.23

megahertz. The Commission granted DBSD a waiver permitting its ATC base

stations to generate up to 32 dBW (approximately 1585 watts) EIRP per

15   DBSD Order, ¶ 44.
16DBSD Order, ¶ 44. Also, like DBSD, TerreStar will coordinate, pursuant to the procedures
outlined in Section 24.237 of the Commission’s rules, with Fixed Service stations in the 2160-2200
MHz band that have not been relocated. See DBSD Order, n. 101.
17   DBSD Order, n. 105.


megahertz of bandwidth. 18 TerreStar hereby requests a waiver applying the

same limit to its ATC base stations. 19

          The Commission’s Section 25.252(a)(2) findings are applicable to TerreStar

as well. As with 25.252(a)(1), this rule was developed to protect Boeing’s

AMS(R)S system. In light of Boeing’s decision not to proceed with the system,

the Commission found, “it would serve the public interest to allow … ATC base

stations to operate within a radiated power limit consistent with the

Commission’s base-station power limits for comparable terrestrial wireless

systems.” 20 The Commission also determined that “a PSD limit of 32 dBW/MHz

is consistent with … [its] established limit of 1640 watts (approximately 32 dBW)

EIRP for non-rural AWS-1 base stations and non-rural PCS base stations with

antenna heights of 300 meters or less, which the Commission has also proposed

to prescribe for non-rural AWS base stations transmitting in the adjacent 2155-

2180 MHz band.” 21 The same principles apply to TerreStar’s request for a waiver

establishing a PSD limit of 32 dBW/MHz, and TerreStar has no objection to

making its waiver, like DBSD’s waiver, “subject to possible revisions in light of

18   DBSD Order, ¶47.
19TerreStar previously was granted a waiver permitting its base stations to generate a peak EIRP
of 32 dBW independent of bandwidth. See TerreStar Order, ¶¶ 23-24.
20   DBSD Order, ¶47.
21   DBSD Order, ¶47 (citations omitted).


decisions the Commission may adopt in pending proceedings on adjacent-band

AWS services.” 22

                         3.   Waiver of Sections 25.252(a)(3), (a)(5), and (a)(8):
                              Base station EIRP toward the horizon, power flux
                              density at runways, and overhead

          DBSD was granted a waiver of three rule provisions – Sections

25.252(a)(3), (a)(5), and (a)(8) - that were “devised to accommodate the projected

protection requirements of aircraft receivers in a non-geostationary Boeing 2

GHz MSS system.” 23 Section 25.252(a)(3) provides that 2 GHz ATC base stations

must not generate EIRP toward the horizon in excess of 25.5 dBW within a

bandwidth of 1.23 megahertz. Section 25.252(a)(5) requires that 2 GHz ATC base

stations not generate aggregate power flux density of more than -51.8 dBW/m2

within a 1.23 megahertz bandwidth at any airport runway, aircraft stand area, or

takeoff or landing path. Section 25.252(a)(8) establishes limits on 2 GHz ATC

base-station antenna gain in vertical-plane angles of 2 degrees or more above the

main-lobe axis.

          The Commission granted DBSD’s waiver request because the Boeing 2

GHz MSS system Sections 25.252(a)(3), (a)(5), and (a)(8) were developed to

protect “was not implemented” and because TerreStar, which is the only other

operator of a 2 GHz MSS system in the United States, had “explicitly acquiesced”

22   DBSD Order, ¶ 47.
23   DBSD Order, ¶ 49.


to DBSD’s request for waiver of these rule provisions.” 24 The waiver grant is

subject to the condition that “[if] TerreStar or a successor-in-interest commences

providing 2 GHz MSS aeronautical service,” DBSD “will be obliged to resolve

any harmful interference with aircraft reception of satellite downlinks in the

2190-2200 MHz band caused by operation of its ATC base stations.” 25

          TerreStar respectfully requests waivers of Sections 25.252(a)(3), (a)(5), and

(a)(8) identical to those granted to DBSD. 26 The principal rationale for the DBSD

waivers – that Boeing’s 2 GHz MSS system was not implemented – also supports

TerreStar’s waiver requests. And just as TerreStar had acquiesced in DBSD’s

waiver requests, so DBSD has acquiesced in TerreStar’s. DBSD is a party to a

coordination agreement in which it committed to support requests for waiver of

Section 25.252 filed by TerreStar that are identical to those previously requested

by DBSD. Further, TerreStar has no objection to a condition, like that applied to

DBSD, requiring it to resolve harmful interference from its ATC base stations to 2

GHz MSS aeronautical service provided by another operator. Accordingly, there

is good cause for TerreStar’s request for a waiver of Sections 25.252(a)(3), (a)(5),

and (a)(8).

24   DBSD Order, ¶ 49.
25   DBSD Order, ¶ 49.
26The Commission previously waived for TerreStar a related provision, Section 25.252(a)(4),
which requires a minimum separation of 190 meters between ATC base stations and airport
runways, aircraft stand areas, and aircraft takeoff and landing paths. See TerreStar Order, ¶¶ 20,
22. TerreStar also was granted partial waivers of Sections 25.252(a)(3), (a)(5), and (a)(8), see
TerreStar Order at ¶¶ 20, 22, 25-26, and now seeks to have these provisions waived completely in
accordance with the DBSD precedent.


                           4.      Waiver of Section 25.252(c)(2): Mobile terminal
                                   attenuation requirements

           Section 25.252(c)(2) requires out-of-band emissions (“OOBE”) from 2 GHz

ATC mobile terminals to be attenuated by at least (70 + 10*log(P) dB) in

frequencies above 2025 MHz and below 1995 MHz, and requires emissions in the

1995-2000 MHz and 2020-2025 MHz bands to be attenuated to an extent

determined by linear interpolation from (70 + 10*log(P) dB) at 1995 MHz and

2025 MHz to (43 + 10*log(P) dB) at 2000 MHz and 2020 MHz.

           The Commission granted DBSD a waiver of the part of these requirements

pertaining to emissions in frequencies above 2020 MHz. Under this waiver,

DBSD’s ATC mobile terminals may operate subject to a uniform (43 + 10*log(P)

dB) limit on OOBE in frequencies above the upper edge of its terminal

transmission band. 27 The Commission found that a uniform (43 + 10*log(P) dB)

limit “will harmonize the upper-end emission limit with the OOBE limit that the

Commission has proposed for AWS terminals transmitting in the adjacent 2020-

2025 MHz J Block and will not adversely affect Broadcast Auxiliary Service

(‘BAS’) or Electronic News Gathering (‘ENG’) in frequencies above 2025 MHz.” 28

           TerreStar requests the same waiver. TerreStar’s mobile terminals operate

in the 2000-2010 MHz band, which is 10 MHz further from frequencies above

2025 MHz than the 2010-2020 MHz band employed by DBSD’s mobile terminals.

27   DBSD Order, ¶ 61.
28   DBSD Order, ¶ 61 (citation omitted).


If a uniform (43 + 10*log(P) dB) limit for DBSD’s mobile terminals “will not

adversely affect Broadcast Auxiliary Service (‘BAS’) or Electronic News

Gathering (‘ENG’) in frequencies above 2025 MHz,” then of necessity the same is

true, and more so, for a uniform (43 + 10*log(P) dB) limit for TerreStar’s mobile

terminals. There is good cause, therefore, to grant the same waiver for TerreStar.

                           5.      Waiver of Section 25.252(c)(4): Emission

           Section 25.252(c)(4) requires that measurement instruments with a

resolution bandwidth of one megahertz or more be used to verify compliance

with the emission limits specified in Sections 25.252(c)(1) and (c)(2). DBSD

requested and was granted a waiver permitting it to follow the measurement

procedure used for PCS and AWS-1 terminals. 29 TerreStar requests a waiver

giving it authority to use this alternate procedure.

           In the DBSD Order, the Commission found that use of the alternate

procedure “would have no adverse consequences” and “is the most appropriate

way of measuring out-of-band emissions into adjacent spectrum.” 30 These

findings furnish good cause for the waiver TerreStar is requesting.

29   See DBSD Order, ¶¶ 63-64.
30   DBSD Order, ¶ 64 (citation omitted).



       For good cause shown, TerreStar’s waiver requests should be granted.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          TERRESTAR NETWORKS INC.

                                          By:   /s/Douglas I. Brandon
                                                Douglas I. Brandon
                                                General Counsel & Secretary
                                                TerreStar Networks Inc.
                                                12010 Sunset Hills Road
                                                Reston, VA 20190
                                                (703) 483−7800


  Henry Goldberg
  Joseph A. Godles
  1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.
  Washington, DC 20036
  (202) 429-4900
  Counsel for TerreStar Networks Inc.
  Thomas S. Tycz
  1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.
  Washington, DC 20036
  (202) 429-4900
  Senior Policy Advisor

July 21, 2010

Document Created: 2010-07-21 15:54:19
Document Modified: 2010-07-21 15:54:19

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