Attachment RF Study

This document pretains to SES-MOD-20100702-00861 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                       FCC RF Hazard Compliance Analysis
                                  Prepared by
                          MTN License Corporation
                          6.3 Meter Ku-band Operation
In connection with a license application by MTN License Corp. (MTN) for operation of a
6.3 Meter Ku-band antenna at the Holmdel earth station, the following assessment is
provided of compliance with the FCC limits for maximum permissible exposure (MPE) to
RF fields.
Based on the mathematical analyses described herein, the potential RF exposure levels
in all areas of possible interest are in compliance with the applicable FCC limit for
controlled or occupational exposure. (Access to the earth station antenna is restricted to
trained personnel). The proposed operation is therefore in compliance with the FCC
regulations and exposure limits.
The sections that follow provide the analysis and conclusions regarding compliance.

1 Operational Data
The relevant data for the subject operation is summarized as follows:
       Transmitting Frequency Band:               13.8 – 14.5 GHz
       Antenna Manufacturer / Model:              Vertex 6.3 KXK1
       Antenna Type:                              Aperture (Cassegrain)
       Antenna Dimension:                         6.3 meters (diameter) (20.67 feet)
       Antenna Efficiency:                        63 %
       Net Power Input to Antenna (at flange): 357.45 watts
       Antenna Height AGL:                        7.62 meters (25 feet)

2 Applicable MPE Limits
The MPE limits are described in the FCC Rules and Regulations. For the frequency
range of interest here, the applicable limit for acceptable, continuous exposure of the
general population is 1.0 milliwatt per square centimeter (mW/cm2), and for “controlled”
occupational exposure, it is 5.0 mW/cm2. As is the case for all antennas at the Holmdel
earth station, access to the antenna is restricted to trained MTN personnel, and thus the
latter limit applies.

3 FCC Formulas and Calculations
FCC Bulletin OET 65 provides standardized formulas for calculating the power density in
both of the areas of interest here: (1) directly in front of the antenna, at the face and
farther away but still in the main beam; and (2) to the side of the antenna. Each area of
interest will be addressed below and the results of the calculations are given.

3.1   Potential exposure level directly in front of the antenna
The worst-case possible exposure occurs right at the surface (aperture) of the antenna.
According to Bulletin OET65, the applicable formula for power density, S, at the antenna
surface is as follows:
Where: P represents the antenna input power; and,
       A is the surface area of the antenna.

In this case, with 357.45 watts antenna of input power at the flange, an antenna
diameter of 6.3 m (20.67 feet), the power density at the antenna surface is 4.59
mW/cm2, which is lower than the 5.0 mW/cm2 MPE limit. Even so, when a technician
needs to perform work in this area (which is more than 11 feet above ground level),
standard RF safety procedures will be applied and power to the antenna will be removed
during the period of the work.
The formula for near-field, on-axis power density, directly in front of the antenna is as
       S = 16 * η * P / (pi * D²)
Where: η represents the antenna illumination efficiency; and,
       D is the antenna diameter.
In this case, when we apply an illumination efficiency of 63 %, the result of the
calculation is 2.90 mW/cm2, which satisfies the occupational MPE limit. The calculated
result here is also used in the analysis of potential exposure to the immediate side of the
antenna, which is addressed in the subsection that follows.

3.2   Potential exposure level to the side of the antenna
The near-field power density drops off dramatically outside the imaginary cylinder
extending from the surface along the axis of the main beam of an aperture antenna.
According to Bulletin OET65, if the point of interest is at least one antenna diameter
removed from the center of the main beam, the power density at that point would be at
least a factor of 100 lower (20 dB) than the value calculated for the equivalent distance
in the main beam.
The previous calculation of the power density immediately in front of the antenna)
resulted in a value of 2.90 mW/cm2, which is equivalent to 57.96% of the limit and is in
compliance. Since the RF levels outside the hypothetical cylinder extending from the
aperture is lower than inside the cylinder, the RF levels to the side of the antenna are
clearly in compliance as well, and at ground level (11.63 feet below) the RF levels would
be lower still.

4 Compliance Conclusion
Based on the result of the analysis with regard to the potential exposure levels in all
respects – at the aperture of the antenna, to the side of the antenna, and at ground level
– and taking into account the access restrictions and standard safety procedures, we
conclude that the operation of the 6.3 meter Ku-band antenna by MTN at the Holmdel
earth station satisfies the MPE compliance requirements in the FCC regulations.

Report prepared by

Robert Hanson
Vice President Regulatory Affairs
MTN Satellite Division
SeaMobile, Inc.
3044 N Commerce Parkway
Miramar, FL 33025

Document Created: 2010-07-01 18:42:04
Document Modified: 2010-07-01 18:42:04

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